06 June, 2021

darling, look into my eyes, and tell me what's inside (part LXXXIII)

(Roleplay-ish. Continued from part LXXXII.)


Some days, she admits, she just sits in the nursery, watching her children sleep. It's not that they're that vastly entertaining, but...it comforts her, to watch them.


Of course, sometimes they're awake, and ask odd questions she does her best to answer. All children do.


She has neglected one aspect of their education, assuming they were too young, and that lessons to discover the nature, and any limitations, of their shapeshifting abilities should come first. But considering Athena's hijinks, she should perhaps begin the basics of dimensional travel, and see whether they take after their father, or herself.


The bigger question is, how. How does she begin to train them on the intricacies without opening
yet another portal on the sim? This is a quandary.


Though the seahorse in little Enoch's paws is so darned cute.


She sighs, and goes to pry Cleopatra out of the floor. Yes, it's more than time she teaches them these things.

(Continued in part LXXXIV.)