10 June, 2021

I tried to pray for a new reality (part LXXXVI)

(Roleplay entry. Continued from part LXXXV.)

The Duchess stepped to the door. Right, then. Time to tackle the next problem.


She looked from Gearhaven across the Dark Sea towards New Alexandria. She should be able to see New Alexandria. She was not seeing New Alexandria. Hence the problem.


She took the port Deebs had sent when she was in the tank, and landed...in New Alexandria. It was...here? But...how?


She was confused. How could it be here and gone? She started researching, pulling up all the information on the land she had. Nothing. All settings looked normal...


Was it something with the sigils at the crossroads? She checked, and no, they seemed to be perfectly in order.


She stared towards the Arcanist's tower. Everything seemed to be in order there, too.


In utter frustration, she murmured the flight spell she'd memorized, and used to often it was rote, and went aloft, flying out directly over the bay. She could see the Face islands in the Dark Sea, she could see Gearhaven clearly...She was confused. She flew farther out and turned.


It was there.


An hour of her life spent on the ground in New Alexandria, trying to figure out why the land was hidden, and...the solution to see it was just to fly out from its shores back towards Gearhaven?? WHAT??

She finally sighed, flying back to Darktow and setting foot on the small island once again. She contacted the Arcanist.

"It's back now," she murmured into the comm. "No, I don't know why."

She sighed, slumping on the lounger under the parasol. Chalk it up to one more thing that was buggy about Gearhaven...

(Continued in part LXXXVII.)