21 June, 2021

in a room that's growing dim, illuminated from within (part 6)

We start off bright and not-early with no.match:


This is "NO_CRUISE", which I'm wearing in shade #24 from the RED HUD, and female size 1. This is another one I'd buy in a heartbeat if I wore short hair these days.


This is "NO_MAX", which I'm wearing in shade #25 from the BLACK-WHITE HUD, and size 1, busty.

[[Not shown: "NO_MIRACLE", a very messy updo, which I cannot track down the picture for, and I cannot be bothered to go back at this point, frankly.]].


And this is "NO_WILL", which I'm showing in shade #12 from the FANTASY HUD, and in style 2 (style one omits the sunglasses). There's also a menu that will tint the frames of the sunglasses to one of several shades.

You can find no.match on the Blonde sim.


Next up, theMARS, and their first style, "Hensley". I'm showing it in shade #14 from the Browns HUD.

[[Not shown: "James".]]


This is "Juliet", and I'm showing it in shade #15 from the Unnaturals HUD.


And this is "Ronnie", another male style, and I adjusted this both positionally and through the resize menu. It's intended for a much larger head. It's shown in shade #10 from the Reds HUD.

You can find theMARS on the Blonde sim.