16 September, 2019

she said, "Lightnin', I'm figurin' to sail, I'm sailing on today"

These exist. I'm not sure why I expected coffin shoes not to exist, we have everything else--coffin bookcases, coffin backpacks and purses, sex coffins...why not shoes?

In other news...I realize the Twisted hunt this fall is all about damnation. Which, for most Christians, at least many of the American ones, means fire and brimstone and heat. I get that.

But wau, Sinful Needs, this is the single most unflattering lighting scheme you could have come up with. It's slightly better once folks move off the port-in pentagram, because that's a light source too. But between the glowing pentagram and the walls crawling with flames, it's stunningly wrong.

At any rate, the place profile said:

Fun interactive haunted house haunted mansion Halloween costumes horror scary ghosts spirits haunting spooky creepy pumpkins graveyard tarot seance ouija board cemetery bats grave evil zombie fun house maze laboratory free costumes
Well, okay then. But the usual question: have I been here before?

The trail of bloody footprints to the door isn't exactly reassuring.

Oh, my goodness. I have been here. But not for years...in fact, I think it was one of the first haunts I covered in SL!

I should have remembered the couch's instakill option.

Because there's always a nursery in a haunted house, right? For...reasons.

And I definitely should have remembered the ghosts that kill upstairs.

I did find the "secret" hidden laboratory...for the second time. And no, not telling you where. Very old school, yes, obviously considering the last time I was here it was 2016, but still worth it for the completionist.