24 September, 2019

by the way, you've been uninvited

This seems to be the year for strange nostalgia, so, since I think it's also been several years, let's revisit Chilbo Manor.

Their blurb says
Public is welcome to tour the Chilbo Haunted Mansion and Chapel. Enjoy a collection of some of the best "haunted finds" accumulated through the "SL ages."
You may also want to stop in at the charming Apollo Theater while visiting the area.
Right. Let's go!

It...honestly doesn't look like it's changed at all.

It's like a rat in aspic, preserved perfectly, glistening and yet somehow still repellent.

Really. Absolutely nothing has changed, save for maybe the collection of Norman Reedus Walking Dead game rips upstairs. (Note from the Editrix before publishing: nope. They were here too, back in 2015.)

I mean, if you've never seen, and you really like haunts, then sure, take a trip. But if you've been before...trust me, there's no reason to go again. At all.