06 September, 2019

just a table standing empty by the edge of the sea

Did you know The Naked and Afraid Challenge group existed? I did not. I'd say it's totally up the alley of a friend of mine, who tries to spend as much time naked as she can, but...she's also not fond of being scared, so...that may not work.

At any rate, tonight we're visiting Pendle Hill, to see what's changed. Their description is fairly comprehensive:
Pendle Hill-

Photogenic Creepy Island,Witches,HP Lovecraft,vintage horror,wastelands,dystopian,haunted house,halloween,Silent Hill,Fallout,urban decay,stalker,survival horror,abandoned city,carnival,kids,neko,romantic public hangout,popular,photography,photos,roleplay

Oh, yes. I remember this place. Though some things have changed, it still has that same air of genteel decay sliding into outright disrepair. The fog creates a dour, melancholic atmosphere, and there's something to look at from practically any direction.

The Pendle Hill sign is rather overgrown, but I suppose the residents have more pressing concerns, to be fair.

Someone's been busy learning alchemy. Either that, or it's the house elves' magick shoppe. (And yes, they are instantly recognizeable, and while I don't have proof that they are direct rips, as in, I don't know if there's ever been a Harry Potter 3D game, it's still disappointing to find the derivative on an otherwise excellent, original sim.)

While trees always observe, in their own quiet ways, finding one actually with glowing eyes is a tad bit unnerving.

A fellow traveler! Hail and well met! Direct me to the haunt!

Well, that's not good, someone's waiting for me.

At this point I crashed, but I feel these images stand representative of the whole. And in all honesty, I could spend all of September photographing Pendle Hill and still find new things to see. It is a very well done sim, more atmospheric and dread-inducing than outright terrifying, but sometimes...sometimes, unease is better. Don't you think?

{Belated note from the Editrix: One more for the road, which will make more sense when tomorrow's entry publishes.

{I trust that is sufficiently...monolithic as a tribute.}