FUN tribute THE HAUNTED MANSION RIDE and WHYMSEE HAUNTED SIM date night family Thrill Ride scary haunted house carnival AMUSEMENT PARK Rides dance club horror EVIL DEAD hunt GREEDY Oculus vr halloweenAll right, then.
The pumpkin dancers are all kinds of cute. But. This event has a rotating door, and I got solidly stuck both attempts to walk through, and finally had to spin my camera to the front and walk through that way. That is massively irritating.
Was this the Haunted Mansion tribute ride I caught last year? I can't tell.
That's...kind of creepy.
This fireplace. So iconic. And this is an excellent reproduction.
This room I know well, too. They seem to be running the soundtrack for the actual mansion, as well.
And I swear, this is a picture of Uncle Creepy.
More to come! (Also late note from the Editrix: Yes. Yes, I have been through here before. They've just updated with a bit of animesh beforehand.)
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