30 September, 2019

I've got these excuses, they're tired and they're lame

This one's long.
[12:16] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : and you can kiss my blogger [a**]!! my [v*gina] is so [f**king] pink you down syndrome retard. I HATE MEN AND MY [F**KING] KIDS!!! little bastards stress me OUT!! Ahoooah how about a cruise ladies? im a libertarian MY HUSBAND IS A [B*STARD C*NT] get the wine!!
I had just logged in after an RL morning out. Name left deliberately intact, so you can feel free to block as well. The only editing I did was to asterisk some of the curse words.
[12:16] jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: just block it
[12:16] lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: someone feed the troll plz? Its being annoying lol
It's worse than that. Pull Ellen's profile. She's apparently an Apple Fall group moderator, and a blogger manager (whatever that is) for 1313 Mockingbird Lane.

So that seems like an honest, upstanding avatar, but if you look--and I almost missed this myself--it's not Ellen sending this. It's this 'Q' person. Who is a bit over one year on the grid, and other than sounding like she has an attitude, has nothing that indicates there's no cheese left on her cracker.

So...why target Ellen? Was Qui'ona hacked? Was it side effects of new medication? Did Qui just wake up this morning and decide by lunch, she was going to go completely mental?
[12:16] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: closes group chat
Not the worst response.
[12:16] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sad
And then she sent it again.
[12:17] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:17] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:17] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:17] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:17] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:17] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
She sent it ten more times--in a row--past these six sends.
[12:17] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: is [Nxxxxx] on?
No sooner had that been sent, than Qui set in again.
[12:17] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
Which was followed by nine more sends of the same exact message.
[12:18] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: report her
I did.
[12:18] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:18] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:18] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:18] Xxxxx Nxxxxx: #blocked
[12:19] Txxxxxx Cxxxx: uhm. ellen get hacked?
See, that's what I thought too! But no, Qui's just using her name. It's very fool-the-eye--or at least, fool-the-perception--and scary, to boot.
[12:19] Wxxxxxxxxx Bxx: ????
[12:19] lxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: mental health check?
If she hasn't had one, Qui needs one.
[12:19] Mxxxx Cxxxxxxx: id say took me a while to blooc but finally got the right one
[12:19] Txxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: That wasn't from Ellen, just referred to her.
I admit, I was embarrassingly slow on the uptake to figure that out at first.
[12:19] Mxxxx Cxxxxxxx: ikr
[12:19] uxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: O.o wtf is that spam
It qualifies.
[12:19] Txxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: You want to block .::Qui'ona::. (espixa)
[12:20] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: noo she is repeating what Ellen said to her
[12:20] Mxxxx Cxxxxxxx: thats the one i blocked
She's not, though. It looks like she is, but if you really look at the formatting, all she's done is pull in Ellen's name--somehow--but there's no time stamp. And Ellen's name would not be clickable if all she was doing was quoting things said to her. No, this is all from Qui's toxic little brain.
[12:20] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: we need a Mod to ban her from the group
[12:20] Ellen (ladyellent): she is most certainly not repeating anything I said to her
Lady Ellen's name left intact, as well, because she's fake-quoted in the strings of Qui messages.
[12:20] Txxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: What she *claims* Ellen said. Or what whoever faked her account claims Ellen said
[12:20] Ellen (ladyellent): This is what I said to her

[12:20] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: ohhhh wow Ellen, than I apologize
[12:20] Ellen (ladyellent): its okay
[12:21] Ellen (ladyellent): at least you didnt message me to eff off like a bunch of people from other groups have now doe
I feel personally culpable for this, as well--I didn't message her, thank all the gods, but I originally pulled this entry together with every intent of putting her on blast. She is not the responsible party here, but because of the trickery used in Qui's posts, she looks like the one responsible, and that is very, very wrong.
[12:21] Txxxxxx Cxxxx: poor ellen *hugs her*
[12:21] pxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oo different ell my apologies
No, that's the point, it was never Ellen, at all.

And then Qui surfaced again.
[12:21] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:21] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:21] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: group hugss Ellen
[12:21] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:21] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:21] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:21] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:21] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
She continued spamming that same line TWENTY-ONE more times.
[12:22] Txxxxxx Cxxxx: theyre still doing it.
They were. And here we go again:
[12:22] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]

Followed by SIX MORE lines of the same.
[12:24] Txxxxxx Cxxxx: i just reported them
Which is good, I did the same, but...
[12:24] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
[12:27] sxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wow spam much
Apparently. All over the place. Qui really has a vendetta against Ellen for some unknown reason. And, speaking of Qui...
[12:27] Brianna Marie (themanyfacedgod): I think someone hacked her
No one hacked Ellen. It's all Qui. I don't know how she did it, I'd love if someone could explain the mechanics of how to make both the avatar's name, and another avatar's name beyond it, individually clickable.
[12:28] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
FIFTY-THREE more lines of spam later:
[12:28] txxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: orr not. never mind - she's copying someone else. wow. issues much - blocked
[12:28] Axxxx Gxxxxxxxxx: nah, it's just espixa. she's been attention trolling all day.
[12:29] Ellen (ladyellent): i did not say those things
[12:29] Ellen (ladyellent): i said this
[12:29] txxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I know you wouldn't Ellen
[12:29] txxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You're a sweetheart
But such considerations do not matter when there's a crazed spammer on your tail.
[12:29] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]

FIFTY-SIX more lines of spam.
[12:30] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: We get it.
Apparently not, because Qui felt she still had to reinforce the point:
[12:30] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
And six more times after that.
[12:30] Lxxx Zxxxxxx: wth
So said we all.
[12:30] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
The above was followed by twenty-six more of the exact same spammed line.
[12:31] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: I have contacted LL about her
A lot of us did, but Qui was still prattling on.
[12:31] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
That, plus eighteen more lines exactly the same.
[12:31] Ellen (ladyellent): Thank you
[12:31] Ellen (ladyellent): I sent a report for harassment
Good. This is definitely targeted harassment.
[12:31] Axxxxx Gxxxxxxxxx: i've got the chat logs from this morning that probably set all this off if y'all need them
That might help. I hope he sent them to the Lindens.
After eight lines of spam, Ellen--the real Ellen--spoke again.
[12:31] Ellen (ladyellent): this is what set it off, I said nothing in group
[12:31] Ellen (ladyellent): sorry for posting that again
In this instance, likely completely forgiven.

Thereupon followed a blissful two entire minutes of chatter about actual group-related content--sales on cute clothing, stores that had gifts for the group, that kind of thing. Peaceful. And then:
[12:32] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
Only four more lines of spam at that point, and then more actual conversation broke out until another minute--a literal, 60-second minute--had passed.
[12:33] espixa Resident: underneath your [p*nis] tip smells like [p*ss] de la cheese. don't talk to my coffee until my coffee had its coffee ugh mondays its funny cause men are stupid. dont talk to me. dont talk to my coffee. tell the kids i said hello x
I'm seriously thinking Qui has had a complete mental break with reality, and in all seriousness, needs to be hospitalized. But at least it was not the same offensive line?
[12:34] Sxxxx Kxxxxx: tmi
[12:34] txxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: orr not. never mind - she's copying someone else. wow. issues much - blocked
And then Qui moved back to the EXACT SAME LINE OF ABUSE:
[12:34] .::Qui'ona::. (espixa): Ellen (ladyellent) : [[actual message omitted because it's exactly the same]]
Ten lines that time.
[12:34] Txxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: Oh lordy
[12:34] Jxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx:
[12:34] ixxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: well thanks for the spam
[12:34] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: she has been reported in live chat and filed an RA on her
[12:34] bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Ngl this is ruining my day. I have a headache now.
I'm sure most of us did at this point.
[12:34] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: no kidding
[12:35] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Well, that was certainly entertaining for 10 seconds.
[12:35] sxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it was a hacked account? or a bored "kid" ?
Not hacked, so...
[12:35] Axxxxx Gxxxxxxxxx: Bored kid.
[12:35] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: she has been doing it for the last hour and half
And, based on later conversation, she was doing it with the same faking of Ellen's avatar name and the same--or similar--offensive messages this morning, as well.
[12:36] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'd verge on the latter
[12:36] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: closing chat going back to my photoshoot
[12:40] Axxxxx Gxxxxxxxxx: i'm going to go get some tea and take a nap, because little miss d*ck cheese has also given me a headache.
[12:40] Ellen (ladyellent): I'm sorry guys. I feel like this is partly my fault
Why? For asking that someone who was sending out vile streams of abuse stop? That is totally not your fault. Qui's insanity, Qui's issues, totally Qui's problem.
[12:42] Vxxxxx Mxxxxx: you are not responsible for this behavior. don't apologize for this.
[12:43] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: Ellen you arent and I told that in the RA
After I figured out the issue, I did too. It was a big of a struggle to get the account name to link in the abuse report--apparently sometime between spamming and reporting, she changed her display name, and that apparently threw off the finder field? Weirdness.

But she has been reported, by a great many of us, and she was also banned from the group, so...I am sincerely hoping this doesn't happen again.