23 September, 2019

Mirie it is while sumer i-last

This seems a fairly decent conversation; while the original question has been removed, as r/secondlife's Rule 4 is post nothing against ToS, the question is retained (mostly) in Reddit's email to me. Under the title "Copyrighted content for personal use and Linden Lab", this question: "I am not sure if this has been discussed before. I want to upload a mesh model to use as an avatar from a different game for my personal use, I don't want to sell it ever. My question is: does Linde". Her question finished with something close to "Linden labs allow this?" And the easy answer is no. No copyrighted content from other games.

But there are some valuable viewpoints in the comments, one of which had this link, which, while it discusses a specific case of copyright infringement, also contains valid information on what is and is not allowed.

Still, the simple answer works: no, we are not allowed to upload copyrighted material from any other property without permission from that property. Now, if we have permission to make an avatar, clothing item, object, from the rights holder? Go to town. But without those rights it's copyright infringement, and there can be penalties for that.

In other news...the leaves are changing!
13th Autumn In Caledon... boo!
Sun, Sep 22 2019 12:39:35 AM PDT

Miri it is while sumer i-last
With foulës song;
Oc now neghëth windës blast
And weder strong.
Ei, ei, what this night is long,
And Ich with wel michel wrong
Sorwe and murne and fast.
This is from the earliest surviving secular song known in English. Oddly, I knew the summer version, but I'd never heard this one.

Are you bored with cooking? Want a challenging recipe or two to follow? Try AI cooking may not help you eat, but it will give you a challenge to follow.

And in other other news, this chat capture about Marvel vs. DC:
[21:34] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: There will really be a JOKER movie coming out soon.
[21:35] Emilly Orr: Yes, but it's non-canonical according to DC.
[21:36] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but it has the DC logo?
[21:36] Emilly Orr: Sure. It's from DC.
[21:36] Emilly Orr: What they're saying is, they're making it, but it's alternate universe.
[21:37] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh, yes..an alternate world.
[21:37] Emilly Orr: Like the What If series Marvel used to put out--What if Wolverine was a vampire? What if Iron Man turned evil? What If took those concepts and did one-offs based on them.
[21:38] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Sounds like fun..and The Joker movie looked interesting.
[21:38] Emilly Orr: So, yes, we are getting a better reboot of Joker than we got with the execrable Suicide Squad, but unless it, itself, spawns a sequel, that movie's Joker won't cross over into other DC films.
Apparently, dissatisfaction with Jared Leto's Joker performance is so high that, while Suicide Squad is getting a sequel, it's turned into a story of Harley breaking up with him and striking out on her own with other superheroines.
[21:39] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lets hope not, He looked just as scary as the others.
Actually, the only thing that comes close in the terms of "official" Joker portrayals that comes close to Leto's is the time in the comics where Joker cut his own face off. (There are pictures of the panel. I am not linking them. You want to go search, they're not hard to find.)
Every other portrayal could line up with the new alt-Joker upcoming.
[21:43] Emilly Orr: While that is true, at least the upcoming Joker would never tattoo "Damaged" across his forehead in italic script. Because really? Really? Come on now. And silver teeth? Really?
[21:44] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: apparently this Joker did not end up in a chemical bath like the original did.
[21:49] Emilly Orr: No, he actually has an incredible reason for becoming the Joker. Hard, hard life, in a hard, violent city, when all he wanted to do was lighten the mood. And getting ground down day after day until there was nothing left. Nothing but the Joker.
[21:50] Emilly Orr: It's entirely plausible.
[21:50] Emilly Orr: I am tentatively looking forward to it.
[21:50] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: True.
[21:51] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: I don't know how DC could have the characters they do, and mess up their movies so much in comparison to Marvel.
[21:51] Emilly Orr: Oh, I can answer that.
[21:52] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: It is hard too translate what the creators and writers of Comics into a Movie.
[21:52] Emilly Orr: So, Marvel is more cohesive--it's always been an umbrella company with multiple departments. They're all interconnected, the movie people talk to the tv people talk to the comics people talk to the toy line people.
[21:53] Emilly Orr: Versus DC. DC maintains a singular, monolithic upper office, with distant toy lines (which is why sometimes costumes, faces and such are off on the toys), an entirely separate TV/animation branch, and an entirely separate movie branch.
[21:53] Emilly Orr: If you watch DC animation, it is BRILLIANT. Smooth lines, great art, great plots. Genuine heartfelt characters that feel RIGHT.
[21:54] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: DC's big Justice League movie with all their major characters made only 659 million worldwide
[21:54] Emilly Orr: Yes. That figure includes DVD/Blu-Ray sales. It's staggeringly bad.
[21:54] Emilly Orr: But the upper brass doesn't talk to the 'lower' companies.
[21:55] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: That is only about 40 million more than "Ant Man and the Wasp"
[21:55] Emilly Orr: Case in point: one of their animation series, Justice League, I think, was doing amazingly well. Popular, people wanted to watch, wanted to interact, wanted to buy product tie-ins.
[21:55] Emilly Orr: DC upper brass canceled it. Because too many girls were fans.
[21:55] Emilly Orr: And they wanted boy fans.
[21:56] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: Dumb.
[21:56] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: Marvel just wants people's money. Smart company :)
[21:56] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Too my obseervations over the years..ever since after the "Crisis of infinite earths' comic books both DC and Marvel have gotten more violent
Actually, the violence comes and goes. Violence is always somewhere, but some things are played more to the heart, some things are played more for laughs, some things are just knock-down, drag-out fighting. Flow and ebb.
[21:56] Emilly Orr: Which...is not how the world works anymore. Just as there were always female fans of so-called "male" properties, they're even more visible now.
[21:56] Emilly Orr: Exactly.
[21:57] Emilly Orr: Now, granted, Marvel sold off some of their bigger characters (hence why, until the last two Avengers movies and the first Spider-man movie in between, Spider-man was under the control of Sony Entertainment), and what they had left was the B-roll.
[21:57] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: I don't follow the comic books. Too expensive.
[21:57] Emilly Orr: But look at what they've done with it.
[21:57] Emilly Orr: Iron Man went from a dated, suffering timeline to a headliner through several films.
[21:58] Emilly Orr: Guardians of the Galaxy, an absolutely NEGLECTED comic, has two movies and a third planned, and show up in cameos in Avengers films.
[21:58] Emilly Orr: People embraced these characters because all Marvel really dd was say "Hey, we like these guys. We think you will too."
[21:59] Emilly Orr: DC, on the other hand, relies far too much on their target demographic figures, and how to push them in the direction the head office wants them to go, not the direction they organically go.
[21:59] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: I really liked Captain Marvel. I'm told by people who are more into the comics that the character has always been kind of d-list in comics. But the movie was great and made over a billion worldwide.
[21:59] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yesh, but they only made two Fantastic 4 movies..and they did not appear in End game.
[22:00] Emilly Orr: There's a reason for that, Fantastic Four is cursed.
[22:00] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: I thought Marvel did not own the rights to them or to the X-Men.
[22:00] Emilly Orr: NO ONE has ever made a successful Fantastic 4 film. EVER. The only success they've ever had beyond the comics is about a year run in animation.
[22:00] Emilly Orr: They don't anymore, which is also why X-Men movies are being made by other people.
[22:02] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: There are4 (Mavel) Captain Mavels..one a Kree with power bands on his wrist, the other Afro american female whose power was Light and lasers( I liked Her), Ms. Marvel, and an other alien.
[22:02] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: I'm probably atypical of Marvel movie fans. I never see them in theaters. I rent them over the Internet several months later.
[22:03] Emilly Orr nods
[22:03] Emilly Orr: Not the worst pattern, not everyone likes the theatre experience.
[22:03] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: Or several years in some cases. I'm still waiting to rent Infinity War and Endgame back to back.
[22:04] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: And yes, I know who dies. I can't help it :)
[22:04] Emilly Orr smiles
[22:04] Emilly Orr: I actually managed to dodge the spoilers!
[22:04] Emilly Orr: We saw Endgame for the first time last night.
[22:04] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I have not bought a comic book in five years..no..since 2000..if i do, i go too Barns& noble and buy a graphic novel..collected stories.
[22:06] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Good night, Caledon. Sweet dreams
[22:06] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: Goodnight
[22:06] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hugs Emilly and Elenabeth.
[22:07] Emilly Orr hugs Kara
[22:07] Emilly Orr: Good night!
And that was that. Though I still think my conclusion is correct: Marvel suffered a financial blow, sold off some successful properties, and is now making the best with what they've got left. DC is trying to play to the safest bets, with overdone market research, and ignoring half of it, and won't let writers really write for the movies. And as a result, they're hamstringing themselves.