08 January, 2021

they got a name for the winners in the world, I want a name when I lose

Dropped into the middle of, of all things, a texture group chat:
[14:00] DSR5O: DJ Stix (stixguy.nightfire) Your young ladies order are ready sir ^^
The what now?
[14:00] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Pardon?
[14:01] sxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ?
[14:01] Sxxxxx Oxxxxxx thinks that was a miss-group
[14:02] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I...hope so, but I admit I am intrigued!
I am. I mean, it seems pretty clear to me, but...
[14:02] pxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Laughs
[14:02] Sxxxxx Oxxxxxx: yea... no comment.. *giggles and keeps working on the Pirate Jail*
[14:03] pxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: loves wrong chat hiccups sometimes
[14:03] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Just for providing girls? Harsh, [Sxxxxx]!
Does seem a bit of overkill.
[14:04] pxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ha ha but if selling then not good .an actually profile is 3 days old .
[14:04] dxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: cafreful, [sxxxxx] might toss em in jail lol
[14:04] pxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so dont click
[14:04] pxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: be wary block ..
[14:05] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Wau, three days in world and already thriving in the black market. That's ambition.
[14:05] dxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: LOL
So, I was curious and pulled the profile. Yep, just three days old. His total SL bio?
"Welcome to the DSR Family and BDSM Community 5k ph IM me for times and availability."
[14:05] pxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol .. i am trying to get enough to tip DJs after 5 years ...
[14:06] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Laudable
But then, later...
[14:13] DSR5O: Kasey Korvin You two ladies order is ready for you ^^
[14:15] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Okay, I JUST saw something like this in another group. What gives?
It's the same guy! What the...
[14:16] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol 3 days old. its alt and scam
[14:17] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Yeah, but what scam is it FOR? It's not asking for money, it's not asking for us to pay rent, WTH, dude....
[14:17] mxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Attention!
[14:17] Bxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Is it Kevin?
We have a running joke in this particular group about that name, because an avatar named Kevin kept showing up at the group events, and standing around and begging for Lindens.
[14:17] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yup
[14:17] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, it's Korvin. Does that count?
[14:17] Bxxxx Rxxxxxxx: close enough
Yeah, probably. Total waste of oxygen, again.

[14:20] DSR5O: Kasey Korvin You two ladies order is ready for you ^^
It's the EXACT SAME GUY! Something is up.
[14:20] DSR5O: Kasey Korvin You two ladies order is ready for you ^^
[14:20] dxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ?
[14:20] Rxxx Gxxxxx: doubly you tea eff
[14:21] Bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: bet wrong group ?
[14:21] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): IT'S THE SAME IDIOT
[14:21] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): He's hitting all the groups
So I pulled his profile again to have a closer look. He's actually in a group called "!_@ SPAMMMM @_!". I don't even want to know.

He's also in a group called "I Mute Stupid People", there's some irony for you, and as for the rest of his profile--the only picture for the front is two hands holding a black leather ball gag, no picks, and on his FL page, it says
Italian, Pansexual i like it both ways ^^
What I'm doing today I'm absolutely doing again tomorrow :D
So he's going to spam people out of existence tomorrow? Fabulous.

I reported him. So did a bunch of other people. I hope he loses the account.