29 January, 2021

come here, say it, spit it out. what is it exactly?

It begins again:
[15:02] sxxxxxxxxx Sxxx: Hi sexy


Just...out of the blue, bald, like that? Really?
[15:03] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And...you are?
[15:03] sxxxxxxxxx Sxxx: Hi sexy
[15:03] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Right, so...you are?
He sent me another one.
[15:05] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Okay, again with this. Who ARE you??
Because I still had no clue.

Enough time passed, I thought he'd given up, then...


No, really, please, keep sending me these things.
[15:37] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I'm not going to accept friending you until you tell me how you got my name, or where you know me from.
I really thought we were done, again, then...


Would be nice if he'd actually say anything else.
[15:38] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Right...do you not...speak English? I tend not to friend people blindly.
So I pulled the profile. His total SL bio:
Слава БОГУ (Thank God) ♛
♛ ♕ ♚ ♔ LOVE GOD ♔ ♚ ♕ ♛
亗 ℓσνє кιηg 亗 Love True ♛
☦️ Херувимская (Cherubic) ☦️ песнь (song) ☦️
亗 . RIGHT HAND ♛ 亗 . OF DEAR GOD 亗 .
♛ Свети Архистартег (Holy Architect) 亗 Архнагел Михајло је Архистартег Свих Ар ♛
(Archangel Michael thе Architect With All)
Oh. This idiot. I've run across him before. Yeah, I can just ignore him from here.

At that point, the event ended, I moved on, spent a lovely bit of time with someone very dear, and after he had to leave, I was asked to spend some time with someone else. And that was going quite well, until...


Why. Just...why.
[17:23] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And...you are?
[17:23] jxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i am a fan
[17:23] jxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i want [f*ck] you later
SERIOUSLY?? THAT'S your lead-in??? My gods, dude. You cannot be serious.
[17:23] jxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: :D
Oh, don't even. I find nothing amusing about this.
[17:25] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I...see
[17:25] jxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok
Great. Night of the Living Doofuses.

I pulled his profile. Portuguese, I think, this one:
Não espere demais das pessoas,pois assim quando te derem algo será sempre mais do que vc imagina, e quando te decepcionarem não fará diferença!! (Don't expect too much from people, because when they give you something it will always be more than you think, and when they let you down it won't make a difference !!)

At that point, I was actually looking forward to logging off, which happens vanishingly rarely. Why me? What the hell do I do that attracts these morons?

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