14 January, 2021

fire one more torpedo, baby, watch the kitchen sink

(Roleplay entry, a'course.)

It had been a normal day of checking in at Haven, unpacking some lab equipment in the new orbital lab above the moon, and I'd just flown down to the main town to check in with the store. And then...


What the HELL?!?

I didn't even know anything until Justine shrieked, because she'd heard something pound, HARD, against the back wall of the store. We checked the security feeds and found one of the snow snakes battering its head against the back wall to get in to us.


Which is when we both realized we didn't have our Anti-Arc ankle bracelets on. Apparently they are that voracious.


The only plus side? I think it got its head wedged between the corner of the transport crate and the back wall of the store.


And this is when I learned, again, that my little Derringer-strength palm pistol is USELESS because I'm still a crap shot.


In utter frustration, I pulled open the Preferences menu and pored over everything with a fine-tooth comb, and finally, I found something that might help--under the Mouselook sub-menu, there was a little tick box to allow crosshairs to be shown. Well...hell, that wasn't on already, I'd known that, I just hadn't known where to look before!


I ticked the box and crept closer, terrified, while the snake flailed in frustration trying to get free, and went into mouselook again. Missed with the first shot but the second shot--BANG!

I'd done it! I'd killed a snek!

I need gin.