We're going to pick up in the middle of this, because I logged in in the middle of it:
[20:09] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: why
[20:10] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: what rule does it break
[20:10] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: You can list the mainstore where the mainstore is located
[20:10] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: [Qxxxxx] is not resale
You don't have to be strictly resale to be considered a mall in SL.
[20:10] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: Creqatos of Mainstores rent spaces in the [Qxxxxx] Mall. And by definistion that is a mall. Rentals are not allowed
I think she meant 'Creators'?
[20:10] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: i don't understand what you mean by mainstore. Most of those are the mainstore
[20:11] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: no they are not. They are smaller versions of the mainstore. They are Franchse stores
[20:11] Mxxxx Kxxxxx: o-o
[20:11] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: for example [Kxxxx] has lots of stores
Okay, that's actually a great example. So the store she's referring to makes textures. They have a lot of branches in addition to the mainstore. Say they put out a freebie box of textures, or put up an MM. If those were in the mainstore, they could be posted. But their branch that's in the couple of texture malls I know they're in--some of the same places Timeless Textures is in, and at least one that features Timeless, Kushi, USC and Vita, if I recall correctly--they couldn't list the things, because being in a mall would preclude that.
[20:11] Mxxxx Kxxxxx: you ok there [axxxx]...? it looks like slurs...
I think those are just typos, honestly.
[20:11] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: why can't you list it
[20:12] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: it seems like you are trying to protect some competition you favor is what it looks like
[20:12] Mxxxx Kxxxxx: oof
[20:12] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: Definistion of a Mall: a large building or series of connected buildings containing a variety of retail stores and typically also restaurants.
[20:12] Mxxxx Kxxxxx: DEFINITION
[20:13] Mxxxx Kxxxxx: -.-
[20:13] Mxxxx Kxxxxx closes this chat
[20:13] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: Keep it up [Rxxxxx] and you wll be banned for arguing with a mod
[20:13] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Any store, even the main store a business has, if they rent space in a group of other stores, is considered a mall and is disallowed by this group.
[20:13] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: lol.. yeah.. ask [dxxxxx] about that
Oh, babycakes, no. Do not try to use one mod to intimidate another mod. One, they actually talk to each other, and two, mods in this group have a wide variety of powers. There are no 'junior mods' that can just warn in text. If you're a mod for this group, you can bounce people, no questions asked, and the only way another mod is going to be surprised by that is if the first mod that did the ban had to suddenly leave and the other mod logged on. Otherwise, they'll leave an IM or a notecard. These are
NOT uninformed people.
[20:13] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: Im simply asking questions
But they're really, really,
STUPID questions, Ms. R.
[20:13] Jxxxxx Dxxxxx runs and hides
[20:13l lxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: not only is it a mall, it has the word "Mall" in the name lmao
Well, if the mod decision didn't do it for you, that would. Give it up, Ms. R. You're fighting a battle that's already been lost.
[20:13] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: yeah it does have the word Mall in the name
[20:14] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Timeless is a great case in point--they were allowed here, they're not now, because when she rebuilt, she invited her friends in, so it's now her store that anchors about six total, which qualifies as a mall.
And, when that happened, I fought Dragon tooth and nail over her decision to disallow Timeless to post in this group, because she'd been such a standby before. In fact, Timeless' owner had put the entire business into a large skybox above the ground level, so that even though the sim was rated Adult, there was absolutely zero Adult action in any of the stores in the sky.
But note that "any of the stores". When Timeless restructured, she became the main store, and all the little wings of her old store that were run by different people (thereby, making it a group business, not a solo effort, but
NOT a mall) were given their own, separate buildings to develop. So now it's her and four or six outbuildings, all connected by cobblestone paths.
Which means that by this group's definition, she was now a mall, and was no longer allowed to be posted.
[20:14] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: [Rxxxxx]. [Dxxxxx] is the one who put [Qxxxxx] on our sm/store ban list
[20:15] lxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it's a freaking mall and it's not allowed according to group rules. You don't like the rules, leave group and make your own group with your own rules XD
[20:15] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: well, im talking about banning me for asking questions
[20:15] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: that's what I meant about asking [dxxxxx]
[20:16] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: I'm talking about Banning you for argung onw hat a mall is and is not and does not want to listen to me when I say it is not allowed and the reason I gave. and you want to continue to argue with me about it.
Yeah, at this point, Ms. R doesn't seem to realize she's going to be bounced for being confrontational and combative. It's not about "asking questions".
[20:16] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: and don't worry [Dxxxxx] knows all aobut it. In fact, I'm the one who trained on when she first became a mod.
[20:16] bxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Because you keep questioning when the mods gave you the reason why the malls aren't allowed
[20:16] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: One of the main ones
[20:16] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: she doens't know that you threatened me
Well, that won't last for long, she'll be told. And 99% chance she'll support Ms. A's call here, because this group's mods trust each others' judgement.
[20:16] lxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yup, that is not asking questions, that is trolling
[20:16] Rxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: when i am constantly providing free things to this group
So, hold up. You're "constantly providing free things" to the group, and you don't know the group's rules? Did you recently suffer a head injury?
[20:18] dxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: th thing i think is Hilarious? Events In a MALL are allowed in here but a place with 6 shops isnt? Not Sure how that one works exactly,, but mkkay.
Um, Ms. D., are you paying attention? Events/MM boards/gifts/cheap offers in a mall are
NOT allowed, and a place with six connected stores--hence,
A MALL--are
NOT allowed. You're not making sense.
[20:18] Xxxxx Mxxxx: O_O
[20:18] Xxxxx Mxxxx: simply accept rules, and stop
[20:18] Xxxxx Mxxxx: goodness
[20:18] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: Time to move on everyone. It's been taken care of
Which means Ms. R has been bounced for being an idiot. Okay.
[20:19] dxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: They make thier oen "rules" and circumvent them whenever its vonmvienient for them? lol
No, actually, they don't. What groups are you thinking of? Because that doesn't happen here. Their rules
ARE frequently overly restrictive and irritating, but they don't haphazardly violate them on a whim.
[20:19] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: gues what! they can do that! its their group
Sure, but they don't.
[20:19] Xxxxx Mxxxx: its their group, their rules, and now thats it for me, buy everyone
[20:19] dxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yeah, Its Called hypocrisy
[20:19] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) sits back with popcorn.
[20:20] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: no its called their rights
What? Whose rights, the group owners/mods or the people in the group? I don't understand.
[20:20] dxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: If rhey make Rules even THEM hould follow them or why have them at all
[20:20] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: i smell an alt
[20:20] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: you dont have to join
[20:20] dxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'm Not an Alt. and ive wintnessed thia behavior for YEARS
Really? Because I've been in this group for a solid six, seven years now. And I can guarantee you, they don't blindly break their own rules. Disagree with those rules all you want, but if you see people breaking the rules in the group chat, it's not the mods.
[20:20] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: no one is forcing youi to be here
[20:21] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: if it disturbs you, why stay in the group?
[20:21] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: but if you want to be here theres code of conduct
[20:21] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: you signed up for it
[20:21] Jxxxxx Dxxxxx shakes her head
[20:22] dxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yes but there is Nothing saying i cannoit voice an Opinion if i think things are Being overly enforced and taken advantage of.
Well, yes and no. You can always raise a
POLITE query, and see if you can get a better answer as to why a mod is doing a given thing, and this can be done in main chat or in IM. I've done both. But once you get an answer, it's generally a good idea to move on. If you harp on the point and blather about how unfair it is, the mods will just bounce you.
[20:22] ixxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: one can still always say what they think. And complain if they consider that they have to.
[20:23] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: i think it says no weenie whinning
[20:23] dxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yep. and what i said was an Observation, If people find it offending then thats on them ?
Well, I'd say again that's up to interpretation. If a mod takes it the wrong way, gods help you.
[20:24] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: [Group name] is an international shopping group for daily notices about news, sales and nice gifts!
Our blog: [their blog]
Our flickr: [their Flickr]
NOT ALLOWED in chat:
Store ads/spam/self-promotion
post more than 3 lines
MP and most outside links
Criticizing stores/gifts
Disco/Club/DJ ads
Most Adult sims/items
Pay MM/LBs/gifts
RP: OOC only
AO with adult anim
Question? contact [someone who's no longer in SL, but is still listed in the group description] or [someone else who's never in SL these days, but is still listed]
[20:24] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: drama / rudeness = weenie whining
[20:25] Sxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: weenie whining? ... get that often? .. most try to make it be bigger than it really is ....
[20:25] ixxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I mean, I'm late to the party, but you're all being rude with her
[20:25] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: so stop it
Which her, though? The idiot R, who's going to get bounced out on her pointy little head any moment, or the mod the idiot R is being rude to?
[20:25] ixxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: "no talk, just leave"
Ah, so you mean the idiot R, then.
[20:25] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: This is SL and gorups in SL does not have to be Democratic. We have rules. I warned about keeping up with arguing with a mod about what a mall is and is not, would not stop. She got what was comng. Now, it's time for everyone to drop it.
[20:25] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: amen
[20:25] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: If you don't like the rules and how mods and owners runa group, you do not have to stay.
[20:26] ixxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: DEMOCRATIC? WOW
[20:26] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: amen
[20:26] ixxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: NOW ITS POLITCAL
[20:26] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: democratic is a general term
Yeah, so, there are a few definitions for democratic. One is political, true. The others are all some variety pertaining to equality and level playing fields more or less.
[20:26] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: as it was used by [Axxxx]
[20:26] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: it is not political in this form of the meanning
[20:27] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: context
Which should have been enough, but...
[20:27] ixxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: which is basic human rights in here and everywhere
Yeah, you're wrong here.
[20:27] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: small d not big D
[20:27] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: noooo democracy is a form of government created by humans, it's not a divinely bestowed thing
Now you're really wrong.
[20:28] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Sorry in private clubs and groups WE make the rules.
[20:28] lxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: omg you talk so much yet you know so little, go educate yourself [Txxxx]
[20:28] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Someone completely misunderstands democracy. And politics.
[20:28] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Only the government can be accused of violating your rights.
Again, not true.
[20:28] ixxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You sure bout that
Pretty sure, yeah.
[20:28] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: when youi signwed up you read the rules and agred to it
[20:28] qxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: eeeeeeeeek hands out cheese coated chill pills, lots of groups in sl, some to suit everyone
[20:28] ixxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: It is a bit ridiculous come on everyone
[20:29] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Hey, not the group's fault if you didn't read the rules when you joined. Or the about once a week when they're reposted.
[20:29] ixxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Lol.
[20:29] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: we be sliding haha
[20:29] Axxxxxxxxx Lxxxxxxxx closes the window for a while until everyone might have calmed down or eaten some of [Mxxxxx]'s chill pills...laters guys 'sighs'
[20:30] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: its not. i see these people log in and bless us with kindness constantly and then folks pit in their eyes for doing their job which is to enforce the rules
Well, not constantly, but I will say I've posted more Scenes from Chats where it's this group, than any other group I'm in.
[20:30] qxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: anyone badmouthes [Dxxxxx] is getting raisin toast from a mouse, and heres a clue...theres no raisins
[20:30] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: also closes chat and enjoys her home
[20:30] mxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: so no not ridiculous
[20:31] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): For the record, I'm not upset, I'm just amused.
[20:32] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Did I miss drama? I just logged in.
[20:32] ixxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I mean how you're handling it, but ok. Still, nobody is perfect.
[20:33] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Mass drama, [Rxxxxx], but it's probably for the best. It's 50/50 going to calm down, or going to get out of hand.
[20:34] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Maybe 60/40 going to calm down.
[20:34] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Okay. I'll keep my eyes open while I'm on then. Try to keep things from going bad.
[20:35] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: something nasty crawled into my ims but it's gone now
I love this reference to the person bounced whining in IMs.
[20:35] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: be careful out there, lovelies :)
[20:35] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Okay.
[20:35] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: time to write some notices! LOL
[20:36] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) snerks at 'something nasty'. She suspects the something has now been bounced from the group.
[20:36] lxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it crawled into mine too, twice, even though I didn't even reply
[20:36] Jxxx Mxxxxxxxx: Send complete information, bail money, and disavow all knowledge of this conversation, and all will be taken care of.
[20:36] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Wow
From here, the conversation turned normal, and I was very glad for it, but damn. Talk about entitlement. "Why can't I do whatever I want in someone else's group, this is undemocratic and a violation of my rights!" Dream on, chicklet. It's so not.
Though I will list one more comment, of mine:
[20:37] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): They could've crawled into mine, I can tell them *exactly* how effective arguing with [Dxxxxx] is. :D