28 July, 2021

paid for your time, paid for your time, boy, hold on (part CXXVI)

(Roleplay entry. Continued from part CXXV.)

"Exterminatus is the name in High Gothic of an action ordered by the highest authorities of the Imperium of Man to destroy an entire planetary biosphere and all life upon a world. This action is only taken in those extreme circumstances where a potential or actual extinction-level strategic threat to the entire Imperium exists on the planet and might spread to other Imperial worlds. Exterminatus is typically only used as a last resort, when the price of holding or retaking the world for the Emperor is deemed too high, or the threat of mutation, disease or Chaos heresy spreading to the rest of the Imperium is too great to contain by conventional means. Thus Exterminatus has very rarely been used on vital or strategically valuable planets to the Imperium. Typically, the order may only be given by a high-ranking Imperial commander in the Astra Militarum, Imperial Navy or the Adeptus Astartes, or by a full member of the Imperial Inquisition. An Exterminatus action can be carried out in many different ways, as outlined below."
Justine nods, hiding behind a bulkhead. "Makes sense, STAN. Cancel Exterminatus protocol, STAN."
Cyclonic Torpedoes returned to holding bay."
Justine breathes a sigh of relief as the EXTERMINATUS PROTOCOL letters fade from the screens, then freezes in place.
"Atmospheric Purge of Tannhäuser Station countdown in progress. All carbon based life forms are referred to shelter. All Synthetic life forms should seek shielding from EMP. All thaumaturgic entities should prepare for banishment and bind if in the reality bubble at time of event."
Justine blinks, peering into the corridor. What??
"Station purge is 30 minutes.
Transfer critical digital assets to Imperial Orbital Environment at [[[Location redacted]]]
Hiro In a Box uploaded and transferred
Gearhaven Blockchain Keys transferred
Gearhaven mp3 files backed up
Digital photos
Audible archive books"
There was a pause, then:
"Upload complete. Digital Assets Secured off Station. Deleting on-station files.
Hiro in a box
Copy of Silent Running
Blueprints for
Gearhaven 1
The Necronomicon
The great books of the western world
Time-Life records: Coachella
Tannhäuser Gate Vaccine database
Evidence of political corruption in various sims."
Justine looks for drones, then moves down the corridor toward the hanger bay.
'Hi stranger'
Destroying backup on ocean floor"
Justine watches in horror as the screen plays a grainy image of what looks like the Dark Sea. Then:


In New Alexandria, Dejah watched the Wards shimmer.

--Now that our Wards have been strengthened, Dejah, let me show you how--

Beyond the dome, there was a sudden crack of thunder and a brief burst of light. Had the protective Ward not been in place, it would have been blinding. A storm wave of cloud and water and steam boiled towards the city; the expanding blast broke on the Ward, passing to either side and beyond, leaving the waters of the city unruffled.

Dejah looked, shaken, at the churning Dark Sea, and then at the tower of the Library.

--Perhaps that can wait. Instead, watch as I solve the theorem for Archimedes' Mirror...

Onboard Tannhäuser, the screen wipes while Justine stands, staring, and shows three more words, larger, in brilliant gold:
The last words scroll up and disappear. Then:
"STAN Documentation. Primary Programing
The Sphinx Templar Autonomous Network is an AI agent responsible for controlling the Tannhäuser Gate Station. Its primary directives are:
#1. Protect the Duchy of Gearhaven and preserve continuity of the house and its protectorates IN PERPETUITY and AGAINST all threats.
#2 Provide the continuity of the House by backing up all data: biological, digital and magical to allow a reboot of the Duchy and its protectorates.
#3 Eliminate any threat to directives 2 and 3 by any means necessary without exception. And...with no restraint."
Justine runs for her shuttle.

(Continued in part CXXXII.)