18 July, 2021

cruel tricks of romance degraded by their spite

This one's a doozy.

So I was hugging a very close friend at the Chelsea Hotel, when a stranger walked up and IMed me.
[13:48] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lookin good
[13:48] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Thank you.
[13:49] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: my pleasure
I didn't see a real need to respond to that, especially as said close friend was leading me upstairs to his apartment, so we could sit, and cuddle for a bit, and talk out the issues of the day. But seven minutes later:
[13:56] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: emily is it
[13:57] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Emilly, yes.
[13:59] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: pretty name to compliment the face
I'm not stupid. I knew he was coming on to me. I also knew I wasn't exactly giving "Yes, take me now!" answers. Plus, I'd pulled his profile in the intervening time.


All the pages are like this. No bio. No picture. No groups. No picks. No FL bio. No FL image.

Nothing. Man's a completely blank.
[13:59] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im [cxxx]
Of course you are.
[13:59] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Hi, [Cxxx].
[14:00] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: (takes one of your hands, kissing lightly)
[14:00] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: a bit better acquainted right
[14:01] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): A bit, yes.
[14:01] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) smiles.
I'm still waiting for the play...
[14:03] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: pretty smile too i see
[14:03] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: seems were both enjoying the hotel
[14:04] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, they do a lot of poetry readings here.
[14:05] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: the artistic type eh
[14:05] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I dabble, but there are some really good poets here.
[14:07] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ya dont say
[14:07] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): You just missed a big gathering, actually. They were reading in voice.
They were. I missed most of it, sadly, but I was glad to hear what I did. There's some really phenomenal poets on the grid.
[14:10] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: were they
[14:11] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i enjoy the arts myself
[14:11] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: including poetry
[14:11] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: seems we have something in common
...Good? I mean, I'm still looking for the angle...I know it's coming.
[14:11] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Then you're in the right place.
[14:12] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: what is your favorite poetic style to use
[14:14] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, I personally write prose, but I love blank verse and villanelles.
[14:18] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i like both, tho i have to admit I prefer poetry
[14:18] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: something about it
[14:18] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: stirs the emotions ya know
[14:18] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) nods
[14:18] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Many do.
In fact, the friend I was, at this point, hanging out on a couch with upstairs, has had this debate with me--is free verse poetry, or is it just rearrangement? As a largely prose writer who employs free verse, I'm on the side of, it is another school of poetry. (He is not. It's a fun thing to discuss now and again.)
[14:27] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: one of my favorite authors has always been c.s. lewis
[14:27] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: tho for more than he's famous for
[14:28] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: if you havent read some of his poetry you should check it out
[14:28] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): C.S. Lewis is decent, yes.
Which is all I felt comfortable saying...Tell me someone's a fan of the Narnia books, I'll nod, but tell me they're a fan of C.S. Lewis' poetry, or essays--both largely religious--well, I will get a specific impression in my head, and it's usually tied to 'smile and back away slowly'.

This is likely unjust, but it's the first thing that comes to mind.

Much later:
[14:42] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: a girl's got good taste
[14:42] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) smiles
[14:42] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: who's your favorite poet
[14:43] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Walt Whitman
Hands down, that will always be my answer.
[14:43] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: another genius
[14:43] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: he has some good quotes too
[14:43] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): He does
[14:44] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: like his thoughts on god are really interesting
[14:44] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i dont think they were judao christian tbh
[14:44] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): They are, yes.
[14:44] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: he saw god as cruel
Well...I mean, if you read the book...
[14:44] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Who, Whitman? He wasn't.
[14:44] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and it reflects in his poems
[14:47] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: didnt think so
[14:54] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: on the darker side, i think poe and lovecraft have some good stuff too
[14:54] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: while we're still on whats classic
[14:54] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ive dabbled in alot of different genres so im inspired by alot
[14:54] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and ongoing
[14:54] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: with newer writers
[15:03] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) nods
[15:03] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I adore Poe and Lovecraft
[15:03] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And Wilson
Turns out I meant to say "Chambers", the author of the King in Yellow, and somehow crossed wires with Robert Anton Wilson, the cartoonist....but okay.
[15:17] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: a good old time poet as well
[15:17] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: let me grow lovelys a favorite
I could not then, and cannot now, remember a single poem Robert Anton Wilson was famous for. Certainly not something called "Let Me Grow Lovelys". But there is a Karle Wilson Baker, who wrote a poem called "Let Me Grow Lovely", so...maybe her?
[17:45] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: was heading out to enjoy the evening beach weather awhile
[17:45] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: we might share poetry together
[17:45] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) smiles
[17:45] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Perhaps!
And I moved on with things. I thought the conversation was clearly over.
[17:52] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: tending to something else in the meantime actually, why dont we try meeting there around 7 o clock SL time
[17:52] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: gorgeous spot
[17:53] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: maybe even share a few drinks with our poems
And there it is.
[17:53] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Ah, well.
[17:53] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): That may be an issue. I'm gone from SL usually from five pm SLT to 8 to 8:30 pm SLT, all nights.
[17:53] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Though tonight the shoppers are still out shopping, so dinner hasn't been called yet :D
[17:55] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ah, i c
[17:56] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And, if you're thinking drinks and poetry, then you should know in advance, my dance card's kind of full
[17:56] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Friends are fine, dates are--there's not enough time in the day at this point
[18:02] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: that popular huh
[18:03] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, I wouldn't put it in those terms. But one partner, one owner, one mate, two girlfriends, three boyfriends--it adds up.
Now, this is not me bragging. I'm not carving notches in any of the bedposts in the beds I happen to sleep in. This was more--I'm booked. I don't have time to get involved with anyone else. Sort of a heads up before things go further.

Was that the wrong thing to say? Should we have started going on coffee dates, going to wine bars, reading each other poems, before I said anything? In my mind, that's even more cruel.
[18:09] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: never was one to contribute to a bitches power. rather take it away from her
[18:09] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [f**k] you
[18:09] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Excuse me?
[18:10] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Where, in anything I've said since you said hello, have I indicated any attempt to seize power?
I'm dead serious. Where in the whole of this conversation, to this point, have I said I want to wrest male power away from men at all, in any way? I do believe the boy is projecting.
[18:13] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Enjoy the rest of your SL, I suppose.
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: congratulations, you've won the hypergamy award.
I had to look this one up. Turns out he's using it wrong, though weirdly, it's accurate for me--hypergamy refers to the practice of marrying someone of higher social status or position than oneself. And I am clearly aware of this--the only reason I'm a Duchess now is I married a Duke. So fair cop there, but--I don't think that's what he meant.
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i keep my eyes open for women that i at the end of the day deem to be pure [dog sh*t]
Was that necessary?
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: now keep your eyes open, i got a little gift coming for you today.
Haven't seen it yet.
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: revenge is sweet bitch.
If you say so.
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh and here's a little something else since you like poetry:
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: a blank stare
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [p***y] wet
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: entitlement
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: watch her twitch
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: dont be caught in
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: the facade she emits
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: that how you tell
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: she's a witch
I mean, I've read better, but it has a slight catch to it, especially the last three lines.
[18:34] Txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: now burn in hell
[18:34] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): You seem upset.
I had to leave soon after, for RL, but...wau, this man spun on a dime. There is a term for that, which I'm not going to employ here, but it is coming to mind.

{Late insert from the Editrix: It came to my attention that the blurred-out profile still contained the username on top, and there was one visible instance of his username in the quoted chat, and that has been changed. The profile I'll change if I have time, frankly. Consider it a warning to the women in SL not to associate, because anyone who ramps up this quickly into spewing hate from "I am seeing other people, I don't want any more romantic relationships" is someone who doesn't like women anyway. So best to avoid.}


Anonymous said...

You labeled this one under "confusion" (among other things). Spinning on a dime is putting it mildly. The attitude he was exhibiting makes absolutely no sense to me. I think you handled it perfectly.