04 July, 2020

what they can't comprehend must meet its end

You ever walk into a place in SL and you swear, you can smell the incense and that particular fragrance of old books, and dust on stone?


Yeah. Helel's Apotheca is like that.

Seen at Aenigma, sort of a post-apoc event for all comers:


Seems legit.

And font butts are a thing? I never knew!

In the meantime, part the first, an observant reader may have noticed I've been changing things, just a wee bit, around the wee blog. The banner was done in ninety minutes; tracking down all the little charity logos, though....We're moving into the second week. I am beginning to regret being the charity pimp that I am.

How'ver, they will--sloooowly--change, as I get them done. So, expect that.

In the meantime, part the second, something completely different! *cough* This chat opened with folks complaining about a beggar at the event the group's about. But oh Lord, it did not stay there:
[06:22] Mxxxxx Exxxxxxx: where is this group from ? I'm not even a member ! how did you even get me involved ?
Meet our protagonist, Little Miss Clueless. She's a DJ in SL, so I will go out on that limb and say that usually, that implies a working brain.
[06:22] Pxxxx Sxxxxxxxx: you have to be a member [Oxxx]..
(I should also add, the 'O' mentioned above is also our protagonist. It's her display name.)
[06:22] Pxxxx Sxxxxxxxx: otherwise you can't see the chat at all
[06:22] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: you aren't involved
[06:22] Pxxxx Sxxxxxxxx: and its just general chat that's all lol
[06:23] Pxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: ahhhh [group] chat in the morning... *sips her coffee*
[06:23] Emilly Orr: I mean...unless you're typing in a coma
I mean...am I wrong?
[06:23] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: someone that stupid doesnt know there a member of a group and believes someone added them to it lol
Welll...at the risk of throwing stones at my own glass house, 'stupid' is a tad bit harsh. But still. Unless one has their account hacked, or for some bizarre reason, a Linden logs in as that person, no one can add anyone to groups who isn't in that group already on their own. It's not like someone searches someone's name online and grabs their email from that; the system is direct. One avatar, one click from that avatar, nothing else works.
[06:25] Mxxxxx Exxxxxxx: why am I even in this chat
Well, that's your issue, Clueless, not ours.
[06:25] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: quit
[06:25] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: Yes you is.
[06:25] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: This is for [group] [Oxxx], you likely added it when there were birthday gifts :)
[06:25] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: Just gone eat ya popcorn and enjoy the show.
[06:25] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yes you do or else you wouldnt be able to talk in it rofl
[06:25] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: yes you do [Oxxx]
[06:25] Emilly Orr: 'Stupid' may be reaching, but you'll notice she hasn't said anything since
My bad, here--I'd gotten distracted running something else down in world, so had missed she actually had made another comment.
[06:25] Lxxxx Rxxxxxx: You HAVE to be in the group to see the chat
Pretty much, yeah.
[06:25] Mxxxxx Exxxxxxx: [listing what I can only assume is her UUID for some reason?] if you are referring to yourself, this is your problem
So...wait. Are you saying you are the problem here? Uh...nice...self-burn??
[06:26] gxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok play nice
I accept some culpability for the (limited) amount of drama past this point; in my defense, there was a bit of chat lag happening.
[06:26] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: lol too early for this
[06:26] Emilly Orr: I take that back, she has.
[06:26] jxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: OR leave the group
[06:26] Mxxxxx Exxxxxxx: [sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx] if you are referring to yourself, this is your problem
Wait....so...it wasn't her OWN UUID, but...someone else's?? And who the hell is [Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx]??

[[And on reflection, editing this--how is she smart enough to figure out how to link someone's UUID figures in a group chat, but idiot enough that she can't figure out she's in the group she's typing in? I'm confused.]]
[06:26] jxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: that's pretty easy
[06:27] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [oxxx] how about you leave the group and shut the chat solved your problem for ya
[06:27] Mxxxxx Exxxxxxx: I'm not in the group ! I was just joined by a conference chat
I have no idea what she's dithering about, but she's wrong.
[06:27] gxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh lord too early for this...closes chat and goes to make a cuppa aaargh!!!
[06:27] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: rofl too funny
[06:27] Emilly Orr: You. Are. In. The group. Your. Name. Is. In group membership.
[06:27] Emilly Orr: I checked.
I can't make it more clear.
[06:27] Axxxx Axxx: Hello everyone! Keep it nice :)
[06:27] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: lawl
[06:28] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: SL is live nowadays
[06:28] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: just too funny this person is adamant shes not in this group shes in a conference rofl
[06:28] Yxxxxxxx Cxxxxx: oh [Jxxxx] - you fed the beast near-tears-emoji-transparent
Well, in fairness, so did I.
[06:28] Oxxxx Sxxxxxxx: everyone makes mistakes
[06:28] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: [Oxxxx]. Hush.
[06:28] Lxxxx Rxxxxxx: She is simply confused, that's all. Leave her be
[06:28] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: They knew before hand.
[06:29] Emilly Orr: Well, also keep in mind, she's saying she's not in the group, in the group chat, of the group she's a member of...
I mean, just process that for a bit. She's complaining about receiving the group chat...in the group chat. Recursive beyond all reason.
[06:29] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: when your that adamant its not a mistake its pathological
[06:29] Mxxxxx Exxxxxxx: the groups link this post in the chat anyone 
Uh, no, again, Clueless--you can't automatically get signed up for a group, first, and second, someone posting a link to a group in that group won't auto-join anyone to that group. Doesn't work that way.

[06:29] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: Tis person been in SL 10 years.
I know. It's somewhat depressing.
[06:29] Oxxxx Sxxxxxxx: and so is picking at people for fun
[06:29] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: Don't click on random links
[06:29] bxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I blame [Kxxxxxxx] winky-face-smiley 
The K-name mentioned was the beggar who started the chat off, that I didn't bother including, for reference.
[06:29] Axxxx Axxx: I think everyone made their point clear. So I suggest let it be and go back to shopping ;)
[06:30] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: Just mute them guys. Block is your friend ;) Move on, have a great day :)
[06:30] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: Picking? Did you come late to the convo [Oxxxx]?
[06:30] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[06:30] Jxxxxxx Dxxxx: mistakes yes, but a mistake would have been I am not in the group... look to see if you are in the group... oh wait.. I guess I am..oops
Yeah. That. Exactly.
[06:30] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: rofl
[06:30] Oxxxx Sxxxxxxx: moving on
[06:31] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: Let me hush. Been an avid supported of [group] since day one. Moving on. Love you all. Have a blassed day hunny.
[06:31] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [group] Update Group is the link to this group as your link is nothing and again did not work
[06:32] Mxxxxx Exxxxxxx: fine I'm not in this group
The evidence given says otherwise.
[06:32] Axxxx Axxx: Is there anyone who hasn't been to [group's adult event] yet?
[06:32] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: Ooo i haven't [Axxxx].
[06:32] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yes you are and now your a troll ok all tc ttfn and have a great day
Again, general cluelessness does not automatically make one a troll.
[06:32] Axxxx Axxx: [Oxxx], I will IM you. Anyone else, let it be.
[06:32] Emilly Orr: You're still talking here, so I'd say you are, but it's a great conspiracy theory.
[06:33] Emilly Orr goes back to shopping :)
[06:33] Axxxx Axxx: enjoy :)))
[06:33] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: That was a nice break from the mundane routine. 
For, uh, certain definitions of 'nice'. [[And second note from the Editrix, post-publishing--there's a code glitch somewhere and I haven't had coffee yet and I'm not finding it, so feck it, it's getting republished with gaps.]]
[06:33] Lxx Sxxxxxxxxx: yeah taxi there but indens ?
[06:33] Lxx Sxxxxxxxxx: wh can gice me indens s i can buy ctyhes
[06:33] Lxx Sxxxxxxxxx: :))
[06:34] Lxx Sxxxxxxxxx: i wrte with my feet
[06:34] Lxx Sxxxxxxxxx: mgg
[06:34] Rxxxxxx Rxxx: Oh no. They are infiltrating the group now 116-1169222-crying-emoji-png-clipart-face-with-tears-of
[06:34] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and block
[06:35] Axxxxx Mxxxxxx giggles
[06:36] axxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hey you get back here and share [jxxx]!
[06:36] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx runs around throwing 500L at everyone
[06:36] Emilly Orr: I wish. 
Though who am I kidding? I'd just spend it on furniture.
[06:37] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: if ya just giving it away over ere i'll take a piece of dat pie lol
And that's where people finally saw everything from the mods and backed off. Still don't know if Clueless got the hint, at all, that she's actually in the group she's in. Some peoples' kids...