17 July, 2020

he said, "Son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"

I've covered a lot of ground in the last handful of days. Letting the mind process while keeping the body traveling; it does seem counter-intuitive at times, but it works for me.

Along the way, I started looking for post-apocalyptic sims beyond the Wastelands. Not that that's not a great collection of sims, but I've taken a lot of shots there. It's one of the top five sims I hit when I'm dealing with heartbreak or major setback, that's how often I've pulled that landmark out. And sometimes, even these days, I'll just port over and sit, let myself think in silence.

This time out? I found the Deathlands.


Within moments of touching down, Rebel IMed me, then, between shots, showed up in person:
[20:27] Rebel Wolf (hermitblue): hi!
[20:27] Emilly Orr: Hi!
[20:27] Rebel Wolf (hermitblue): i wandered over to personally welcome you
[20:27] Emilly Orr: Kind of you

Now, I won't lie--normally, I try to ensure no one's around when I'm setting up shots, because either way I'm going to look odd, either playing various animations in world, or the occasionally worse move of standing like a fool in place while I cycle through animations locally. Plus, this past handful of days, especially, my mental state was so friable from one moment to another, I had no idea how I'd interact with anyone at all, let alone coherently.
[20:28] Rebel Wolf (hermitblue): enjoy the radiation..................

He wasn't lying--there's some extremely active patches of  fissionable material on-site. But more than that, for all that this one sim doesn't have the scope of the Wastelands, it feels equally lived-in. The texturing is really good, the environment pairs well with the set pieces chosen, and nothing radically stands out beyond the little bright orange cones scattered on the ground--and I was informed in a bit of uncaptured text that those are random Linden givers, just on a whim.

[20:32] Rebel Wolf (hermitblue): have fun, try not to die...basic info..its 60 some years after the nukes fell.....................
[20:32] Ays Jun: you surely have a nice Profile. I like the Guidelines part in your picks :D
I sadly didn't snap a shot of Baroness Ays. She was a lot of fun to talk to, too, though. She drifted over soon after Rebel did to say hi.
[20:32] Emilly Orr laughs
[20:32] Emilly Orr: That's been there for years.

This isn't something I think often, when traveling to new sims, but I immediately wanted to come back. Even if not to fully vibe on the RP going--and they both seemed fine with someone wandering through casually--and, to that end, while both Rebel and Ays were in fur, they pointed out all are welcome. Ays, in fact, occasionally goes smooth-skin when the urge strikes. Acceptance is a good thing.

[20:32] Emilly Orr: And good point. I generally try not to die anyway
[20:32] Rebel Wolf (hermitblue): and now your story begins
Indeed it does. Another chapter of it, anyway. I have no idea what I'm going to do there, in all honesty--I may never have the time for more than just wandering and saying hi--but I felt thoroughly welcomed to do that. They have a strong core ethos, but it's flexible enough to allow humans, non-humans, people dressed in theme or not--I mean, look at the first shot, I clearly was not in theme for the sim--and they're friendly.

What more can anyone ask, after the exchange of things that go bang? I am definitely going back.