29 July, 2020

don't tell me to listen to your song, because it isn't the same

(Note from the Editrix: obviously, now, this is one of the entries that was written before the one posted on the 21st. Just FYI.)


I'm thinking it over
the way you make me feel all sexy but it's causing me shame

Nothing but time, when all I want is less of it. Isn't it always the way?


I wanna lean on your shoulder
I wish I was in love but I don't wanna cause any pain
and if I'm feeling like I'm even, we've got nothing to gain

And I'm searching for something, and sometimes I even know what it is, but the rest of the time...it's just become the search. For meaning, for understanding, for...solutions. That never seem to come.


what if I never even see you 'cause we're both on a stage
don't tell me listen to your song because it isn't the same

And we're reaching towards one path forward, not multiple. Not even two, now. I'm starting to drag my steps.

(Insert from the Editrix: Yeah, at this point we've been on one path for a while. No signs of offshoots, but that's not exactly great...)


I don't wanna say your love is a waiting game

Oh, fat chance, sign. The spin cycle always brings drama.


baby, I'm thinking it over
what if the way we started made it something cursed from the start?
what if it only gets colder?

It's like wandering through the forest, looking for bread crumbs. There are so few left, but still we search for them. Fruitless, but it's all we know how to do.


would you still wrap me up and tell me that you think this was smart
'cause lately I've been scared of even thinking 'bout where we are

And I am finding all the cuddle spots in all the pretty places when I'm all alone, how's that for massive irony?


what if I never even see you 'cause we're both on a stage

I may have to return to this sim and do a full entry. This is Covenstead, on Summerisle. Yes, that Summerisle, from the original film. I am fascinated.

And it has some lovely calm spots to reflect.

Which will probably be even better when my outlook isn't so shadowed.


don't tell me listen to your song because it isn't the same
I don't wanna say your love is a waiting game

Great. Another lighthouse. Just what I needed.

Getting a little heavy-handed with the symbolism, aren't we?


don't tell me listen to your song because it isn't the same
I don't wanna say your love is a waiting game

And back into the fog. Or maybe I never really left...

(Pictures taken at Angel of Pain, Historic Route 101, Home of Paine, Alas, Red Meadow, the Covenstead on Summerisle, Ile de Orlleans, Bubastis and Rosehaven Thornwood. Lyrics from Waiting Game by BANKS.)