26 February, 2021

'cause things are getting creepy in this sleepy state of Oregon

So there's a poet and singer I've been following for a while, Rosedrop Rust. I've mentioned him before on the blog, at least once, if only in passing. He's good. More importantly, he's got a great stage presence and can really work a crowd.

But two nights ago...things were...different.

That's when he performed at City's Edge again. He's performed there before, he generally opens for a singer named Oceane, German lady, really intriguing singer. But he's on first, easy manner, playbook of standards, good on piano, guitar, and keyboards that I've heard to date.


There was someone in the audience running a light show...Rusty tells me her name is "Kalyca Goes Overboard". Seems to fit.


And I kept losing sight of Rusty.


Hells, I kept losing sight of the stage. I mean, seriously, here, there's a light show, and then there's PARTICLE OVERLOAD.


And the colors were pretty, don't get me wrong. Some of the shapes were odd, but some were okay, it was just...WAAAAAAY too many of them, yeah?


And maybe, next time, don't occlude your performer, and the host, onstage quite so often?


It was seriously difficult to figure out what to look at--performer, stage, dancers, lights...dizzying, and not always in good ways.


And maybe don't blind your audience, because...this was the dance floor!

All in all, great show, but...TURN DOWN THE LIGHTS, sheesh!