26 February, 2021

memories of past and future dreams

I decided to put the pictures from the 15th Anniversary party at the Catgirl Dungeon on Flickr. I tried to keep actual names out of it...I failed here and there.

Also, the Catgirl Dungeon under the Guv'nah's Mansion does not exist.


The development of Gearhaven Prime continues, though the land will have a radically different shape than it did. But some things may not make the transfer over. NuTanis may be one of them.


To be fair, NuTanis was a grand experiment, and I was so overjoyed to watch it go up and get refined. And it's not like the Duke's lost anything that went into it. It's just that, between one thing and another...it may not be a part of Gearhaven Prime once we're finished.


The Mystic, on the other hand, will return, because Carcosa's getting its own level on the sim. Though, depending on where we put it, it may be on the sands, or it may still be raised. We're not sure yet.


Enough about possibilities. This was from another City's Edge show Rusty played. Justine and I went, and she tried to hit the stage for dance balls, and caught this instead. It had been on the roof, and one of the owners obligingly moved it to just above the stage. Where she happily danced the rest of his set, on fire.


She looked good doing it. Very retro. With the outfit and the outlining, almost a sixties vibe.


All in all, that was a fun night, too.