13 February, 2021

it's a fact of life, your final act is gonna need some work

[10:46] axxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: how was your day today?
[10:48] axxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh let me run to madpea to get my day gift for valentines before I forget
[10:48] axxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oops sorry wrong chat
Could've been worse.
[10:48] jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx hugs [Axxx] "haha, you and me both!"
[10:51] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: Good thing I never post in the wrong chat. (Did I say that without blushing?)
[10:52] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: At least it wasn't something 'really special' where you want the ground to swallow you up after :D
Yeah, been there, done that...far too many times.
[10:53] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: oh I like thos better :)
[10:53] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: *giggles*
[10:53] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: so we all hold our breath if she would post more :)
[10:53] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: mmhmmm :D
[10:53] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: where's the popcorn? :D
[10:54] Axxxxxxxxxx Txxxx: well puddles, I haven't seen even one heart...lol...my graphics may not be good enough!
During all this, there was a hunt on the sim. It's not relevant other than people occasionally mention it.
. [10:54] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: tho on the other end they turn redder than their hair. Well at least in my case anyway :D
[10:58] jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: push your glasses up, get on some good shoes and scan around. You know [Ixx] is the Hide and Seek winner of champs by now! =-)
[11:11] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh please .. why can i not enter , i did no harm to any, if i spoke i asked
All well and good, right? Just chatter back and forth. But no, meet Ms. A, who's either extremely argumentative or extremely stupid by nature. I can't figure out which.
[11:11] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i can not enter
[11:12] bxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I would check your script count
[11:12] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i never go into any public chat .. but to ask
I mean...good for you? But really, you should just ask for help from a mod. It's why they're there, or at least, one of the reasons.
[11:12] Axxxxxxxxxx Txxxx: they exist!! I found one!!
[11:12] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no i am a cat .. it am good on that
[11:12] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: gosh
[11:15] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ah lost a letter but well .. if you don't want me there i go to other skin shops .. but refund my member ship please, legally a ban would stilll do that hihi .. i do not get the ban .. i sometimes talks of a board not working but otherwise i never speak out anything lol
Err...no, there you're wrong--if a group charges a fee, you don't get it back, even if you're banned. Which it doesn't sound like you were, anyway?
[11:18] dxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: u should really check your scriptcount as [bxx] said, if you would be banned you would have gotten a notice about the reason
Ms. D's another mod. She would know.
[11:22] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no i am a cat.. i am like 40k .. it is that i mentioned the board was not working lol .. it did not .. it was just so you knew ... there where more that noticed but i only reported lol
And that can't be it, either, we say that a lot. "[X giveaway thing] is down again." High-traffic sim, it happens. We're then told they're working on it, or they will get to it, or they thank us because they hadn't yet heard, and everyone moves on.
[11:23] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: the rendercost is not the scripts
[11:23] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok so how i check that lol
[11:24] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i can see appearance
[11:24] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i never had a problem before
[11:24] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and i did not change my cat
Yeah, but chicklet, you're still missing the point--you haven't BEEN banned.
[11:24] Txxxxxxxx Exxxx: (Axxxxx], check your IMs
[11:25] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol thank you
Okay! You're getting help! Awesome! (She types, knowing what's going to happen.)
[11:25] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i got the message that i got a 2 hour ban .. i don't know why
Here's my other problem with all this: I'm not going to say she's lying, but...I have never heard of this store, or this designer, handing out two hour bans. It's pretty much all or nothing--she works it out with you, or you're gone. No in-between.
[11:26] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but it seems to enter count when i am on
[11:26] Ixxxx Zxxx: we never ban people for a hour or so
And there's confirmation.
[11:26] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Probably running a high script ratio, then. Which likely comes down to expression control huds, head control hud, tail hud, whatever.
[11:27] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: gosh... if you go off with it .. bless you .. i just go find another skin store that is not this .. pathetic .. cause i still don't know why .. as i never do anythign i just look the boards .. is it cause i don't buy ? i did buy in past lol but sure won't now

"Pathetic". That's...what you're going with? Really?
[11:27] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Whoa.
[11:27] Axxxxxxxxx Txxxx shakes her head.
[11:27] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I get you're irked about the ban, but to go from 'why is this happening' to 'pathetic' is a leap, isn't it?
[11:27] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yeah whaoa indeed , i am banned for some hours for no reason
Missing the point, chicklet.
[11:28] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Just ask a mod.
[11:28] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: thanks
[11:28] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i did
[11:28] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
So...why aren't you leaving it in their hands?
[11:28] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you was getting already lots of help, we mentioned things and [Lxxx] even wrote your personal.
[11:28] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Yet, you still said 'pathetic', is the thing.
[11:28] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and yes
Was she confirming that she was getting help and still threw a fit in group chat??
[11:28] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so i should shut up about it here right ?
Ideally...if you're already working with a mod, keep doing that. Don't complain fruitlessly.
[11:28] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i still don't know why i am banned , i am a cat .. i do no harm to anyone
[11:28] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: would you maybe read your Ims, that was sended to you?
That would be nice, yes.
[11:29] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i read them [Dxxxxx]
[11:29] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: thank you
[11:29] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
Really? Doesn't sound like it. Or do you mean, 'Why yes, I read them, but I didn't reply to them, because I'm an idiot'? Because that is also what it sounds like.
[11:29] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: banned is different that ejected
Usually, but I'm still wondering where that 'You've been banned for two hours' thing came from. This store doesn't do that. This maker doesn't do that. So where was she seeing that?
[11:29] Qxxx Bxxxxx: it won't get you anywhere so I'd shut up before you DO get banned.

And she really should have taken this advice...
[11:30] Ixxxx Zxxx: we did NOT ban you
And now you snagged the attention of the skin designer. Go you.
[11:30] Ixxxx Zxxx: we NEVER ban people for a hour or so
[11:30] Ixxxx Zxxx: we ban or dont ban
[11:30] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Oooof. Please, [Axxxxx], for the love of all gods, breathe and read your IMs.
[11:31] Axxxxxxxxxx Txxxx: i would think 'ban' would include being unable to chat in group?
Actually, you'd like to think that, but until that person relogs or closes the group chat window, they have access. It's a glitch that's never been fixed.
[11:31] Ixxxx Zxxx: so something must be going on thats not as it should be
[11:31] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i just asked and get banned .. woow what a business
[11:31] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: thanks all
Which is not what's going on, you absolute unseasoned chicken wing. Pause in the outrage for five seconds and turn your brain on.
[11:31] Ixxxx Zxxx: anyways... drop it in the chat and IM one of the staff plz
[11:31] Axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i hope you have a bliss about it then it has some course lol
[11:31] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): If it were a permanent ban--which is all I've heard [Ixxxx] do--likely, yes. And she's still in the group, so....
[11:31] Ixxxx Zxxx: lets find out what happend
[11:31] Cxxxxxx Cxxxx: over scripted?
[11:31] Txxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: they haven't banned you
[11:31] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Exactly.
In my defense--in everyones' defense--we were trying to help, we were just typing fast, so it hadn't registered the group owner had said to stop. Our bad.
[11:32] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: its nice nice to insult people that try to help in IM, just saying .-=)
[11:32] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Mmhmm.
[11:32] Oxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxx: she doesn't want help, she wants to be a troll
[11:33] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Don't make it worse, [Oxxxx], please.
[11:33] exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: please .. i see she only asked
[11:33] exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: what are you guys doing
[11:33] exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: girls .. or whatever
[11:33] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: laughs
[11:33] Ixxxx Zxxx: and now she IS banned
And it was entirely her fault she GOT banned.
[11:33] Ixxxx Zxxx: lets change the toppic
And that really should've been it.
[11:34] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so has anyone having a good day?
[11:34] Axxxxxxxxxx Txxxx: gads...still only one heart!! [Ixxxx] you are a good GOOD hider!!!
[11:34] exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: woow .. i just saw a questions and you ban for that ?
Oh, good gods, don't YOU start!
[11:34] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: She did not just ask, you didnt readed my Im.-)
[11:34] exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: not a shopt to be int lololol
Whatever shred of sympathy I had for you, chicklet, is now gone.
[11:34] Axxxxxxxxxx Txxxx: an alt ..how boring.
[11:34] Ixxxx Zxxx: how is the hunt going sinners?
[11:34] exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: she did ask and i am sure in the im she asked more
[11:34] exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: do you treat customers that way ?

I don't...just make it stop.
[11:34] Axxxxxxxxxx Txxxx: I've found one [Ixxxx]!!!
[11:34] Qxxx Bxxxxx: ...hunt?
[11:34] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: well i for ONE love [the store]
[11:34] Axxxxxxxxxx Txxxx: only one! lol
[11:34] Ixxxx Zxxx: yay!
[11:34] _Pxxx Lxxxxxxx: Hi all has the hunt started yet?
[11:35] Ixxxx Zxxx: i know its a hard hunt
[11:35] Nxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxx: Yay a new hunt!!!
[11:35] Axxxxxxxxxx Txxxx: you hide too well!!!
She does. She's been in Twisted too long.
[11:35] Ixxxx Zxxx: but... worth it
[11:35] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and i love looking at all the beautiful skins...great job!
[11:35] Ixxxx Zxxx: hehehe
[11:35] Axxxxxxxxxx Txxxx: well i love the one I found lol...but [Izara] you are makin my eyes bleeeed from lookin! lmao
[11:35] exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: woow .. i am going to log too cause this does upset me ... this is not a shop it is a culture .. it is like you do as we want you to and you are fine kinda thing , right ?
[11:35] exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh gosh logg off ff time

Please kill this alt's access too.

After that, things settled down, but sheesh, people. Catch a clue. You have a problem, talk to the designer, the land owner, whatever. If you can't reach them, and you're still in their group, talk to a mod. If that fails, ask--RESPECTFULLY--in group chat. How is this hard?