16 February, 2021

I'm back with an 808 'cause I'm bossy

Someone filmed an event at the J and R Ballroom in Aruba Deep! Of course she picked the day I decided a frothy pink confection of a dress was appropriate, but it's so cool to watch.

(Her blog covers them quite a bit, if you want the original text to go with the video.)

Meanwhile, everything was fine until the stupid nation attacked:
[08:33] kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: We invite everyone to the opening of the residential sim on February 15 at 21:30 Moscow time. So do not forget to buy a ticket for our fast express, which will take you to the small town "Delights residential". Only here you can taste the most delicious ice cream, drink strong coffee and enjoy the aroma of fresh bread. On the territory of our town you will find not only your dream house, but also cozy romantic places. We are glad to everyone without exception !!! If you have any questions, please contact the cutest conductors of the miban and [kxxxxxxx]. [sim SLUrl]
We start with Miss M., also called Miss K., getting it wrong--this gifts and freebies group does NOT allow rental postings of any kind.
[08:33] Xxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Not the place for that [Mxxx]
[08:34] Txxxxxxx Lxxxxxx: real estate offers a no no
[08:35] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ..
Brief glitch, just a goof, happens a lot, right? We move on. Except...
[08:48] Jssssssss Rxxxxxxx: Lucky money chairs, lucky letter boards, and dollarbies here [sim SLUrl] if anyone wants free stuff and free lindens
Here's the other problem child, Mr. J, a real repeat offender.
[08:49] Ixx Hxxx: what kind of place is this [Jxx]?
[08:50] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ?
[08:50] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Wau, two wrong posts in a row.
[08:51] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And that second one? It's a mall on top of everything else.
Another thing that's not allowed in this particular group, postings for stores that are in malls.
[08:51] jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Im at [sim mentioned earlier]. Not only is it quite beautiful and cozy, but there is a photo contest wiht a 5000 L prize! Whooot!
What is this, No One Took Their Brain to Work Day?
[08:51] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Good for you. Not for here.
[08:52] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: POSTING FORMAT in [group name] *Store Name* *NGN or FGN* *Numbers* *Description of item prize* *LM* *In any order* It helps advertise the store and MM : )
[08:52] jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 1st - 5000, 2nd - 3000, 3rd 1000, Thats 9000 L of free prizes just for submitting your prizes!
[08:52] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Stop, [Jxxx].
[08:52] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Just stop.
[08:53] Exxxxx Qxxxxxxx sees the ban hammer being raised, ready to smash down hard...
[08:53] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Mmhmm. Waiting for it. :p
[08:53] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hi there
[08:54] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: got wrong event time
[08:54] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): What wrong event?
Now, what are you on about?
[08:54] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wasn't the writting event at 8 am?
[08:54] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): What writing event?
[08:55] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: huh did I get it wrong?
Yep. Check yer tabs, chicklet, you're typing to the wrong brain trust.
[08:55] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): What. Group. Are. You. Posting. In?
[08:55] intellectually curious (leetah7): Emily that may be wrong group as well
No, really? I'm so shocked. Look, this is my shocked face. Right here.
[08:55] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: anyway I hope everybody is well
[08:55] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ops
Another "ops". Sure, Miss Mini-m, fine, you have "ops"-ied, guess that's it then.
[08:55] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I know, and if it is, that's a hat trick, people--three wrong posts in a row!
[08:55] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sorry
[08:55] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) cackles
[08:56] kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: good here you?
[08:56] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: good too
[08:56] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sorry about missing the tabs
[08:56] Nxxxxx Txxxxxx: It's ok [mxx] it happens :-)
[08:56] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): It happens, I'm just amused.
I was. This was high comedy at this point.
[08:56] kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: got to learn and wrong chats are a thing
[08:57] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Oh, they definitely are. But that was a wrong window AFTER someone posted a rental ad in here, which is not allowed, AND after someone posted Linden givers in a mall, which is not allowed.
[08:58] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Really, all we need now is someone asking for Asian or ethnic models for a magazine that doesn't exist, and we'll be set. :D
[08:58] kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: haha yeah all that stuff
[08:59] Sxxxxx Bxxxxx: linden givers? i love free linden. do you have a lm?
I am so not getting in trouble with a mod here for posting an LM, and I really don't care to send it to you private, because it's not the point of the group, so..all in all? No.
[08:59] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Read back.
[08:59] Sxxxxx Bxxxxx: i just logged in, i cant read back, it doesn't show
Not my problem, still against the group chat rules.
[09:00] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Sxxxxx] please read our group rules, thank you for understanding
[09:00] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Then ask someone in IM, I'm certainly not posting it again. :D
[09:00] Sxxxxx Bxxxxx: is Emilly a boss here?
[09:00] Sxxxxx Bxxxxx: she is very bossy
[09:00] 1xxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
Not the first one to point that out.

[09:01] Ixx Hxxx: no, but she knows the rules in group
It's very true. I have had them explained to me MANY times.
[09:01] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) sits back with popcorn
[09:01] bxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol yall are interesting
[09:01] bxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: what are the rules or where can I find em?
[09:01] Ixx Hxxx hands Gummibärchen to the groupies
[09:01] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: actually she is giving information I asked for , Since I am one of the MODs
Which, btw, Mr. J never bothered to give her.
[09:01] Exxxxx Qxxxxxxx: group description, at the TOP
[09:01] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Top of this window, click the profile icon.
[09:02] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Has the rules there.
[09:02] bxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: thanks em
[09:02] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) grins.
[09:02] Sxxxxx Bxxxxx: oh she's like a MODs pet
REALLY?? OH, good gods, SB, I could give you a list of all the mods I've tangled with in this group. I could even tell you about the two I tangled with HARD. I am anything but the pet of the mods. I'm barely tolerated some days.
[09:02] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: Good morning ladies and gents :D
[09:02] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) falls down laughing
[09:02] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Oh, [Sxxxxx], no.
[09:02] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): More like...occasional thorn in the side but I'm learning.
[09:02] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Sxxxxx] show the same respect that you want from others
[09:02] Exxxxx Qxxxxxxx: never a mod. I wouldn't have the patience. :p
[09:03] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: Good morning, [Ixxxxxxxxxxxxx] :_)
[09:03] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hello [Exxxxxxx] and Good Morning :)
[09:03] Sxxxxx Bxxxxx: yea being a mod is hard, especially when you pick sides with people that you love vs people you don't know, and not treating everyone equally
[09:04] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) would gently point back to [Ixxxxxxxxxxxxx's] comment on respect.
Because, uh, yeah, answer's in the question, there...
[09:04] Exxxxx Qxxxxxxx: worked as security in plenty of clubs in SL 2 chances, then boot. :D
[09:04] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I usually pick respect over disrespect, you may refer to it however you choose
[09:04] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: you have been 10 years in SL and you do not know how to behave in a group? tsk tsk
Maybe not, because I pulled the profile? And sure, SB's been in for ten years, but SB is also very, very dull--no SL pic, no bio, no picks, no FL pic or bio...bland blank bot look. It's not flattering.
[09:04] bxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: anyone have any job opportunities open by chance?
[09:05] Sxxxxx Bxxxxx: dont know how to behave? LOL
[09:05] Sxxxxx Bxxxxx: report me
This is not the be-all end-all "Gotcha" you think it is, SB.
[09:05] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: [Bxxxxxxxx] there are groups for jobs on FB
[09:05] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): This is better than coffee.
[09:05] Exxxxx Qxxxxxxx: you would need to be at least 3 months old.
[09:05] bxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh alright
[09:05] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wow group is in flames today
I know, right? I mean, I quote a lot of this group's chats, but this is above and beyond even for them.
[09:05] bxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: So sometime in May for me then
[09:06] Exxxxx Qxxxxxxx: it gives you chance to really familiarize yourself with SL
[09:06] Ixx Hxxx: please calm down!
[09:06] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hiya [Rxxx] hugs :-)
[09:07] Exxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: Good day, [Rxxx]! :)
[09:07] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: Hi there [Exxxxxxx] :)
[09:07] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: Hugs [Nxxxx] :) working on a new post :)
[09:08] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: but I got distracted by the uhmmm what shall I call it? Interesting chat? in here
One way to put it.
[09:08] kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yayyyyyy ..[Rxxx] knows how much I like her blog posts :-)
[09:08] Ixx Hxxx: agrees
[09:09] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: so did yall go to the Shop and Hop? Runs till the 17th
[09:09] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I think it's a general 'are you going to really stick with SL' tradition? Not to hire people until they've been around for two or three months.
[09:09] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I still need to finish that.
And I did, after the first part of this chat. It was a SLOG.
[09:09] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: want the links to the sims?
[09:09] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I have where I stopped. :) But thanks!
[09:09] Exxxxx Qxxxxxxx: well to lighten the mood, made cookies. Choc. and toffee chip. Sausage rolls to make tomorrow. :)
And we seemed to be on track, but I kid you not, I was giggling like a five year old in the middle of this.

But then...
[09:14] Jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Lucky money chairs, lucky letter boards, and dollarbies here [sim name and coordinates] if anyone wants free stuff and free lindens
[09:15] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): [Jxx]! Things were getting back on track!
[09:15] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: [Jxx] that is not allowed and you know that
Boy has been TOLD. At least TWICE at this point.
[09:15] Jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: opps
[09:15] Jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wrong group
Based on later behavior, profoundly no, he was just the third of the brain removal cases, as well as someone who either doesn't care or doesn't get that when mods talk, folks should listen.
[09:16] Xxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: seriously how many shall i mute today?
[09:16] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) laughs
[09:16] Xxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: be considerate opeining 100K + member list takes time :p
[09:17] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): No, [Xxxxxxxxx], I am very considerate, it's just been a train wreck in here today. :D
[09:18] Xxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: some of those wreckers are licking wound right now
Good. Serves them right.

But wait! Didn't stop there, I just thought it had!
[09:33] Jxxxxxxxx: so many malls are being advertised
What malls? Also, you have zero room to talk, J, you've been posting the WRONG THING all MORNING here.
[09:33] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: [Clothing store] also has a LOT of group gifts, some in the middle of the store, some against the wall. The group is free [Store update group] and so is the taxi [Store sim]
[09:34] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: [Jxxxxxxxx] if you look at the group rules you will see malls are not allowed.
[09:34] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: the rules are in the groups profile
[09:35] Jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i see that, and yet they are being advertised
No, they're not. Now you're just being a jerk, J.
[09:35] Exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx sneaks in a question, seeing that [Rxxx] is on fire
[09:35] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: LOL [Exxx]
[09:35] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: [Hair store] has 2 lucky chairs with male and female hair NGN [Hair store sim]
[09:36] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: I am just telling all my secrets here
[09:36] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: ask away [Exxx], I will stop
[09:36] Exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Any idea where I might get some body glitter for my mait body (obv BOM is fine) and or sparkly stockings as a giftie/freebs ? i'm doing a carnival outfit - I wasn't getting much result on MP (to my surprise)
[09:37] Exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and thanks for the sharing [Rxxx] [09:37] Jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: can we advertise the shop and hop?
[09:37] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yes , [jxxxxxxxx] becacseu it is Linden lab
That's "because", and think of it this way, J: Shop 'n Hop, and other big Linden-sponsored shopping events, aren't malls, they're closer to trade shows. They have a theme everyone tries to meet, and it's as much advertising/networking (through information folders and free gifts) as it is dedicated to sales.
[09:38] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sL official event that happens yearly
Well...no. But so far, it's restricted to big holidays: Valentine's in February, Easter in Aprille, Hallows in October, Yule in December.
[09:39] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: several times a year. This was the Valentine editiomn
[09:39] Jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: we can't advertise shop and hop?
Are you dim, J? Does the elevator not go all the way to the penthouse?
[09:40] Jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: shop and hop = mall, so we cannot talk about it
No, again, Shop 'n Hop is a Linden trade event, it's allowed, because it's not a mall. And now you're just being a capital-J Jerk.
[09:41] Exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i'm sure if [Rxxx] says it's ok to post Linden lab events then it is
[09:42] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [jxxxxxxxx], we can advertise shop and Hop because it is a Linden Lab sL official event that happen yearly
[09:42] Mxxxxx Txxxxxx: nods and hiya [lxxxxx] hugs :-)
[09:42] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Shop and Hop is a Event , not a " mall "
[09:42] Jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: even if it breaks the posted rules?
[09:42] rxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: free stuff is mostly found in malls and shops, if those aren't allowed, then where do we find free stuff?
No one said shops were banned. Shops, stores, the events that are allowed to be posted--all fine. Malls, specifically malls are not allowed.
[09:42] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: -hugs- [Nxxxx] , Hello
[09:43] Exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: well I susopect if you find the rules aren't written clearly enough you can always write an edit and suggest it to the group owners? I find it not confusing personnally
[09:44] Jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it's very clear - no malls - but then there's some malls you can advertise. And that is clear to you?
Yes, see, because their brains work, and your brain clearly doesn't. Or you're just being pickily obtuse because you think it's gaining you points. Pro tip: it's not.
[09:44] Exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yesh cuz to me a mall isn't the eaxct same thing as a linden lab event
[09:45] Pxxxx Axxxxx: how about if you dont like the rules or understand the group you just leave or ask a mod in private to explain to you
[09:46] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: [Pxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx] I just posted at least 10 posts with free stuff...NOT in malls
[09:46] Jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Lucky money chairs, lucky letter boards, and dollarbies here [sim name and coordinates] if anyone wants free stuff and free lindens
[09:46] rxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Oh I didn't see those, I just came online :)
[09:47] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: now you are so lucky I am not a MOD :)
[09:47] Exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: may we have the store name as stated in the rules please?
Don't even bother, he's clearly trolling at this point.
[09:47] Vxxxxx Cxxxxxxxxxx: lol
[09:47] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Wait wait wait, I figure the drama's done here, I go off to do other things, and it flares up again? Someone definitely needs a blanket and some hot cocoa.
[09:47] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [jxxxxxxxx], stop posting that , you have been told by 3 different MODs to not post it
[09:47] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: it's a mall [Exxx]
Yeah, and that's the other thing--is J just irked that the group bans his rule-violating mall but he can't get them to ban a Linden-sponsored trade show, that, because it features multiple trade booths, he's taking as a mall? Is he that petty?

Wait, might have answered my own question there.
[09:47] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: he posts it over and over and he has been warned not to
[09:47] Exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ah lol
[09:47] Exxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok he's lucky you're not a mod then ;)
[09:47] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: but [Jxxxxxxxx] thinks he still can do that
[09:48] Kxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Oooo! I want a blankie and some cocoa. It's snowing here.
It's snowing in a lot of places. It's even snowing in places folks are not used to snow being a thing.
[09:48] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: ikr :) he would have my boot printed on his behind
[09:48] Vxxxxx Cxxxxxxxxxx: I'll trade you the blankie and cocoa for the snow.
[09:48] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: He was already ejected and banned from group.
Yay! NOW can we all go back to just posting MM boards and freebies??


Also, whyisthisnotforfemalebodies?!? I am offended!

Seriously, I would wear this, I can't be the only one!!

I even tried the demo. And APART FROM IT NOT BEING RIGGED FOR ME, it looked amazing. It's at the latest round of We Roleplay, and it retails for L$450.

Seems a HUGE oversight, though!