30 November, 2019

felt the pages now, this chapter's done

Found on a random avatar's profile:
1. Slaves are not human beings
Even if a human being is kidnapped and forced into sexual or servile slavery overseas, they are still human beings. So that's wrong.
2. Slaves have NO rights !!!!!
This is also wrong. Even if someone signs one of those "full revocation contracts" from the web site that tattoos bar codes on the backs of submissive individuals' necks, they still are legal entities to sign such a document, they are legal entities after, and that document can be challenged in a court of law, so even signing their names to it do not revoke those rights.
3. Slaves are commodities that can be bought and sold, & they have no choice who they serve
Also not true, for the BDSM community, and also for the slavers that operate currently--they may sell an individual, but they are still human beings. Every person has a choice on whom they serve, even if trafficked in a criminal operation, even if that choice is "or death".
4. A slave’s body is not her own. It is the property of her owner and has no say in how its modified
And this is also complete nonsense. What community are you dealing with, where these are your ideals, or your perceptions of BDSM??
5. A slave’s reality and truth are determined by her owner
6. A slave can be punished for no reason at all
Anyone can be punished for any reason at all, people are cruel. But if you're talking BDSM operations, again, you seem to think of submissives as having depersoned themselves, and of their having no personal identities beyond that point.
7. A slave should always have a collar on her neck
Not every slave is collared. Not every submissive is collared.
8. A slave’s collar is her heart and they cherish it with their entire being
This varies, person to person.
9. Slaves seek discomfort and wear it like a badge of honor
Some slaves, certainly not all.
10. Slaves should always be shackled or be ready to be bound at all times
Really? Says who?
11. A slave is required to be in top physical shape, hair, and skin
It may be required by some, but people are people. Some people put on or take off weight easier than others. Some people who are genuinely submissive (or dominant) are born with disabilities, and thus can never be in "top physical shape". It varies.
12. Slaves always obey their owner
Again, it depends on that particular relationship. Sometime disobedience is part of the game. Sometimes the rules are clear, sometimes the rules are not. There is no "always" in anything involving humans for the most part.
13. Slaves will always submit at the whim of their owner
See above.
14. Slaves only care about the pleasure of their owner and not their own and never complain
And again, no, because people are people. A hardcore, 24/7, "Chain me to a wall Master" slave will still get caught up in things and find enjoyment in their lives. No one is completely, 100%, focused on another person to the exclusion of all else 24/7. It's not possible.

And wow, just wow. Way to present BDSM in the worst possible light ever.

I'd add to that that even in the days where slavery was common, at least in the United States, many of these precepts were untrue even then. And that was when said slavery was in practical use, and not as an interchangeable term for a specific practice. Conditions were terrifying for slaves, many died, or received injuries for no reason other than their 'masters' had had a bad day. They certainly never accepted being slaves, or valued their collars (if they wore them). Many of them did not obey the orders given, because they were human beings with human emotions, not robots.

Just such a tragic take on the topic.

In the meantime, this happened just a few moments ago:
[22:46] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 12 BEAUTIFUL TEXTURES MM 5/25 [SLUrl to texture store]
[22:46] dxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: that slurl didn't go through properly, and if it's not a [group] board you're calling, you can't call it in here
[22:46] oxxxx Rxxxxxxx: if it doesnt hit the goal then no one wins it resets at midnight

[22:47] dxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Ixxxx] that's not even close to a proper slurl.
[22:47] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [she typed out the SLUrl again]
[22:47] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: THAT ONE
[22:47] dxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Ixxxx], is that a [group] board?
[22:48] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i dont know, its a mm
Well, that's a dumb answer. What are you, new? (Actually, based on later revelations, she's very dumb, so that question's answered.)
[22:48] oxxxx Rxxxxxxx: if thats not a [group] board you can NOT post it in here :)
[22:48] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok
[22:48] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nvm then
[22:48] oxxxx Rxxxxxxx: happy holidays everyone :)
[22:48] dxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You can only call a board in here if it's got [this store's] set on it.
[22:49] Emilly Orr: There are other groups you can join, [Ixxxx], to call boards from anywhere.
[22:50] mxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Mod gives out the SLUrl for the group's store]
[22:51] mxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: emilly is correct
[22:52] dxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Ixxxx], if it's full perm stuff yoiu can call it in Midnight Mania for Creators, and Creative Horde.
[22:52] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: WICH ONE WMILLY
WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING? Seriously, that's not necessary.
[22:52] Emilly Orr: Which one do you want? There's tons.
[22:52] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i want one forMM
Yeah, I get that, but seriously, there are hundreds of them.
[22:52] dxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: If it's not full perm stuff, do a search for midnight mania spam and join a couiple of those
[22:53] Emilly Orr: The two [Jxxxxx] mentioned, there's SL Frees and Offers, there's a few Lucky Chair/Lucky board groups that allow MM boards to be called.
[22:53] dxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: those groups i just entioned are for full perm midnight manias
[22:53] mxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: creators work hard for thier stores is why most dont like other stores adverts in them
[22:53] dxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: SL Frees and Offers is not worth it
[22:54] dxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: if it's not full perm stuff, do a search for 'midnight mania spam' in groups, and join some of them.
[22:55] Emilly Orr: It's not for everyone, I just mentioned it because I know about it. But search is good, too. 'Midnight Mania' in SL search will turn up some, 'lucky chair', 'lucky fortune', 'lucky board' turns up more, or read through the titles of freebie groups, you may find one you like.
[22:56] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i dont have any lol
[22:57] Emilly Orr: You don't have any what?
[22:57] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nop
"Nop" is not an answer.
[22:58] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: any group for lucky boards
[22:59] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: or MM
[22:59] Emilly Orr: Well, there you go! Ways to look! You might even find one or two in your local language.
[23:00] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sure
[23:02] Emilly Orr smiles
I thought that was where it would end, but then I got this IM:
[23:11] Second Life: [attempts to port me to wherever it is with the MM board]
[23:14] Emilly Orr: Tied up at present, but thank you!
[23:14] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: cum help
You misspelled "come", there.
[23:14] Emilly Orr: Would if I could
[23:14] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: haha
[23:14] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ur mean
[23:15] Emilly Orr: Not mean, just can't move. There are ropes.
[23:16] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[23:16] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: do u need help i have scissors
[23:16] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: then u can help me back
Lady, no. Busy. "Tied up" is not a joke in this sense, and I do not want to go,, and I am not going to go, so stop asking. Sheesh.

And the saga would have ended here, but...not half an hour later, this happened in the group's chat:
[23:38] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 18/25 MM board TEXTURES! [the SAME board she linked before]
[00:03] dxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Ixxxx]. If that's not a [group] board you cannot post it in here.
[00:18] Ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [dxxxxxxxx] take a trip to the moon and dont come back
I contacted a mod at that point, explained the situation, and her too-dim-to-learn butt got kicked from the group. Her own fault, too. I explained what had happened--because of course on top of everything else, it caused some distraction locally--in a handful of sentences, and then finished with this:
[00:54] Emilly Orr: And that's when I tapped two mods in the group and asked them to look into it.
[00:54] Emilly Orr: She got bounced, and bitched at one of the mods until he blocked her, the other one was AFK, and just got back to me and asked for both incidents, and I copied them out to her.
And that, hopefully, really IS that, and my gods, why don't some people learn?