01 December, 2019

moving on up and forward onto all that will become

Out of the blue, wandering the Erratic Black Friday sale, I got an offer to friend someone. The greeting sent with it was in French and I didn't save it, I just pulled the profile. One day old. Yeepers.

So the next step was figuring out why:
[11:25] Emilly Orr: Do I know you from somewhere?
[11:25] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: salut (Hello)
[11:26] Emilly Orr: Hi. Do I know you? I tend to friend only people I already know, or who are interested in my work.
[11:28] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: j ai pas compris le concept de jeux (I did not understand the concept of games)
[11:32] Emilly Orr: j ai pas compris le concept de jeux?
[11:32] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oui
Okay, off to Google Translate it is!
[11:33] Emilly Orr: Tous le jeux ou juste Second Life? (All the games, or just Second Life?)
[11:34] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: just secon life
[11:35] Emilly Orr: Pensez-y comme à un simulateur de vie. (Think of it as a life simulator.)
[11:35] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ah ok
[11:35] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: merci en tout cas (Thank you anyway)
[11:36] Emilly Orr: Vous pouvez tomber amoureux, vous pouvez trouver un emploi, vous pouvez construire des choses à vendre. (You can fall in love, you can find a job, you can build things to sell.)
Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for Google Translate, but one must keep things fairly simple to get the point across.
[11:36] Emilly Orr: C'est moins un jeu avec des niveaux et des points, car c'est juste ... une autre vie. (It's less a game with levels and points, as it is just...another life.)
[11:36] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: et j ai pas de maison (and I do not have a house)
Oof. You're really straining the coherency of my ability to translate the words. Which, by the way, regarding French, and several other languages, I just don't have. A few words here and there is about as fluent as I get.
[11:38] Emilly Orr: Vous pouvez en trouver sur le marché, gratuitement ou gratuitement, et vous pouvez louer un terrain pour le mettre en vente. Ou achetez un compte premium, qui vient avec une maison. (You can find cheap or free ones on the Marketplace, and you can rent land to put it on. Or buy a premium account, that comes with a house.)
[11:39] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok
[11:44] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: et toi tu as acheter quoi a ton debut (and you bought what you started)
Uhh...was she talking about Lindens? I wasn't sure, but I assumed she was talking about Lindens.
[11:45] Emilly Orr: Vous pouvez obtenir un compte premium à tout moment. Vous pouvez acheter des Lindens à tout moment, par le biais du site Web ou du navigateur. (You can get a premium account at any time. You can buy Lindens at any time, through the website, or through the browser.)
[11:48] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok
And that seemed to be that. I moved on, she stopped talking, I declined her offer of friendship, but it was puzzling. Did she just hit the wrong key? Did she think friending people is how you ask questions? The Lindens really need to bring back Orientation Islands in some form, there's just zero instruction on what to do with Second Life before they're shotput onto the grid.

And a bigger question is, if she doesn't know what Second Life is, why is she here? Why'd she make an account in the first place? Seriously? It's not like Overwatch or World of Warcraft, there are no points, there are no levels, there are no quests--at least, within the main grid, there are countless mini-games people have come up with to entertain themselves. But Second Life itself? As I said, it's more a life simulator than anything. At its basest level, it's a 3D chatroom.

So why did she make an account?