01 November, 2019

unfolded fire blows with the words, straight from within

[09:11] mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Can someone send me link to the internet with all the items?
Yes. First, turn on your computer...

Imgur, one of the biggest image-sharing sites on the web, is dropping support for NSFW subreddits, 'citing business risks'. Riiiight. A quote from the end of the article:
"It will be interesting to see how Redditors will respond to these changes, but going by their initial reactions, not many are happy about the development."
I know I'm not happy, hearing about this change. Even though only one of my albums on Imgur, maybe, might fall under this ban, it's still a ridiculous restriction that they don't need to impose.

On the other hand, this seems like a useful tip for the coming winter. While I routinely save coffee grounds and egg shells for mixing into peat for the planting season, it never occurred to me to save coffee grounds to scatter for traction on icy sidewalks. Neat.

Meanwhile, here we go again. This gets SO tiresome. This is from sometime in August, haunting coverage took over for the last two months.
[13:43] Axxxxxx Rxxx: what you said we can share the screeshot now here?
[13:44] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yes you can share a screenshot of the MM board and include that in your post :)
[13:44] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: That is the only time screenshots are allowed
A lot of groups, for several years now, have banned external links because of the prevalence of phishing links. It's like like a link containing "seccondlife" or "altervista" (both of which I've seen) is really going to get people with half a brain to click, but sadly, we have learned that people just don't read, whether they're online or off. And thus, the groups banning external links.

So this was a fairly recent change, a month to two months at best, with this group allowing Gyazo image links to be posted specifically so people could see the actual item on offer for Midnight Mania boards.
[13:45] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and [Rxxx] said oncer per store to prevent clogging of chat
[13:45] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx kicks chat
[13:46] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Thank You [Mxxx]!
[13:46] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[13:46] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: most welcome :)
[13:46] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oof chat hates me
Chat hates all of us, it's not just you. The persistent SL memory leak hates all of us too, and it's been over a decade unfixed.
[13:46] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: what did [Dxxxxx] say?
[13:46] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: think she would agree :)
[13:46] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: because if you post same store same picture every 30 minutes it could get cloggy
[13:47] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: buttttttttt i shall ask :F
[13:47] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: :D
[13:47] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you dont have to correct me [Mxxx] thank you!
Now, it honestly doesn't look this way, but this is where this chat starts going sideways. Honestly, all of us in this moment just thought this was a comment and we were perfectly ready to move on with the rest of the chat.
[13:47] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[13:47] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i was not correcting you i was asking...
[13:47] Axxxxxx Rxxx: so gyazo link is now ok if its MM board?
[13:47] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: excuse me for typing
[13:47] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im gone bye
Which, for me at least, but also some others, was right out of left field. Why such an extreme overreaction?
[13:48] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I see the effects of the full moon from last week are in this group all weekend
Yeah, apparently.
[13:48] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: remind me not to help in future
To note: while I no longer remember if she was still a mod at the time of this chat capture, I know she's not now, and this was one of the incidents that made her step down from moderation of this group.
[13:49] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Myst you are a big help
[13:49] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: everyone should be nice tho
[13:49] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: well i wont ill shut up from now on as you would like
Additional note: watch the back and forth. Could Ms. G (Ms. t, legacy name) have phrased it better than "correcting" her? Probably. Did Ms. M (Ms. x, legacy name) take it WAAAAAAY too seriously? Oh, all the yes.
[13:49] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: This is a group for newbies as well as 14 year old avas
[13:51] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: We encourage everyone to post stores and freebies please!
[13:51] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Most events are not allowed due to adult poses on furniture
[13:51] Axxxxx Kxxx: and avi's that dont know what they truly wanna be
[13:53] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Truem we have lots of furries and nekos here
[13:54] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: pretty sure most furries and nekos have a VERY good idea what they want to be, lol
[13:54] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yeh we do
[13:55] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i ware different tails and ears but yes we know what we are
[13:55] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and dragons, the jomo type, and demons, angels, littles..this is second life, please leave first life prejudices at the log on screen. thank you.
And this seemed another out-of-left-field reference. No one was expressing prejudice, just disagreement.
[13:55] Axxxxxx Rxxx: I´m bit scared to post here what happen yesterday with [Dxxxxx] and others in here. Someone asked lm to adn and then hell started after it, sadly
[13:55] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: pfft
[13:55] Rxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: fairies and mermaids here ;D
[13:56] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nah we over that
[13:56] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: XD
[13:56] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I would assume the ADN is not allowed because the mainstore is attached to a mall... Which is one of the rules. No malls. Glad I missed that fiasco though!
[13:57] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yeh im glad you did too vixen it was horrible
There was some back and forth posts on what is and isn't allowed; I'm trimming that out because it's just restating of the rules for this group.
[14:00] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im confused imma just sit watch chat for amoment
[14:00] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Try to keep posts to 3 lines
[14:00] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: please IM me, lets gt this out of chat.
[14:00] Rxxxxxx Bxxxxxxxxx: well, lack of quality control for starters. not sure how template meshes can have holes and odd gaps in the rig, but there they are
Another comment out of left field.
[14:00] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ^
[14:00] Rxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: demo for what ? [store name]?
[14:00] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Angela you can post the numbers for MM boards
[14:01] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i dont post because i dontknow whats *safe* i just watch for freebies/slaps
[14:01] Rxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: the dance ?
[14:01] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Mxxx] you are welkies to post stores!
[14:01] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no thanks :)
[14:01] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im cool
Of further note: she's back to posting frequently in this group now, but at the time, she did take some days off to get over whatever slight she'd taken in the first place.
[14:01] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I know you find lots of good ones :)
[14:01] Rxxx Bxxx: Yes but really thats a function of the group quality control, I have seen many cases where that wasnt enforced in other cases and in fact if something is said negative about an item it is shushed
[14:01] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ^
[14:02] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i just watch and look for my familyon here
[14:02] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Thank you [jxxxx] for showing what a correct post is like
[14:02] Rxxx Bxxx: Mind you i have no dog in the fight so i am gonna hush, I just dont care for the secrecy behind things here sometimes
[14:02] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ^
[14:02] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: And now you know why I don't participate that much.
Not really.
[14:02] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nods
[14:03] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: most of mine i would be banned anywho
[14:03] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I don't even really do freebies or MMs or chairs anymore. I do, however, do like looking at some of the notices that go out here.
[14:03] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: same :)
[14:03] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and i enjoy the folks i met
[14:04] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: grown to love a few myself
[14:04] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: This is more of a store posting group now tho
It was always a store posting group, interspersed with chat on fashion, discussion of events with gifts and cheapies (not posting the SLUrls, but mentioning the names), group gifts for free-to-join groups, and mesh bodies. That was true before this, it was true when this was captured, it's true now.
[14:05] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: like i dont know most events/stores taht are cool so i rather be safe ya know?
Okay, admittedly, that's always been a hitch for this particular group. They do not release their ban list to the public. How'ver, there's generally always a mod on, so if a group member thinks there's an issue, they can always ask for a mod's help or just ask if X store is safe before posting. It's an extra step, not an arduous one, and it keeps things moving.

The general things--for this group, at least--that will get a ban: Adult furniture, a shop that's located within a larger mall where other stores may have Adult furniture, a store that's within a club, stores that sell vehicles of any type, stores that sell AOs (though stores that sell individual poses they've made seem to be fine), and anything that's on an Adult sim where sex furniture--in or outside the store--is visible from inside the store. Seems simple enough.
[14:05] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Here is the thing: Groups like this help large numbers of people, new and old alike. Like any group, it has rules, clearly posted on the group profile, no secrecy. Now, shoukld someone find it necessary to argue or question a MOD, (They would have the bold type), it can ge4t messy. Just. Don't. Do. It.
[14:05] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [jxxxx] whos questioning?
[14:05] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: true that!!
[14:05] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: That is what sparks 99% of the arguments here, [Mxxx].
[14:05] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Especially those who are questioning [Rxxx], that is making my blood boil atm :/
[14:06] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: only time i question something is if i see something fishy
Something fishy, or if I want clarification on a point. And to her credit, I don't think those are bad reasons to question mods.
[14:06] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i always ask [rxxx] or [gxxxx] or [dxxxxx] first
[14:06] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: respectful thing to do honestly
[14:06] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: We have a lot of mods
[14:06] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: true cant keep track lol
[14:06] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i just named the ones i know XD
[14:07] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Most are behind the scenes so rest assured someone is always around :)
[14:07] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: always :D
[14:07] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Well, with the notion that this is a store posting group only, I'm really surprised you guys haven't turned off the chat yet.
I give up.