24 June, 2019

the night chokes tight in the nerves, can't breathe to scream

Let me introduce you to the Ayoub Sisters. You're welcome.

I did not know many of these flags existed.

[14:07] ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: pawpaw me bweeds kittycats
[14:07] ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: yous get da fwee bday kittys yets?
Have I mentioned how much I loathe the artificial, "no weally I'm wa REUW KID!" patois the bad portion of the SL kids effect? It's stupid, it's hard to read, it's insulting, and it makes no sense. I have spoken with actual three-year-olds who have better pronunciation.
[14:14] Emilly Orr blinks.
[14:14] oxxxxxxxxxx Mxxxxxx: WW I assume
[14:14] Emilly Orr: If I'm translating that correctly , there are free birthday kitties, somewhere?
I have no idea. Once I figured out Kittycats were selling virtual pets that needed to be fed, I lost all interest.
[14:15] ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: i sorries wongs chat
[14:15] oxxxxxxxxxx Mxxxxxx: evidently
[14:15] ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: me no see i clicky dis one
[14:18] Emilly Orr: Well, be sure to find your way back to yours, chit. Wouldn't want you lost amongst the adults, now.
Didn't hear anything from her after that, so I suppose she found her way to the window with her "pawpaw" in it.

Did pull her profile, though. This is from her SL bio:
i is 4 yew owl i loves me daddy Mac and me mommy Kittie berry berry berry much and all me family
Gods, kill me now, civilization is over.

She has eighteen kid-oriented groups, couple clubs, and a gambling sim. Jesus. She's four years on the grid and acting like this.

The worst of it from her picks, the one apparently about her mother and sister:
My mommy Buggew fhe if ghe befg mommy in ghe whowe wide wowwd and wovef me an my baby fiffy Wop go ghe moon and back fhe wouwd do any ghing fow uf and you make u cwy you beggew wun fafg fhe wiww kiww you and my baby fiffy Wop i if hew pwogecgow i wiww bige you if you huwgf hew ghen wiww geg mommy i wove you bgh wogf and wogf
It's like she's not even trying to speak English anymore. Or she had a stroke halfway through the first sentence and can no longer word properly. What in the seven hells is wrong with this person??

Yeah, I'm done. Call me when the apocalypse happens, I'll pour a glass of wine.