Now, save for the one censoring moment, the grammar and punctuation are left unchanged, but this is making my brain giggle.
- dont talk to me in over a month
- being perverted or rude
- assuming you know me
- coming between me and Daddy
- pushing me to my limit
- messing with my friends
- assuming you can come between my friends family
- drama
- because you are an [a**hole] to me and those i love
- because you pushed something i didnt like
Mainly because if I'm removed for not talking to people in over a month, drama, or being a general bitter angry poppet on occasion, wow, I'd have zero friends in SL.
But I agree with most of the rest--I mean, no one comes between me and those I love but those I love, and occasionally me, and I have specific criteria for perversion or rudeness, but that does describe a lot of why I react badly to certain people in general. Assuming people know who I am is a big one, and has shown up on the blog several times in conversational snippets.
What I find truly odd about this list, though, and the reason I'm mentioning it: I rarely put people who fit most of these criteria on my friends list. If other people do, well, fine, that's them, but in general, unless it's just a business contact, if someone goes on my friends list, they got there for a reason. If I'm fighting with someone all the time, or if they're insulting me as often as they breathe...they're not a friend. So they don't get on the friends list in the first place.
Meanwhile, as I'd only covered half of the SL16B shopping area (and haven't even started on the rest of the SL16B sims!), I returned today to check out the other half. And this happened:
[15:09] licks Emilly Orr's hand.This is so unusual, because usually there's an avatar's name before the action, or at the very least, the named thing the avatar is carrying--be it baby, beast or bottle. In this case? No idea who actually owned the thing--or was the thing.
[15:11] loves oxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx.
But first off, whomever you are: don't just randomly lick people. It's creepy. Secondly, I don't care who you love, you don't need to announce it to every listener in main chat.
That did give me something to search for, which was equally baffling. Mm. O has spent one year on the grid, and in that time, they've taken no SL bio picture, have put down zero pics, have only joined one group, and this is the sum total of their FL bio entry:
───--───▄▀▄────-─▄▀▄Great, the world's most boring human's friend licked me for no reason. Ew.
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