[11:26] Mxxxxx Rxxxxxx: Hello, sometimes, when I tp, part of my clothes of drew gacha detach grom myself, has that happened to anyone else?Does this really work? Because when I crash and come back, after getting dressed, sometimes things still change; hair, outfit, shoes, sometimes I find I'm wearing two pairs of shoes...
[11:26] Kxxxxxx Lxxxxxxx: its been happening for at least a month toeveryone :)
[11:27] Bxxxxxxxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx stuffs [Mxxxx'] top in behind the sofa
[11:27] Mxxxxx Rxxxxxx: lol
[11:27] sxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i found a trick around it
[11:27] sxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: put the outfit together log out n back in and it wont pop off
[11:27] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yeah it's a new feature, my entire body came off yesterday when i wasn't touching anythingThis one, I swear, I'm losing brain cells trying to figure this one out. Sometimes the parts are cloned and stuck in Lost and Found; sometimes they are physically removed and stuck there, and I have to track them down, gut them out, and put them on again. And the parts that go missing make NO sense: a body chain that's in a daily wear folder; the HUD that controls my Maitreya body (but not the body itself); the feet that go with my body (but not the body itself); the HUD I wear to keep track of visitors on the sim...It's just scattershot and baffling.
[11:28] Emilly Orr: The new trick that's killing my brain is I'll port somewhere, and part of what I'm wearing--including not just attachments, but body parts and HUDs--end up in Lost and Found
[11:28] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: :O lost and found? Ok i better have a look there just in caseWell, that's "Be careful what you ask for" in spades, innit?
[11:29] Emilly Orr: It may only be me, but I thought I'd point it out
[11:30] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: worth checking! Nothing there for me but i'll know where to look now just in case :D
[11:30] Bxxxxxxxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: i've had that happen a few times
[11:30] Exxx Fxxxxxxx: ive seen its a current bug
[11:31] Emilly Orr: Yeah--they finally invented a NEW bug, not brought back a vintage one!
[11:32] Bxxxxxxxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: new for 2019
[11:32] Exxx Fxxxxxxx: well you all complained about your hair attaching to your ass...so now it just disappears altogether
[11:32] sxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol evieMuch time passed, I went off for the finding of foods, only to see this when I returned:
[11:33] Exxx Fxxxxxxx: and at least they dont have to wind the motor up again every tuesday now
[11:34] Bxxxxxxxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: thats because they have genetically modified hamsters now, they run on lag
[11:34] Exxx Fxxxxxxx: can I buy one on MP...ive lots of feed for them
[11:56] oxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hxxp://mxxxxxxxxxesexsualgilft.altervista.orgI mean, I'm sure you can guess what I took out to make it not work as a link, but I did want you to see the rest of it, especially the "sexsual" ( *gags* ) and the "gilft" (because WTF is a "gilft"??). Here's the rest of it:
Group for Gift - Group Gift Mesh Body -omega - sex -hard Only free Gift.Cottage Gift Shop nows make some custom items such as cards and flowers. wall hangers, Baby hangers, Gift Boxes, hxxp://mxxxxxxxxxesexsualgilft.altervista.org [11:56] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: do not click.. spam
Obviously spam, and bad spam at that.
[11:57] Bxxxxxxxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: taken care ofBy that she means that she, as a group mod, bounced the clueless wonder. Four years old, btw. Usually it's the ten-year accounts that haven't logged in in a while that get nabbed, so the only thing I can think of was she was stupid enough to click one of these scam links and got her account hacked directly.
[11:58] Jxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Judas Priest, I thought we saw the last of these kind of scams 2 years agoOh, no, they're everywhere still.
[11:59] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh they'll never end :(It really is. Not that they care, overall...obviously, people are still falling for this inanity, enough to make them money at least. There have to be easier ways to make a buck, people, seriously.
[12:18] Emilly Orr: "Gilft"? Their spelling's getting worse.
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