05 December, 2018

so tell me what the point is with everything you say

So, I've been fairly busy for the past few days with another blog. It's not a perfect thing, but considering Tumblr is trying to commit professional suicide as we watch, and they've only given everyone who posts or reposts adult content until December 17th to delete or be flagged...I'm moving everything I want to save off the site.

(There's also someone with a so-called "rescue plan", but...I have serious reservations. And major doubts. We'll see if that becomes anything other than smoke and air.)

It's just a long, slow, annoying process. I'm leaving behind anything I can't track down the original photographer/model for, or anything I reposted just to add something like 'yes please'. And I'm starting from when I started Tumblr, which means 2010. Aaaaaaaagh.

So it'll be a while. If anyone's interested, they'll slowly surface here over the coming months. (I've also updated the conductor contact points far, far down on the sidebar to reflect this.)

I'll still be blogging here. I'll try to do at least one post every couple of days, but we'll see how that goes. And I may decide, just to catch up, to move the posts on the new blog to two a day. We'll see.

And to finish things up, have a ton of people reacting to news of Tumblr's decisions.
That is all. Back to the reblogging grind.