To wit, Exhibit A. Or perhaps B, for "Babygirl". And before anyone rolls their eyes, no, I'm not actually going after her shape. Precisely. Or clothing. Everyone wants to be comfortable now and again, and if a tanktop two sizes too small, and a pair of sweatpants about to break at the zipper make her comfortable, okay, go her. That's not what I want to point out.
In the above image, I want you to look at her ankles. Now, this is SL. We cannot, unfortunately, match our feet to our actual size, because years of conditioning to size 0 slider feet has led us to expect and, to a certain extent, visually desire teensy feet. Worse, when most of the mesh body makers designed their mesh bodies, they designed them with that bias in mind. So...we're kind of stuck with tiny-footed femmes.
But look at those ankles. Those slender, twisting things. GET AN ANKLE LOCK, dear gods, they won't DO that if you lock your ankles in place!!
Second...well, second is two-fold. First, we can control the size of our hands, so...why do so many, many women choose instead these teeny-tiny baby hands that would be better suited for 18-inch porcelain dolls?? I don't get it, I just don't. It's not attractive, it's not compelling, and, depending on the avatar, it's either nightmare fuel or completely laughable.
The second thing, though, is something I struggle with as well--and I swear, the first animator in SL who comes up with standing animations that will not clip through larger busts and hips is going to make a mint. I am dead serious. I have looked and I'm nowhere near her curves, and most of my daily animations still clip annoyingly, because I found perhaps three animations that don't clip at all.
That's not a lot. I'm sure it presents some technical difficulties, but surely, the financial gain alone would be worth it? I mean, I guess right now it's a good thing, because most of her animations moved those tiny little baby hands inside her body, where they were mercifully hidden, but still, there has to be a better way.
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