20 December, 2018


Tom Williams said...

Thanks again for this post.

Emilly Orr said...

You're welcome? :)

Emilly Orr said...

To the spammer who lacked the bravery even to come in with a fake name: your comment is gone. No, I will not be pimping whatever it was to my readers. Long walk, short pier, fall off the nearest cliff, I care not--just don't do it here.

Emilly Orr said...


To the Turkish spammer who came in under the oh-so-original name of "Unknown" who thinks I'm interested in buying followers--boy, are you barking up all the wrong trees. I do not care. I did not start the Train Wreck for popularity. Sure, I'd love to get paid for what I do here--wouldn't anyone--but I do not care enough to watch numbers and stress over it. I write what I want. I am responsible to me. That is plenty.

So again, go join the spammer in the previous comment. You're not wanted here.