20 December, 2018

I've been waitin', I've been holding out

Ah, mesh. How did we ever survive without it?


Tom Williams said...

Thanks again for this post.

Emilly Orr said...

You're welcome? :)

Emilly Orr said...

To the spammer who lacked the bravery even to come in with a fake name: your comment is gone. No, I will not be pimping whatever it was to my readers. Long walk, short pier, fall off the nearest cliff, I care not--just don't do it here.

Emilly Orr said...


To the Turkish spammer who came in under the oh-so-original name of "Unknown" who thinks I'm interested in buying followers--boy, are you barking up all the wrong trees. I do not care. I did not start the Train Wreck for popularity. Sure, I'd love to get paid for what I do here--wouldn't anyone--but I do not care enough to watch numbers and stress over it. I write what I want. I am responsible to me. That is plenty.

So again, go join the spammer in the previous comment. You're not wanted here.

my heart feels dead inside, cold and hard and petrified

While I'm still failing at blogging the geta (I know, I KNOW I know), new fun thing dropped: Behold, the "Oberon" Unseeli...