24 August, 2018

there's no room for innocence

So...the Sense event is a shopping event, one of the themed ones. It's got some gacha action, it has some special limited-edition pieces, but it all ties in--or tries to tie in--with a specific theme. I think the theme for this one was either "Animal" or more likely "Zoo", which mostly made sense...ah, so to speak...with the setting, until...this set piece.

Was this really necessary? It's supposedly a zoo event. Animals, cages, some people wandering around, okay. Maybe there's implied violence in the running figures, but as they're not actually moving, it's hard to get that sense of urgency from them, right?

But...come on. Even if someone partially ate a human, it wouldn't be a rhino. And even if something else wandered into the rhino enclosure and partially ate the girl, it certainly wouldn't have completely undressed her first. Animals don't do that. They don't care.

This is serial killer porn, and it's just the totally wrong mood for this event. Why? I don't get it.