04 August, 2018

we follow our own steps, while our shadows keep watching us

Just as I'd decided I wasn't up to the fight to get back into the group, Miss T wrote back:
[12:18] Txxx Mxxxx: We as mods support each other that is correct however, if the member feels that they have been wronged they can appeal to the owners. The final decision is made by the owners: Kamiri Linette, ValescaKK Resident and andreanoxs Resident. Yes there is a chance of getting back in the group once you have spoken with the one of the owners explaining your side of the story.
[12:19] Emilly Orr: All right. Though Peppah moderating solely from emotion will be an issue, I will try and appeal and keep my head down.

[12:21] Txxx Mxxxx: Did you keep a copy of your chat in group chat?
[12:21] Emilly Orr: I can check my logs, should be there. I relogged to see if I was actually in the group, based on something another moderator said.
[12:22] Txxx Mxxxx: May I ask what the other moderator said?
[12:22] Txxx Mxxxx: I do not want the name of the moderator just the conversation piece please.
So I gave her the bit of chat with Miss P.
[12:32] Txxx Mxxxx: You will need to talk with one of the owners. Val, Andrea and Kamiri have been busy in RL. but my best advice to you is to create a notecard and send the notecard to each of the owners and await their reply.
[12:32] Emilly Orr: Thank you.
[12:36] Txxx Mxxxx: You're very welcome Emilly. I hope this will help you.
So...that's what I'm planning to do, but I'm not holding my breath.

This was the card I sent to the owners (I'm just copying in the text I sent to Kamiri, but I sent the same card to all three owners):

I've been ejected from your group by Peppah Spice, I'm including both what was said between she and I (in the notecard below the main card for the group chat) and what was said that I believe was the reason Peppah ejected me, which I still don't understand.

[card about the main discussion that got me ejected]

And the (one-sided) conversation I had with Peppah after:

[card about the conversation I tried to have with Peppah]

I was merely trying to ascertain the rules, which have *never* been that we cannot discuss fashion at large, as long as we are not discussing specific designers. If the rules have changed, obviously I am in the wrong, but the group info found on your blog doesn't mention anything about not being able to discuss anything on fashions of the day.

Now, it does say rudeness is not allowed. I do not believe I was rude. It says spamming is not allowed, and I have *never* spammed in this group. And it says causing drama can result in a permanent ban, but I do not believe anything I said in group chat, or to Peppah directly--nor to any moderator to which I spoke after--was rude or overly dramatic.

If she is that touchy about alternative religions, I can understand that, but I don't believe she should be a moderator if she can't be clear-headed about such topics coming up in chat. Or the group info should be changed as to what's allowed.

I would like to be allowed back in the group, and I will do my best not to engage with Peppah, but I do believe I was ejected unfairly. I leave it in your hands.

We'll see what happens from here.