28 August, 2018

their hidden laws condemn him, they’re so rigid and refined (part three)

So, we were still talking about spiders, right?
[12:03] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx:
[12:03] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: There are only 2 types of spiders that cause any kind of serious health risk. Most others will not even bother you unless you are allergic to bee stings.
[12:04] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: I haven't actually bought slink-only shoes in a long time (99% of my shoes are KC, honestly), but my memory is that Maitreya's feet fit slink shoes
When the Maitreya body first came out, shoes and fingernails fit from Slink. It was awesome and it gave Maitreya owners a reason to buy things from Slink, so win-win. But Slink got huffy, and changed the coding on their feet, so that no longer works. Now only Maitreya shoes will fit Maitreya feet. The only exception is on some boots, where we're just removing the feet from view anyway, so it doesn't matter that they don't fit.
[12:04] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: there are a few spiders that are highly venomous....
[12:04] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: in australia we have a lot of spiders
[12:04] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: a tiger IS dangerous. You have to be careful with all wildlife animals, no matter how tame they are.
[12:04] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: ...let's be honest, in Australia the teapots are probably venemous
[12:04] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: hahaha LOL [Mxxx]
[12:04] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[12:04] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yes!! [mxxx] just yes!!
Now I really want to track down art of a venomous teapot.
[12:05] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: First of all, ALL spiders are venomous.
Um...no, actually, no, they're not. Where'd you get the idea that they were? That's like saying all snakes are venomous, and that's not true either.
[12:05] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: most aussies i think are not drinking tea
[12:05] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: how have aussies survived where everything is made to kill you
[12:05] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: But only a few are deadly to humans.
[12:05] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Right, because they're afraid of losing a finger because their teapot stung them
[12:05] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: haha
[12:05] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: aussies are not usually scared of creepie crawlies we have them everywhere
Hard to effectively be afraid of something that's ever-present. It gets tiring. Eventually we adapt and accept.
[12:06] Lxxxxx Lxxxxxx: nasty eewwww runs bobbi pins flying in all directions
[12:06] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Touche, it's hard to be scared when everything is scary
[12:06] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i like animals. i like studying them
[12:06] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: List of australian Animals that wont try to kill you: Some of the sheep...
Unless you get Q fever, Campylobacter poisoning, or Hydatid disease, among others.
[12:06] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ive killed hundreds of redback spiders over the years usually i wouldnt kill a spider but i had children and they were very venomous
[12:06] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: your snakes are bad too aren't they?
[12:07] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yes we call the snake catcher
[12:07] wxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: snakes are gorgeous
[12:07] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: People seem to think that spiders actively hunt people.
[12:07] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yes they are
[12:07] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i had a pet albino boa when i was a kid
[12:07] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: she was beautiful
[12:07] wxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i have a python that likes my purses
[12:07] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: I actually get spider bites all the time. Just a desert thing. We do have black widows around here though, so I'm kinda hoping that one of those nocturnal spider kisses isn't one of those
[12:07] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: the king brown is one that is very common and if u live near the bushland or creeks like i do you have to always watch your step outside and keep the doors always shut to the house
[12:08] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: they are hibernating at the moment
[12:08] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: good ole winter in aussie land
[12:09] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ya we have the coldest time right now but spring is coming soon in two weeks
[12:09] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Guh, that means we get fall in two weeks. I can't wait, I'm tired of melting
[12:10] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: technically in australia spring starts september 1 but in other time zones the seasons change mid month
[12:10] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it is always funny when i watch youtube videos from Australia and the people are wearing coats, and i am sitting here dying of heat and humidity
Separate hemispheres. It throws us.
[12:10] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ya we really dont need coats we put them on when its like 18 degrees celcius
[12:10] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: I wanna travel back in time to the days when summers didn't always hit 45c
[12:10] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it was like 7 degrees c yesterday i was frozen to death
[12:11] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh my gawd
[12:11] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but we get to over 40 degrees c in summer always
[12:12] Mxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Down here in Australia, the poisonous snakes kill the poisonous poison spiders, the killer jellyfish kill the sharks, the crocs kill the sharks, that only leaves the rest of the deadly things to kill us humans lol
[12:12] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you have the blue ringed octopus that is like the size of a dinner roll and could kill you so quickly
[12:12] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Right, but it'd be so cute doing it
[12:13] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Who's a squishy little death roll? YOU are!
To be fair, this is the blue-ringed octopus, for those who may not know. Cute, right?
[12:13] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lmfao
[12:13] sxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol!
[12:13] Mxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: that's true, [Sxxxx], I left out lots lol
[12:13] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hehe [mxxxx]
[12:13] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: I am getting freaked out just hearing of all these animals you are talking about. In Spain as long as you dont go near the bulls in Feria you are fine.
[12:14] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: most aussies are not silly enough to go swimming in north queensland
[12:14] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: I cant think of a single poisonous animal here.
[12:14] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: We definitely hit over 40 here as long as I can remember. Like I'm not gonna pretend I don't hit triple digits
during the summer. But 45 is...new. And really really gross. It's the sort of thing where you open the door and you're just like "nope"
[12:14] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxxx: Unless, heaven forbid, you actually HAVE to go outside on those days. (Also, chat lag so if this message gets delivered before my next one just swap em and it'll make more sense)
[12:15] sxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: well you have cats.....sure, they're cute and fluffy, but they're up to something
[12:15] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Decimating the local ecology, you mean?
[12:15] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: new zealand doesnt have snakes but they have killer bees volcanos lots of earthquakes i think im happy here in oz
[12:15] Mxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I have never known anyone hurt be anything poisonous in my life so it's not too dangerous down here on the bottom of the planet :)
[12:15] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: Oh, I just thought, do mosquitoes count? I am having allergic reactions to them and they are criminal.
[12:15] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Like, I love my cats but they have been probably the single worst ecological disaster in human history short of climate change
Depends on where they are, but yeah, overall, outdoor cats kill a ton of local small wildlife.
[12:16] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Pretty sure things are just extinct now cuz kitty saw it moving in the grass
[12:16] Mxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: mosquitoes kill more each day that sharks have killed in 100 years. They are the most dangerous creature on the planet, by far
[12:17] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: well in australia our scientists have started irradicating viruses mosquitos carry by introducing mosquitos that cnnot reproduce they are really bringing down the bad mozzies in droves
[12:17] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: oh, feel better now, we have dangerous animals in Spain then. yep, very dangerous. SO there, now we dont have to feel envy of the aussies.
[12:17] Mxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx smiles :)
[12:18] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: there are several other countries such as brazil now that are using this technology to get rid of viruses such as zeka not sure how u spell it and i think the dengue fever one
[12:19] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: we have lots of scorpions in australia too
[12:19] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: mmmm, I woudl say.. sure.
[12:19] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: people dont really realise whenever u kick a rock u can get bit by one
[12:19] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: scorpions are yummy
[12:19] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i mean bad!
Oh, I don't know, there are those who eat scorpions. I doubt they'd do that if they weren't at least a little tasty for them.
[12:19] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: at least the kangaroos you can see
[12:20] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: You guys are seriously making me decide I am not visiting in forever!! Not even if I got to see that gorgeous blond hunk of a vet doctor you have in the Divinity Channel.
[12:20] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: the bondi vet?
[12:20] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: yay, that one.
Or, to be more specific, this guy:

[12:21] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: Hes so cute, but specially seems like such a nice person. Loved when he adopted the kitty.
[12:21] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: there are way hotter guys than him here
[12:21] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: Maybe, but he is like "hot" inside too.
[12:21] sxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: why, did he eat a whole vindaloo?
[12:22] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: on tv
[12:22] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: HAHAHAHA x-D
[12:22] sxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: :)
[12:22] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: [Sxxxxx], he just seems a very nice person, and that makes him more attractive, at least to me. I am not particularly a "bad guy" sort of girl.
[12:22] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i am just gonna smile and nod as if i know who you're talking about
[12:23] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lots of aussies are bad guys lol just look on tinder most there are after one thing
It's Tinder. Lots of bad guys from anywhere are on Tinder.
[12:24] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yeah a "slab of bundy" usually
[12:24] Kxxxxx Cxxxxx: hey hey my partner is an Aussie, been with him 8 years so not ALL aussies are creeps
[12:24] Wxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxxx: what have I logged into
[12:24] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and for all you older ladies out there there is dr harry ....he is a vet too and very lovely
[12:24] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: [Sxxxxx], yeah but it was very funny, I loved it.
[12:24] sxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hehe good :)
[12:24] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: bad boy doesnt mean creep
[12:26] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: not always, but bad guys do tend to brake more hearts in the long run.
[12:26] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i had my bad boy stage when i was a teen... now i am here going.... "i need a man who can at least clean up his own mess"
Not the worst thing to look for. So, started out with slut-shaming and jealousy, then moved into discussion of Maitreya mythology, and ended up in serious Australia dangers discussion. Good times?

Or at least strange ones.


Anonymous said...

Half these people would die if they were in Florida. We not only have copperheads, water moccasins, and Black Widow spiders, we have alligators that love to come into your pool. Oh, and let's not forget the very well armed "lone gunmen" that all seem to listen to the same podcasts.