27 August, 2018

their hidden laws condemn him, they’re so rigid and refined (part two)

Okay, where were we? Oh, right.
[11:45] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: depends what advice you give
[11:45] gxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: first guy gave me free stuff was a folder with bikini and pubic hair lol
[11:45] nxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'm not in the category of most noobs.
I...guess that's a good thing?
[11:45] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i never have trouble giving advice to people they accept
Well, aren't you just special.
[11:45] rxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: when i came into sl, i met a friend and she took me and bought me about 10k worth of clothes and got me maitreya and all lol i tried topay her back and she said no, pay it forward and help others when you can
[11:45] wxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ya have to be specific when it comes to a new beginner
[11:45] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but then i dont pretend i'm ancient and wise just because my rez date was before december 2011
[11:46] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: Depends, some people accept help, I have had only a few get really upstuck and told me to mind my business. I try to then. Better you give help when asked for it.
[11:46] zxxx Mxxxx: hello everyone :)
[11:46] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hello [zxxx], be warned the convo is scary
Not really, spiders haven't come back into it yet.
[11:46] lxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hahah, I'd done the same [sh*t]
[11:46] zxxx Mxxxx: oh ok lol
[11:47] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: language [lxx]
[11:47] lxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oops sorry
[11:47] gxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: easier to just do everything urself and not let nobody hold favors on u
[11:47] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it's ok. i know words slip, but be careful
[11:47] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I spent my first 6months helping newbies at a newbie hub. I have spent COUNTLESS hours at the Social Islands helping newbies find stuff. I have folders in my inventory(not griefer items) that I give to newbies. Folders of LMs for free skin hair and clothing.
I used to do that. I should pull together a folder of solid freebie places and info hubs again. It's never a bad thing to do with very new people.
[11:47] lxxxx Rxxxxxxx: :)
[11:47] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hell [Sxxxx], its better than that other old favorite... "my fav retexturer of fp template mesh charges more than the other 11 sdtores using the same template and claims to be original so the other 11 must be copybotters"
Yeah, that's a problem too. We're loyal to our friends. Sometimes our friends turn out to be ripping people off. It's hard, realizing that.
[11:47] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: And that is for both males AND females.
[11:47] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I have used every bit of direction and guidance and have made it work. Yes i was lucky enough thart someone helped me out as they did. But i have learned from many in this group and have found my own way from the time the gifts were given to me. I dont beg, i dont ask for Ls, i dont do what "Most" new people do. I do come from IMVU which is a little like this but this is way better. I have the under 30 days group this group and a few others to help me find my own way until i can find work in game
[11:48] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: one thing i will say too if your noob is an alt dont be uncool and act like you dont know anything and try use people they will not find that very cool at all.
[11:48] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Psh, how silly. I spend most of my time at newbie hubs making fun of the fact that they're not wearing designer clothes.
You're either being sarcastic, or you're a genuine jerk. Don't know you well enough to say either way.
[11:48] nxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: In 28 days I'll do a couple sets as a hostess so I can earn enough for a stream and then I'll switch to DJ'ing.
[11:48] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Kidding, obviously. And yeah, I've heard of tons and tons of people who come here from IMVU!
[11:49] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I actually might have a hostessing job. (Fingers crossed) New club but its a foot in the door
[11:49] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yeah because IMVU sucks, moving on.
[11:49] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: IMVU is horrid compared to here
[11:49] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i will NOT go back
[11:49] lxxxx Rxxxxxxx: IMVU?
IMVU. Sort of like the nightmare fuel version of SL.
[11:49] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i used be part of IMVU years ago.....
[11:49] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: If you don't know it, it of zero consequence.
[11:49] nxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'm hearing that DJ's and Hostesses are in short supply.
DJ's, no, but hostesses are always needed.
[11:49] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but that was way before i had heard about SL
[11:50] lxxxx Rxxxxxxx: uhuh
[11:50] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no [Nxxx], theres no shortage of dj's and hosts in sl
[11:50] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i played IMVU for about a year and got bored... then in 2014 i found SL
[11:50] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Still, I was helped early on. I feel like most people were, right at the start. So how does that go? Pay it forward? Don't break the chain? Keep the tapes circulating?
[11:50] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Club Penguin had more to offer than IMVU.
Yeah, and had more scandals.
[11:50] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and was like hmm let's try it
[11:50] zxxx Mxxxx: AND... drum roll please
[11:51] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: Yeah [Mxxx], thats what Ive done since I was helped here a lot when I first came in after 8 years of not being around.
[11:51] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: And I have done the same.
[11:51] nxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: But I am told that not many clubs will hire someone with less than 30 days.
Most won't, it's true.
[11:51] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: I played IMVU until I found out that I couldn't get anywhere without dropping money. 12 years later, here I am on SL without payment info on file, thanks in *huge* part to groups like this. I love you guys
[11:52] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: [Nxxx], no store will get you if you are less that a certain age of avatar.
[11:52] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I very quickly learned SL's interface and file system and how things worked now I make my own tattoos, and have been a DJ and motorcycle track owner.
[11:52] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: When I was loooking for a job myself that was a requirement in a lot of standard jobs.
[11:52] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Aye, even as a volunteer at the newbie hub I had to be 90days old.
[11:53] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: There are other jobs of course that are less picky. Depends. On the job, and if you know the person or whatever.
[11:53] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: They didn't even ask me about it till I was 89 days old and said, "Ok apply tomorrow."
[11:54] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I got a job as a noob in a strip club i rarely had to actually go full nude i made a lot of linden and got a maitreya body and catwa head eventually then i decided i wanted a linden house so paid in but i was able to before that rent a small place with what i was earning and buy whatever i wanted I have my own club now and I handpick people now and then to help out.
Thanks for sharing.
[11:54] zxxx Mxxxx: i never knew sorry
[11:56] pxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: can anyone dress me?
Are we back to looking for sugar daddies again? Spend the first half of this convo telling the girl who got gifted she was a slut for accepting it, but now you want what she got? Yeah, life doesn't work that way. On yer bike.
[11:56] nxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: What is a maitreya body?
[11:56] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Maitreya is a creator in SL that makes a body called Lara.
[11:56] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it is a mesh body that is quite a good deal for the price. there are other mesh bodies
[11:56] sxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Maitreya is a brand of mesh body
[11:56] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it all depends on your taste
[11:57] Cxxxx Rxxxxx: Noob, Maitreya is a brand... they create Body and clothes
[11:57] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I like the altamura body too and AK heads
[11:57] Vxxxxxxx Bxxxx: There are bodies you can get that are better than your default body. Each one is a bit different.
[11:57] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: theres lots of good choices
[11:57] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Others include, Belleza, SLink, Altamura, and Abbar eBody.
[11:57] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Genesis make nice heads too
[11:58] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: AK and LAQ also make nice heads.
[11:58] nxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Okay, I remember someone talking about Belleza and a lot of the free stuff I'm finding has Slink stuff.
[11:58] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i like LAQ because it is for a younger look, and i use my Lelutka for a older look
[11:58] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: for me because im a dancer i had to buy slink feet
[11:58] Vxxxxxxx Bxxxx: Maitreya is the best if you like a lot of variety and frees.
[11:58] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: u can get different feet to attach to your other body
[11:59] Rxxxxxxx Gxxxxxxxx: i use slink HG and Ga.Eg myself, though i did purchase a LAQ head recently for a more...human look, lol
[11:59] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Something to note: Maitreya comes with slink feet, iirc
No, it doesn't. It never came with Slink feet. It came with Maitreya feet and hands, originally, that fit Slink feet products and Slink hand products. Now it doesn't fit those things, but the Maitreya body still comes with Maitreya hands and feet, not Slink hands and feet.
[11:59] Kxxxxx Cxxxxx: I wanted woman not girl so I went Lelutka
[11:59] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: SLink is popular with older members because it was one of the first around along with TMP but, it has given way to Maitreya and Belleza, with eBody gaining traction.
[11:59] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i RP a lot, so multiple looks are awesome
[11:59] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i have found with altamura also you can pretty much wear most things
[11:59] Cxxxx Rxxxxx: i have Similar feet... they are compatible to Slink
[11:59] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but not the free alta
[11:59] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i got the slink point for ballet they are good
[12:00] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh the free altamura can wear most of my maitreya stuff .. but i am not big on altamura bodies
[12:00] zxxx Mxxxx: i don't like the spider one sigma i am scared of them
[12:00] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh, i can remove my ridable spider
[12:00] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so i don't scare you
[12:00] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: spiders are cool
Ah, back to spiders.
[12:01] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: Or at least something that fits all slink feet things. All I know is even when I use other bodies I pop on my Maitreya feet. That being said, Maitreya does have the best compatibility with mesh clothes for female avatars. Though I did pick up Belleza freya recently and found it's...really not bad. Most of my Maitreya Wardobe also came with options for Belleza Freya
[12:01] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: they have spider pasties at the little bat in the group gifts
[12:01] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i think
[12:02] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: the only animal i am scared of..... idk.... i am uneasy around big cats people say are "tame" lol
[12:02] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: do NOT bring that spider you are talking about near me :-)
[12:02] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yeah Altamura HUDs are the worst.
Works for me, I don't like the Altamura heads to date anyway.
[12:02] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: spiders are good luck unless one bites you lol
[12:02] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: That's not a bad instinct. Things that can seriously wound you while playing are probably best to give a wide berth
[12:02] Mxxx Gxxxxxxxx: xP
[12:02] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i keep thje 2 cellar spiders in my bathroom there so they can get flies and stuff
[12:03] Cxxxx Rxxxxx: for feet and shoes i think most are for Maitreya or for Slink... so if you have a Maitreya body you can use the cheaper Similar feet for all that shoes that are not for Maitreya but for Slink
[12:03] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I have a male alt with an altumura max body i found it to be an excellent hud the free alta do not have all the same options
[12:03] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: when i was a teenager i got to pet a tiger.. the whole time i was very uneasy and watching it intently lol
[12:03] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i had seen some bad videos

Phobias are irrational things. But yeah, this is going into the third part, I think. See you there.