[10:24] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i paid in coins it still says that i havw to pay the budgetYeah, so just to make this clear--notice went out early, early this morning. By ten SLT the word of the servers being down was well and truly out. There had been follow-ups in public chat. The only way Ms. T would not have known would be if she didn't read anything that came from notices or chat.
[10:24] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and lost around 60 lindens
[10:25] Bxxx Bxxxx: ke sayed not to pay ito the coins sever is down
[10:25] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh wowAnd look, she's surprised. So that means she didn't.
[10:25] Bxxx Bxxxx: if you did it while the sever is down you would lost the lindes wehn the sever xcomes up at some point ithink you will need to do a ticketProbably, yeah. Because there's nothing that can be done about demanding funds while the server isn't up to deliver them. As was stated in the notices.
[10:26] pxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you need to read notices that are sent [txxxxxxx]There were. Multiple ones.
[10:26] Bxxx Bxxxx: yes
[10:26] Bxxx Bxxxx: there wer notices send out
[10:26] Bxxx Bxxxx: abut the sever being down
[10:26] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i should hahaTHE SERVER IS DOWN, Ms. T. What does that mean for you? The ENTIRE SERVER, for the ENTIRE GAME, is DOWN. You know what that means? Coin hunt is down. Fishing is down. ATMS to request funds from are--yep, for really real--DOWN. Do we need to write it in crayon for you?
[10:26] Bxxx Bxxxx: lol
[10:28] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oy but it doesn't says not to pay into coins..
[10:29] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Wili Clip: Group Notice Sent by: Wili ClipOh, good, you found the notice. She can be taught.
SERVER - STATUS (currently offline for virus cleaning)
Hello everyone!
The tech support took the web server offline to clean it from viruses.
Sorry for inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
[10:29] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: thats the 1What Ms. G said. Whether they took it offline manually, or it crashed, it is down, and until it comes back up, nothing's going to work. Period.
[10:29] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: would take that as don't pay into coins because the server is offline
[10:29] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: thanks for the recap of the message
[10:30] Gxxxxx Lxxxxx: the server runs everything, its down
[10:30] Gxxxxx Lxxxxx: what more do you need
[10:30] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: not down had to be taken offline
[10:30] Gxxxxx Lxxxxx: symantics
[10:31] Gxxxxx Lxxxxx: down , offline, its the same thing, the game doesnt work in any fashion
[10:31] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ye i bet i'm not only one.Probably not. And that level of stupidity is kind of terrifying, actually.
[10:31] Bxxx Bxxxx: yes so no coin hunting fishing or farming and other things on here toMiss S, you are not helping. So for the people in the back row: as far as getting funds from an ATM--which was what Ms. T was trying to do--"down" and "offline" mean THE EXACT SAME THING. And what that exact thing is, is NOT. WORKING. Do I need to write it in crayon for you too?
[10:32] Bxxx Bxxxx: util sever is back for sure
[10:32] Bxxx Bxxxx: so dont pay ito any coins
[10:32] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: down and offline means 2 differnt things
[10:32] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: down means broke and gone on its own
[10:32] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: offline mean taken off
[10:33] Bxxx Bxxxx: if you payito the coins while the sever is stil l not up yet you will ose the lindes you payed ito withBut they should be, Ms. T, because it's not a stupendous logic leap. Machine down, game not work. Even the weakest, most fluttery brain cell should be able to spark the neurons enough to get "Cannot get paid for game" from that. It is not hard, because the coin hunt and the fishing game pay earnings into the same account that is then sent to one server. And whether that server goes down or is taken offline, it is still not UP for anyone to withdraw funds from the game account on that downed or offline server.
[10:33] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but he should still write -not to pay into the coins though-. Not everyone are smart enaugh to know that
[10:33] Bxxx Bxxxx: so its best to wait for all clearBy all the dark gods, you really are a lump of clay, aren't you? Miss S was trying to dumb it down for you, and--and I'm baffled that I'm even typing this--apparently, she didn't dumb it down enough for you to grasp the problem.
[10:34] Bxxx Bxxxx: thank you [sxx]
[10:34] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: notice before
[10:34] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i don't see that message anywhere
[10:34] Bxxx Bxxxx: theres your notice everyoneWatch your language, Ms. D. But beyond that, that wasn't Miss S's rewording--that was actually from [Dxxx], a moderator directly in communication with the owner of the game. Which means we're back to Ms. T never reading a damn notice that comes from the game she plays. Her own damn fault, then.
[10:34] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: till now ^^
[10:34] Bxxx Bxxxx: will now hopely people that come on and dont know the sever is still down will se the notice now
[10:35] Bxxx Bxxxx: or dont know at all
[10:35] Bxxx Bxxxx: it was down
[10:35] Dxxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx: notice posted by [Dxxx] on 7.31... 15 18:11gmt
[10:35] Dxxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx: CHECK THE DAMN NOTICES
[10:35] Dxxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx: SHEESH
[10:35] Bxxx Bxxxx: yes thank you [dxxx]No, obviously you don't, because you have all the brains of a small yellow plastic soap dish.
[10:35] Dxxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx: got the brains of a freakin' hamster.. lol
[10:35] Dxxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx: always check notices
[10:36] Bxxx Bxxxx: lol
[10:36] oxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lmao
[10:36] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: like I would open the damn chat and scrool up every message
[10:36] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [dxxx]I tend to agree.
[10:36] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: don't
[10:36] Dxxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx: lazy twit, aren't you? pfft
[10:36] Bxxx Bxxxx: ok lets be good nowNope.
[10:36] Bxxx Bxxxx: lets not get to cerry away you might wake [hxxxx]
[10:36] Dxxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx: not too far to scroll, it's the 3rd one down
[10:36] Sxxxx Cxxxxxxxxxx: Just got in. Have the servers been cleaned?
[10:36] Dxxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx: lolOoh, snippy little twidget, aren't you? When it was your fault for not reading the notices in the first place.
[10:36] Dxxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx: that's true, [Bxxx]
[10:36] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: bitch come to im
Look, I'm all for missing notices once in a while, it happens, and sometimes, one notice is all we get for an event or sale. But there were four notices yesterday, plus chatter in group yesterday and today. The only way Ms. T missed that is by deliberately not reading the notices--which she's confirmed--as well as not paying attention to group chat...or living under a rock.
Or actually being a rock, I'm honestly not sure.
[10:37] Bxxx Bxxxx: ok g ratedWell, I would, but you so clearly demonstrated your contempt for notices, I think "brains of a freakin' hamster" was pretty mild, all things considered. Beyond that, all she said was 'damn'. Which also isn't allowed, but is a far cry from your calling her a 'bitch'. Harassment would be far different.
[10:37] Bxxx Bxxxx: chat
[10:37] Bxxx Bxxxx: no bad words please
[10:37] Bxxx Bxxxx: or name calling
[10:37] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no harrasing too* you should say
[10:37] Bxxx Bxxxx: bye [Dxxx] frendYou don't get a say in this. You're deliberately choosing to be stupid. No points for that.
[10:37] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ye go
[10:38] Bxxx Bxxxx: ] [txxxxxxx] keep in mind this is a g rated chat you cant call peopple names and say bad things to them we have to keep this chat cleanYep. And Miss D stayed--mostly--within those rules to express frustration. You, you great clod of waste space, did not.
[10:38] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Dxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx]: got the brains of a freakin' hamster.. lolSo you can copy and paste but not read? Good to know.
[10:39] Bxxx Bxxxx: i know al ot of you guys are upset but all we can do is wait util tec fixes itNO. Again, because you're too stupid to get this without breaking it down into monosyllabic statements, you said bad word. Bad word bad. This not chat for bad word. Okay?
[10:39] pxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: please read notices then people wont get upset if you miss the notices its easy enough to find them just click at the top of the group chat on the picture next to the arrowa pointing to the right once clicked then click on notices and scroll down the notices to read a notice click on the headline and bingo the ntice appears
[10:39] Bxxx Bxxxx: so we jsut have to be good
[10:39] Bxxx Bxxxx: yes thank you [pxxxxxx] what [pxxxxxx] sayed
[10:39] txxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no. [bxxxx]. i can not harass others.. bet cuz [dxxx] is you friend you let her. and you ignore her messages just so u know
[10:40] Bxxx Bxxxx: ok wer not going to go there frend okPretty good, today, we finally got a break in the heat.
[10:40] Bxxx Bxxxx: no dreama
[10:40] Bxxx Bxxxx: so moveing on hows the weather
[10:40] oxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: o.0Then, later:
[10:40] Sxxxx Cxxxxxxxxxx: ffs. Forget this LOL. Too many judgy people
[10:45] Cxx Rxxxxxxxx: isthe server up?Y'know...you can--and just suggesting this as an option, mind...turn off notices from the groups you're just going to delete anyway. I have several of my weekly sale groups turned off, so they won't dump into my email and max out my offlines. The beauty of having notices turned off is it only works for notices sent when we're not logged in, so if we want to know what's going on in any group while we're on the grid, w'll e'll hear anyway.
[10:45] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no, still asleep :p
[10:45] pxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no [Cxx] if you read the notices you wouldnt have to ask that question
[10:46] Cxx Rxxxxxxxx: sorry i get to many notices
[10:46] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: notices are saved for 14 days on group info - notices
[10:47] Cxx Rxxxxxxxx: i delete all as i get 200 a night
[10:47] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: can turn receiving offYes, that, exactly.
[10:47] pxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you can still read them by cocking at the top of this pageI think she means "looking", but also--note Miss C is not asking, hey, game doesn't work, what gives? She's saying, are the servers still down, which means she was paying attention to chat, at least, yesterday.
[10:48] Cxx Rxxxxxxxx: wish i figured that out. only been back to sl after 3 year break for only 3 weeksAbout this time was when the servers came back up, yes. After most of yesterday and this morning down.
[10:55] Bxxx Bxxxx: um rember sever is down guys if you do fish you wont get anthing
[10:55] Pxxxxxx Lxxxx: ...
[10:56] Bxxx Bxxxx: fisihng is on the same sever as coins
[10:56] Bxxx Bxxxx: so just letting you all know
[10:56] Bxxx Bxxxx: thank you [axxxx]
[11:16] fxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxx: its up
[11:16] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 12 phone calls later ......Yeah, really. So this is what actually happened. This notice came from Wili on July 31st, so yesterday,, at 4:29 pm SLT:
[11:17] nxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 70... years... later...
[11:18] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: was a day and half night
[11:19] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: there was a netbot whatever that is and wili was traeling for an important femily event out of the country and di dnot catch the email informing him .. so the cleanup did not happen until he got home but by then the server had been turned off by the host
[11:19] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: once thathappened we needed tocontact the host and get itall back up again .
[11:19] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im reading the drama over the past day and tall the various conspiracy theories ...and shakingmy head
Hello everyone,So it sounded pretty serious, but also sounded like Wili caught it as soon as he could and instituted safety measures to keep the problem from getting worse. Isn't that all what we want?
It seems that despite of security hardening that the techies did on the server it somehow got infected by a virus that included our server into a botnet that attacked many different companies... even some Korean financial institution...
The support ticket has already been sent and request to run an antivirus on the web server issued as well.
I was away for last 4 days and couldn't have caught this before to prevent infection spreading.
I just wish we could do that without people having to choose between honest thought and continuing to breathe.
Oh, and a bit later still:
[11:30] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Every few hours I check the bot logs also to see if [hxxxx] has made anymistakes with warnings or bansAnd then the warnings started.
[11:31] Pxxxxxxxx Cxxxxx: i just relogged, so i missed everything, and noooo prob
[11:31] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and im so disappointed today art whatI esee thatI am goign to let [hxxxx] have his way . if anyone who gets warned has a comment aboutit they can messageme and talk to me about the situation
[11:31] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: normally i block many of [hxxxx's] warnings .. today I willnot
[11:31] kxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ut oh
[11:32] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [axxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderatorKeep in mind that [Hxxxx] is a bot on the server, and in the group. He's got some limited AI functions for responses, but for the most part, all he watches for are words and phrases classified as not G-rated. That's all he does other than logging all chat. So [Hxxxx] really does know all, and [txxxx] really does usually stand in the way. Today, she didn't.
[11:32] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [axxxx Rxxxxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:32] Nxxxxxx Hxxxxx: offers [txxxx] chocolate
[11:32] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [axxxx Rxxxxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:32] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [axxxx Rxxxxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:32] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Zxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:33] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [axxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:33] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:33] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:33] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:33] cxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ohhhhh my not good "slowly backs away"
[11:34] kxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx hides from [Hxxxx]Basically, [txxxx] took the reins of [Hxxxx].
[11:34] Axxx Rxxxxxxx: hee report card day
[11:34] Nxxxxxx Hxxxxx: [zxx] hasnt done any thing?
[11:34] rxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: And some people wonder why I keep my trap shut during server down times
[11:35] nxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [bxxxxxx] has apparently been warned 3 times??
[11:35] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: This is a G rated chat . [zxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx] is aware of that .
[11:35] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: if [Zxx] gets warned then [Kxx] provoked her into it, just saying
[11:36] nxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Also, I'm just a casual wanderer so I just randomly poke in random stuff
[11:36] Axxx Rxxxxxxx: [rxx] u lie, we saw u chat
[11:36] nxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: So I have no clue what's going on xD
[11:36] rxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: chat, but my trap was shut :PYes, at this point.
[11:36] rxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: aka my fingers were censored
[11:36] rxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[11:36] Axxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[11:37] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Dxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:37] exxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol [rxxxxxx]
[11:37] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Dxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:37] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Dxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:37] Nxxxxxx Hxxxxx closes her mouth and attaches her fishing rod
[11:37] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Sxxxx Cxxxxxxxxxx] has been WARNED by the group moderator
[11:37] Axxx Rxxxxxxx: fishes happily
[11:38] rxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx eats chili happily
[11:38] dxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: fishing working again please?
[11:39] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Dxxxxxxxxx Lxxxx] has been EJECTED by the group moderator and banned from SmartBots servicesSeems to be.
[11:39] nxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: *steals [Axxx]'s' worms*
[11:39] nxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: *replaces them with peaches*
[11:39] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [axxxx Rxxxxxxxx] has been EJECTED by the group moderator and banned from SmartBots services
[11:39] Axxx Rxxxxxxx: i planted more np
[11:39] nxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: One does not simply plant more worms
[11:40] kxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx peeks to see if [Hxxxx's] done yet
[11:40] Axxx Rxxxxxxx: happily harvested last cropWhich is fine, but not one warning for Miss T? I'm disappointed.
[11:40] exxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im hiding in a corner
[11:41] Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Rests my weary bolts.
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