[11:31] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok, there aren't any in here scared of spiders is there?Well, there's a conversation opening. Or stopper.
[11:32] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Nope. Im a princess with a twist. GigglesWhat, exactly, does that mean?
[11:32] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: OOOOOOO Just got my inner wolf tattoo. Is puurrttttyyyyyyy"That relay thing"...you mean, Omega? If so, yeah--if it's not a system face tattoo, and you have a mesh body or head, you will need an Omega relay to put it on.
[11:33] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Oh do these tattoos require to get that relay thing? Please tell me no
[11:33] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: well found that i have a giant ridable spider and i don't wanna give anyone a heart attack if i tp somewhereI suppose that's a fair question, then.
[11:33] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: depends on your body, but I use the omega relay for minePish, Maitreya can use Omega relays like any other body.
[11:34] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Spiders are cool though.
[11:34] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: The better question is why don't you already HAVE a relay?
[11:34] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: MAITREYA
[11:34] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Someone was nice and got me the body. Im only 6 days into SL. :-(Are you? Well, I suppose that makes sense. Then yes. You will need a relay to put the tattoo on.
[11:35] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: And no one wants to hire a new person soooooThat...sounds like jealousy.
[11:35] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I have been working with what i can
[11:35] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Ahhh...well it's only 99L at the omega store and it's a worth while investment.
[11:35] lxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Who was that nice?
[11:35] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: okay, not sure then, as I have belleza, so you'll have to open the tattoo to find out
[11:35] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: IKR?
[11:35] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: 6 days and somebody BUYS you the maitreya ??
[11:36] lxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Why dont I find these nice peopleThey're around. They're just not hip-deep on the grid.
[11:36] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Got me the body a head a skin and a shape.... Oh and hairWhy is that the automatic assumption?
[11:36] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I've heard stories like this before though.
[11:36] gxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sugar daddy
[11:36] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: I dont know, send them my way too, Im still saving for a Catwa. Id be pretty suspicious of what they want out of me.Yeah. Sometimes it happens like that.
[11:37] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Alls i did was ask for help finding some freebie stuff that was halfway nice and next thing i knew i was on a shopping spree.
[11:37] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Why Catwa?Jury's still out until I find a head that doesn't look like Paris Hilton married Kim Kardashian and they're still arguing about it.
[11:37] lxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I can use some nice too, thank you.
[11:37] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: UMM not [Jxxx]
[11:37] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: AK and LAQ are so much better than Catwa.
[11:37] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Cheaper too.Yeah, but here's the thing. When someone is nice and buys something for you, they don't, in general, just toss you Lindens. They'll toss you the things in question. So...if you're any kind of decent person, you thank them and make it work. If you're not happy with it, buy some Lindens, or get a job and work for Lindens, and change into what you need later. Done and done.
[11:37] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Catya head i think it is.
[11:37] gxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx:
[11:38] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Dang well I want a Panzer IV tank, that is only 2000L.
[11:38] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: But im going to lurk again before i say something i shouldnt
[11:38] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: That is a 1/4 of what that combo cost.
[11:38] Kxxxxxx Fxxxxxxxx: so 6 days in sl and someone just dropped over 10k on you? in giftsYep. That's what she's saying.
[11:38] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: But i will add that not EVERYONE in this game is a slutThere it is. The accusations begin.
[11:39] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Try 8k.Because...the only reason anyone would buy any female on the grid a gift is that they want between her virtual legs? Who have you people been meeting?
[11:39] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: Wondering if that person was male?
[11:39] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Lara is only 2750 and Catya is only 5k.Seems more like, they're trying to tell you it makes you a slut. Which, hey, it's a virtual world, if that's your thing, groovy, but that's not the point. You aren't saying it was a transaction for sex--give me X body, I give you an hour of sexy talk--so...what's the big deal? People do this. People do this in RL. It does happen.
[11:39] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: please watch the language
[11:39] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yikes
[11:39] lxxxx Rxxxxxxx: No one said so..
[11:39] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: So your estimate is a tad exaggerated.
[11:40] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: If a 6 day old avi has a "Sugar daddy" that would make them what?????
[11:40] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: A noobie that knows how to hold their tongue?
[11:40] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i had a sugar daddy when i was a couple months old.They're just jealous.
[11:40] nxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I need a sugar mommy.
[11:40] Axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i want it too lol
[11:40] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I find that comment offensive
[11:40] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but it was only dates and spending time togetherAre you sure? Seems pretty close, if not actual, at least to me.
[11:40] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I am 6 days into this game
[11:41] wxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i had a sugar daddy in my first months of this game
[11:41] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: Nobody has actually insulted you at any time.
[11:41] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Months i can understandIt is. Along with rampant emotional dysfunction, moodiness, paranoia, rage for no reason...just roll with it and stay as stable as you can.
[11:41] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Don't worry about the jealousy, [Cxxxxxx], it's rampant in this game.
[11:41] Emilly Orr: I will say that, when I first started, I was working at a club as a hostess alone. Someone decided I needed a better skin and bought me a skin pack--3K at the time, which was 2006. It was wholly unexpected and I didn't have to sleep with anyone to get that gift. It was appreciated.Person's gender confirmed--a woman bought her the things to upgrade her game. Which doesn't invalidate that it may have been a sexual excuse with someone else--I've had a lot of women here gun for me, hard, and try to toss me gifts to get me into their beds--but in this instance, I believe what she says. She was asking where the freebies were in another group, and some very helpful lass decided to really help her by getting her into mesh. This is not some miraculous, it only happens once every generation, story. I hear it a lot.
[11:42] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i try to be as generous as i can when i work with newbies
[11:42] wxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: same here
[11:43] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: at one point i spent like 5K on a noobie because i felt that they needed it
[11:43] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx:
[11:43] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I literally cried when the lady did that for me
[11:43] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i didnt ask for it
[11:43] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nor ask for Money.
[11:43] wxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: in act i bumped into one in wow skin totally not dressed i helped her use her folder to get clothes onNot everyone is.
[11:43] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: bought him a jake body and a static catwa head
[11:43] nxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Some of the people here have been very generous with me in pointing me to some wonderful free places.
[11:43] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: I have had plenty of gifts from females, most of this group, very nice people and males from THIS group. But the only times males outside of this group have tried to give me things, they wanted something in exchange. Glad to know they are not all like that then.
[11:43] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Simply asked for some LMs to help me find free stuffGee, thanks for being so judgmental.
[11:43] Axxxx Rxxxxxxx: hell, somebody bought me a maitreya because i stayed up 6 hours past my 4 hours too late bed time to cheer the up when they were talking of quitting sl, so they friended me and sent me a tp to mait and handed me the 2750
[11:43] sxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: It's nice to see that there are some good hearted people about, it makes SL a better place :)
[11:43] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i didnt have to sleep with anyone
[11:43] Mxxx Fxxxxxxxx: Are people out there who like to help new people i myself have helped several of my friends and they have gone on to pay it forward and help others not everyone is in sl for sexThat's not the point. Sure, not everyone is, but there's nothing wrong with being in SL for sex, too. But in this situation, it's very clearly someone wanting to help someone else out. Sex never came into it, so keeping bringing it up is just making you sound like a prude.
[11:44] pxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: when you think about it your crying over someone giving you like five dollars in rl ....I am very generous to noobs too but i direct them how to get things for free and how to find places to work you dont need to sleep with anybody to look nice and have nice things hereMod talking.
[11:44] Emilly Orr: Not everyone is here for sex, [Kxxxxxx]. Surprising, perhaps, but true.
[11:44] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok, we're holding onto this "sex" idea too long, let's change the subject
[11:44] gxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: there is helping and then there is helpingI want to roll my eyes dismissively and say, 'yeah, whatever', but...there is a point in making something plain that it's been our experience, that it is not the wider experience everyone will have. I mean, I'm sure there are kind, caring people in Bloodlines. I've never had any experience with one longer than ten minutes that didn't convince me they don't exist, but I'm sure they do. Same thing here.
[11:44] Vxxxxxxx Bxxxx: It's so hard to find people who aren't...
[11:44] Dxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: And most noobs anyhow don't listen to the advices you give them.
[11:45] Kxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: As I said, [Exxxx], I have had plenty of gifts from people who had become friends or known people. Males that I just met, they wanted that. That is My personal experience.
This is getting long, so this is now part one. Part two coming.
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