28 August, 2021

so, where is the Duke, exactly? (part CXLV)

(Roleplay entry. Continued from part CXLIV.)


Emilly looks up. "Hmmm...there is something watching us."

Rusty looked up, spotting the floating green creature that appeared to be mostly eyeball.


Justine ducked, shooing the creature away from the Duke, and tending to him. The medical bay arrived as the same time as an alien apparition which began attacking the Bard.


"[F*ck]!" He shouted, running away.


"Em," Justine shouted from the Duke’s side, "help me get Hiro onto the bed, please?" The two of them wrestle the Duke's body up onto the table. Justine began maneuvering the bed out of the module, while Emilly returned to help Rusty.

"There's a lot of blood. I can't tell if it's Rusty's or Hiro's." Putting an arm around his waist, she helped drag him away from the alien. "Can you walk? Should Justine call another bed?"

Nodding, Rusty leaned heavily on her, following to the Medical Bay.

Once on medical level, the hover bed transported the Duke to an open bay. Before she could connect him to diagnostics, Justine found herself engulfed in a field of energy that threw her into the air. Emilly and Rusty arrived just in time to see her lifted and spun.




"Emilly help!!!"


"I...can't move!"


Emilly struggled to free herself, dragging herself to Rusty and muttering, "This is...novel. Hiro's talking to something invisible, you've been wounded, Justine was wrapped up in tentacles, and I was pinned into the corner by....eyes."

(Continued in part CXLVI.)