25 August, 2021

shoes at the door, shoes at the door please (part CXLI)

(Roleplay entry. Continued from part CXL.)

Time passed in a series of disconnected events. There was a giant cyber spider thing. Justine ran, the spider creature in hot pursuit. More visions followed: terrifying creatures, burning vistas. At one point there were nuclear missiles. Why? Her head pounded from the noxious odors and shrieking. She was shrieking.

Justine heard something like hysterical laughter nearby. Or maybe it was screaming. Or maybe it was both. Or maybe it was nothing? But there was pain. And there were questions.

"Where. Are. They?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

More pain. Images. Crystals. Six colours. She knew. She remembered. She told them.

"Take me there."

She took him there.

The backhand was strong enough to land her on the floor, but that didn't hurt as much as the spikes of pressure inside her head.


"There are only four here!”" Weats said, "Where are the other two? Where are the white and the blue?"

"I don't know!"

Weats walked over her and gripping her head in one massive hand, lifted her off the floor. Leaning over, he hissed in her ear. "You're going to find them. And you will tell me."

Justine answered in a monotone, "I will find them. I will tell you."

"Good girl." The ulitharid released her and she crumpled back to the floor of the fringe lab. Sweeping the four crystals into a bag, Weats left, thumbing 8its comm as it stalked to the lifts. "Fire her up, Oz, it's time to go."


"Tannhauser Gate Control, this is SS Kthanid. Transmitting coordinates for transit through the Stargate. Ready to transit on your command." The ulitharid in the frog onesie stuck the lollipop back in its mouth and looked over to its partner. "Shall we leave a little something else for them to remember us by?"


Weats smirked. "You bet."

(Continued in part CXLII.)