25 August, 2021

so, where is the Duke, anyway? (part CXLII)

(Roleplay entry. Continued from part CXLI.)

The doctor sat down at his desk, slipping out the slim volume of his journal, rubbing his forehead and wincing slightly. He exhaled, steadied himself, and put pen to paper.
Journal entry 4

Dear diary,
It's now been almost a year that I have been in Gearhaven running the clinic, and been the healer here. Recently, it's been quiet on my end, too quiet in fact. Not much to say or to do--except maybe for one thing.

I've not been feeling very well recently, both physically and mentally. It is not because of a sickness and I know it...it is a feeling of disturbance, something related to the arcane inside of Gearhaven.

I am not sure myself what would have caused it but there is something that changed since the Duchess has destroyed the rift, something else have appeared. I felt multiple source of arcanic energy all around Gearhaven but i am unable to locate exactly where they are.

I am hoping someone will probably find something and bring it to me, or the captors will indicate maybe something that will help me find the source of those strange energy I've been feeling lately. I am about to request a call to all in that matter to salvage anything they may find related to that energy.

Who knows, maybe some of the citizens will also feel what I felt and will also investigate.

Until then, I am here studying and waiting, hoping that there will be any news of it.
Zack sighed again, shook his head, and tucked the diary away once more. He needed to get back to work.

(Continued in part CXLIII.)