19 August, 2021

you can't play this game, you've lost all the pieces (part two)

So, picking up where we left off:
[16:41] Bxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I went to a sale and 5/8 ulls were the same navy blue pumps! good thing it ws only 10L a pull lol. I mean it was fun, in a way to see how silly that was
[16:41] Kxxxx Jxxx: plus the CEO of secolnd life died a few weeks ago
[16:41] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: june
[16:41] mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hmm
[16:41] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: they gotta memorial sim for him
[16:41] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: There are things I want that I can't afford, so I don't buy them... like a helicopter in RL.. that'd be neat. But I don't want to ban all helicopters just because I can't afford one. I have that same view on things in SL. I don't spend more than I intend. I don't play all gachas I'd want things from. If I don't think the least valuable items in the gacha are worth the pull price, I just do not play it, no matter how much I want the rares.
[16:41] mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: more people moaning
[16:41] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: with a statue
[16:42] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: It's just one of many ways to entertain ourselves while shopping. It's fine though. Life goes on, there'll still be shopping to be done.
[16:42] Kxxxx Jxxx: you can buy a helicopter for 2 people, they only cost 28'000
[16:42] Kxxxx Jxxx: made of plastic though
[16:42] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: I don't have 28,000 I wish to use on that
Now, I don't think this is at all unreasonable. Doesn't really matter what your income bracket is--if you have 28,000 dollars you may have much better plans than simple toys, flat out.
[16:42] Bxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I got 3 rare homes though! I'd rather blow my lindens on gachas then lose my real home in a casino
[16:43] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: yep
[16:43] Kxxxx Jxxx: if you do not have 28k you should not be playing second life at your age, you should get a 2 year degree and make 60 to 90k a year
And most of us went..."Excuse me, what?"
[16:43] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: the casino are a waste of lindens
[16:43] Bxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok I gots a question. Does LL make any money from gacha pulls? Is that the issue?
[16:43] oxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: suddenly feels guilty about going over to the casino rl
[16:44] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: rl casino is fun
[16:44] Gxxxxx Cxxx: It's your monies, don't feel guilty.
[16:44] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sl casino sucks
[16:44] Kxxxx Jxxx: no ll does not
[16:44] Bxx Mxx: in florida the sl gambling sims are banned
[16:44] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lucky u
[16:44] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im in ny
[16:44] Bxx Mxx: so i cant even see one
[16:45] Kxxxx Jxxx: they own all the lins they sell you and rent the land that is viral,
Land is not viral. I'm not sure what KJ meant here.
[16:45] oxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol..im kidding, i do play now and then rl, never made it to an sl casino before, did not even know they existed
[16:45] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Kxxxx].... lol.. whatever
[16:45] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i play the 10 l machines
[16:45] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: for fun
[16:45] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: You have no idea how much I make, how old I am or anything, so judging me for not wanting to spend 28,000 USD on a helicopter is kind of ... yeah... whatever
[16:45] Kxxxx Jxxx: yo can try reading the ToS if you wish [qxxx] , reading fun been around for 5000 year you should try it
And this burst of hostility was out of nowhere.
[16:46] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oop
[16:46] oxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Reading Rainbow
[16:47] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Kxxxx]... Are you always this way, or are you just having a really bad week in RL, and feel an urge to nehave this way to people you do not know online? :)
It's a really good question.
[16:47] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): When I have 28K, I'm certainly not spending it on a helicopter.
[16:47] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i remembrr that show
[16:47] Kxxxx Jxxx: you smoke dope and live with you 80 year old mother if you do not have 28k at 40
She sounds so confident about this. It's one of the dumbest assessments I've ever heard, but she does seem very confident that she's right.
[16:47] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: now i feel old
[16:47] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Wrong on both, [Kxxxx], but thanks for playing
[16:47] Kxxxx Jxxx: then your a totalloser if you do not have 28k laying around at 40
So it's really all about money for you, then? There's nothing else in life that's worthwhile? Art, relationships, education, music? Just cash up-front?

And some guys say I'm a gold-digger for what I do for a living, here.
[16:48] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: To not toss money on something is not the same as not having money. You do understand that right?
I don't think she does.
[16:48] Bxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: anyhow it will be interesting if Salt and Pepper can fight the gacha thing. Til then me and my 5 pair of gacha navy pumps keep on keeping on!
[16:48] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Yes, I am completely savaged by what an utter stranger thinks of me. I shall now go collapse in shame and weep at my utter ineptitude to impress you.
[16:48] axxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: #stopfeedingthetroll
It's good advice that we were sort of ignoring at this point?
[16:48] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: this just git alil personal
[16:48] Kxxxx Jxxx: no time for a loser thanks pass
Then...why are you still talking, if we're all so far beneath you?
[16:48] gxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Mrs [Kxxxx] the rich,you might need some friends to chat in IM and stop bragging about what and how ppl should be,are you that lonely?
[16:48] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: pooffs
[16:48] Kxxxx Jxxx: rich 28k? you must be insane
All depends on what qualifies as rich, I guess. Everyone's at different income points. But considering she was saying if you weren't making 40K a year you were a waste of space, that still makes me wonder about the 28K helicopter thing. People do not normally spend half their yearly income on a vehicle, do they?
[16:49] gxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and you too lonely
[16:49] axxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Just block them.. it's much better :)
[16:49] gxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: talking to much here really
[16:49] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx anyone want some popcorn? giggles
[16:49] gxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ya she needs to chill
[16:49] gxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[16:49] Kxxxx Jxxx: 28k is poor mans back up funds for a taxi driver at 40
Whatever, KJ. Move your judgy self on, no one's on your side.
[16:49] Kxxxx Jxxx: pathetic comes to mind
[16:49] oxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sits with [Uxxxx] and watches
[16:50] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Ooh, utterly. Four sims to be pathetic on, too. You're cute.
I know. I don't normally flex. And, point of fact, no, they aren't mine *directly*, but my partner says they're mine as much as his, I'm the one terraforming them, Justine and I are the sim managers for all four--I mean, the only estate power we don't have is the ability to sell the sims back to the Lindens, and that's because we asked to NOT have that one. So...yeah. Back off, KJ.
[16:50] Kxxxx Jxxx: i bet
[16:50] Kxxxx Jxxx: you credit cards are maxed and you can not get a car loan at 50
Don't have credit cards. And I don't drive, 'cos I live in a town with pretty good public transit, so--who needs a car loan?
[16:50] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Bored now.
[16:50] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Your*
Good point. Thank you, Ms. U.
[16:50] Kxxxx Jxxx: lol pathetic
That's the second time you've used that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
[16:52] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: The things you say in here say so much about you. :)
[16:52] gxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: typical RL frustrated with issues
[16:52] Pxxxx Hxxxxxxxxxx: Wait are we playing a game or just being ugly to each other?
[16:52] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): No, that's just [Kxxxx].
[16:52] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: yep
[16:53] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: the rest of us are just eating popcorn :)
[16:53] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yups
[16:53] Kxxxx Jxxx: i have way more money then you could hope too, living at your parent's flat smoked dope
And I just love all these assumptions. We drive cabs, we have our credit cards maxed out, we smoke dope....I mean, that's all three strikes for me, I do none of those things.
[16:53] Kxxxx Jxxx: good bye
[16:53] Kxxxx Jxxx: waste of time
[16:54] gxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: then what you doing here?
Also a very good question.
[16:54] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[16:54] gxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no business to run?no money stack to count?
[16:54] Pxxxx Hxxxxxxxxxx: we are all going to be broke when we die
[16:54] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: giggles
[16:54] Bxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: let's all go pull some cheap gachas yeahhhh!
[16:54] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: this is a person that does not know a single bit of anything about me :)
[16:54] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: let Karen leave plase :p
[16:54] vxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: has to say to someone that has money
[16:54] vxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: smh
[16:54] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: Most people that have to flaunt, have nothing to actually flaunt :)
[16:55] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: usually someone who says they have lots has nothing
[16:55] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: exactly
[16:56] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: only time ppl boast on that.. is they are alone... and empty inside or they say lies to cover up their failures
[16:56] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: all imma say
[16:56] gxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: or are mentally ill shhhh
[16:56] gxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: XD
[16:57] Sxxxx Mxxxx: WOW Beautiful plane!
She linked a picture of a plane. Google image search turned up it's a prop jet from an aviation company. Standard catalog photo. She said it was hers, but...it's essentially a stock photo, so--who knows?
[16:58] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Uxxxx].. yup
[16:58] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: I am not gonna click that link... lol
[16:58] Dxxx Pxxxxxx makes notes
[16:59] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[16:59] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok yall i just looked at her profile
[16:59] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: she is [bat sh*t] crazy
[17:00] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: she attacked the owner of VAW
[17:00] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: js
[17:00] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): She seems very obsessed with getting high. Is there something we should know?
Generally, the things people bring up that often, well...
[17:00] Dxxx Pxxxxxx: Well when your profile asks other people to buy you stuff kinda hard to play the "I'm so rich" card
Also true.
[17:00] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: lolol
[17:00] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wasnt gunna say that :p
[17:00] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but i agree
[17:00] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: yep
[17:01] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: her profile is just hate...
[17:01] Dxxx Pxxxxxx: SL is just a little fantasy world for some people
[17:01] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lots of racist stuff etc
She's not wrong. This from KJ's SL bio:
i play a futa

i like men too and i love gifts, it makes me happy. Feel free to talk to me and be happy

millinials have beards not because they are men, because they are too poor to buy a razor. (joke)
She hates the people behind Builders' Brewery:
the Female Co-owner of BB called me up and stated she was going to mute and ban me, Because i copypasted once a link some one wanted in chat.

I said this was not true i typed it twice, she wanted me to beg to Mod of the chat channel that reported me. I told her no because they guy was a liar and before he told me he was going to get a stupid "[ni**er]" banned.

He, the Mod, Had Copypaste Sexually harasment on his profile and his profile is full of sexual content for a G zone avi. I told he i do not use my main to visit their sim and i would not be donating 1500 per class again.

She told me there where allowed to "break TOS" if they felt it was for the better good. That I would have to give her 2500 lins or be banned

I told her , you full crap, you copypasted my logs and you yourself have copypaste in your profiley

After that she banned and muted me, after all, i was just a [Ni**er] pointing out her lies and Unethical TOS acts. She wanted to get rid of a [ni**er], It is amazing white people act this way
Now, I'm not saying Builder's has never charged for a class, but I severely doubt they would demand 2500 to un-ban someone? And I cannot imagine someone would openly use racial slurs, because so many people would land on them, both feet first.

She hates the owner of VAW: after titling her pick for him "owner of VAW harssment for leaving a review of his Trash":
[09:21] Rxxxxxxx Gxxx: if you cannot show appreciation to all the hardwork I put into creating this stuff, and only focus on hurting my sales and defaming me you do not need to be buying from me
[09:23] Kxxxx Jxxx: i think that would be you, random person calling me without telling me who you are
[09:23] Rxxxxxxx Gxxx: and I will forward your review to my lawyer
[09:22] Rxxxxxxx Gxxx: you are a psycho
[09:24] Kxxxx Jxxx: and you are? it a big world. i buy many things
[09:25] Rxxxxxxx Gxxx: stupid [b*tch] wait to hear from my lawyer in a few days
[09:29] Mrs. Kamui Jinx (kamui.jinx): and your troll harassment against TOS is going to be reported, do not think FOR one second I am not reporting your actions this day
[09:29] Rxxxxxxx Gxxx: contact "Stylus nightfire" if you have any further issues, he will contact you within 5 business days
[09:29] Rxxxxxxx Gxxx: remove the review
[09:30] Kxxxx Jxxx: evil one, you are muted. no more abuse thank you
So, now we have self-delusion, aggression, anyone who's even slightly against her is apparently racist, and she's a drama poppet. Great.
[17:01] Zxxx Oxx: also has a lot of drama pasted in her picks, miserable person
[17:01] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yush
[17:01] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: a true Karen :p
[17:01] Zxxx Oxx: yep
[17:01] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: I am just really entertained at the label the person put on me, for saying I would want a helicopter, but won't spend 28,000USD to get one.. ahahahaha
It's more baffling than funny to me, but yeah, it's kind of funny, too.
[17:02] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ROFL
[17:02] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: meebe is here that wants one
[17:02] Dxxx Pxxxxxx: All the cool people have helicopters for... some reason
[17:03] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ROFL just 1 moar thing and imma drop it... her profile says NO payment info on file
[17:03] Zxxx Oxx: lol
[17:03] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: just... sayin
[17:05] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha
[17:05] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok, that just kills me... my poor ribs... laughing too hard is a thing.. ahahahahahaha
[17:05] Dxxx Pxxxxxx: Wish people wouldn't RP in non RP groups
[17:05] oxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I want to know how one gets a 28,000 helecopter, I would have thought they were way more expensive then that
[17:05] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: right? lol
[17:06] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: all plastic she said.. ahahah
Yeah...what's the status value of an all-plastic helicopter, anyway? I did some idle Googling, and turns out the cheapest helicopter on the market right now is the Robinson R-22, which retails for $250,000--significantly over her quoted figure. So now she can't do math, either, apparently.
[17:07] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: my point was that there will always be things people want, that they won't buy... like for me, a helicopter... I can't justify to myself spending money on something I can't use.. ahahahah
[17:07] Dxxx Pxxxxxx: You wont put a helicopter on your black card? THE SHAME!
[17:08] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: the shamessssssss
[17:08] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[17:08] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: total shameeee
[17:08] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I have 6
[17:08] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: ahahahahaha
[17:09] Dxxx Pxxxxxx: One for each house you own, of course
[17:09] qxxx Rxxxxxxx: you need 15 then!
[17:09] uxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yesh
All I can think is, she must have been very grumpy about something in RL to lash out like this, or she's about as shallow as three drops of water in a hot skillet. Or both.

Least she eventually went away. Guess that's something.