17 August, 2021

I'm aggressive, regressive, the past is over

Yeah, it's gonna go there eventually, warning you now.

But it started with a conversation about dreams while we were dancing on the back lawn of the Chelsea Hotel.
[15:03] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Guys, I once dreamt of my mitochondria protesting to break free from my organelles , claiming that nature has enslaved them !
Yes, I am leaving him un-anonymized. Why? Because of what he says later.
[15:03] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hi [mxxxx]! howzit?
[15:03] Exxxxxxxxx Vxxxxxx: hes a good entzertainer
[15:03] txxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hey [Mxxxx]
[15:03] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You mean the first of a million woodstocks
Because ostensibly, this was the Chelsea Hotel's anniversary tribute to Woodstock.
[15:03] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx shouts: Hey [Mxxxx]! woot!
[15:04] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: youre on time for this woodstock
[15:04] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ha
[15:04] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: HI [Mxxxx]
[15:04] Ex Exxxxxx: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:04] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): On another night of a full moon, I dreamt of Professor Noam Chomsky eating books and regurgitating the field of Modern Linguistics!
Most of us were just ignoring him for the most part, concentrating on the music.
[15:04] Ex Exxxxxx: Hiya [Sxxxx]!.. mwah!
[15:05] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: hi [Sxxxx], hugss mwahh
[15:05] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: sorry I stepped on your head
[15:05] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): The funniest dream I ever had, was when I had a vision of a Neanderthal swallowing a whole apple, and it played ping-pong with his heart while passing down his oesophagus!
[15:05] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: that is a great dream!
[15:06] Cxxxxxxxxx Hxxxxxxx: yikes
[15:06] Cxxxxxxxxx Hxxxxxxx: lol
[15:06] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): [Sxxxx], the most disgusting dream I ever had, was of a female's menstruation blood turning into jelly and been marketed by an Oompa Loompa as Halloween treats!
And...dude. You have issues.
[15:06] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wow, man.
[15:06] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: If that first one was an animated short I bet you'd be up for an Academy.
[15:06] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: isnt dream therapy night on Thursday at el quijote
[15:06] Cxxxxxxxxx Hxxxxxxx: yikes
[15:06] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: But not the second, no, not the second one...
[15:07] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no, no, just no...
[15:07] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Do you guys think my dreams have any philosophical implications at all?
[15:07] Cxxxxxxxxx Hxxxxxxx: no none
Psychological implications, sure. Philosophical ones? Not usually.
[15:07] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hahaha
[15:07] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: that was quick...
[15:07] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): [Cxxxxxxxxx], I'm just a little concerned that I'm having a neurological malfunction!
From later conversation, no, seems like he's like this all the time.
[15:08] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: welcome to SL huh?
[15:08] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: join the club , sir
[15:08] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Given that I've heard my neurons conspiring to abandon the dwelling of my skull, things don't seem to be heading in the right direction, ever-since!
My advice: let them escape. Might make for less abhorrent conversation.
[15:08] bxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yes, women's anything should treated like candy
[15:09] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Not that disgusting blood though!
You're really tipping your hand here, Knight. So is it a phobia? A religious spasm? You just haven't dated any girls yet?
[15:09] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Remember! Your not officially crazy untill you go...
[15:09] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: BLITALITALITALITALITALITA!!!!!!!!!
[15:09] bxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sacred!
[15:09] Ex Exxxxxx: Arabian, does that horse dance?
[15:09] Ex Exxxxxx feeds a brownie to the horse
[15:09] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: *Chuckles like a chipmunk* [Jxxx]
[15:09] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): You guys seem very interesting, do you all mind if I peek into your profiles to conduct my psychoanalytical rituals?
"Psychoanalytical rituals"? So not just weirdly phobic about womens' anatomy, but also delusions of grandeur?
[15:10] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: (the draggon is a hallucination, she tells herself. but I didnt eat the acid yet, she thinks again)
[15:10] Ex Exxxxxx: me thinks the lady doth thinknn too much... lol
[15:10] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx:
[15:10] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ya gota know who you doin...
[15:10] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hi [Axxxxx] - Welcome!!!
[15:11] Ex Exxxxxx: [Jxxx], thanks for coming!
[15:11] Axxxxx Jxxxxx: Hey [Sxxxx]!
[15:11] Ex Exxxxxx: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:11] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: \o\ A P P L A U S E /o/
[15:11] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Oº°‘¨APLAUSE 🎸 🎶 º°"˜`˜
[15:11] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: dang!!!
There's going to be more bursts of applause--this was when the live performer on stage during this finished a song. So I'm editing out most of them when it happens.
[15:11] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: WOOT!!!
[15:11] Rxxxxxx Axxxxx: trippy
[15:12] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hooo
[15:12] sxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ♪♫♥ Applauds!!! ♥♫♪
[15:12] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sweet!!!! woot!!!
[15:12] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Bxxxx]! Glad you're here!!!
[15:13] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Profile checks done, analysis completed successfully.
[15:13] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Are you all ready for my verdict on you?
Is that a trick question?
[15:14] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): You're going to judge us?
[15:14] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Well, as an esteemed "myrmecologist of ants", I can see that none of you shares the characteristics of one that is plagued by "socio-repellent pheromones".
Redundant. Knight's essentially saying here he's an ant scientist of ants. He could have just said "myrmecologist" and stopped.

Also, on reading this over again to post, I'm fairly sure he's saying he's the advanced life form, and we're just lowly insects scrabbling blindly at his feet.

[15:14] Wxxxxx Cxxxx: Everyone is judging everybody all the time, so why not do it out loud?
[15:14] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) grins
[15:15] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): No, I do not seem to possess social-repellent pheromones
[15:15] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Emilly, you all seem to be well-rounded and approachable individuals. That is what I was trying to convey.
[15:15] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Woo!
[15:15] Ex Exxxxxx decides this is waaaaay too heavy.. takes another long toke...
[15:15] Dxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yay!
[15:15] Wxxxxx Cxxxx: My pheromones seem to actually attract certain male members of the population
[15:15] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: LOLOLOL
[15:15] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Hey, [Exxxx], sometimes, y'know, things just get heavy. It's cool.
[15:15] bxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: chillin' and thrillin', dancin' too
[15:16] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yes were the pinnnacle of sl sanity the Hotel Chelsea wwweee woo waaaa
[15:16] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: LOL
[15:16] Ex Exxxxxx sooooooaaars
[15:16] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Guys, for your info: I run a virtual school, teaching "psychological manipulation". All my slaves / students testify to the quality of the content I deliver. If you'd like to be part of my following, please submit a formal request.
And there was the sales pitch: "Hey, baby, wanna come over to my place and I'll teach you Scientology? But on your knees, natch. 'Cos that's more fun."
[15:16] Rhi Milena (rhian.milena): laughs, always being judge, to tall, shapeless and #1 BIIATCH
[15:16] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[15:16] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: That is so new york uptown
[15:16] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) giggles. "All my slaves/students", there's an SL description for you
It really is.
[15:16] Wxxxxx Cxxxx: Do you have a course on discourse manipulation, Mr. Knight? I would attend that!
[15:17] Wxxxxx Cxxxx: horses [a**]?
[15:17] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: application for mind[f**k]? ya
[15:17] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: welcome to trump tower
[15:17] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hehe
[15:17] Ex Exxxxxx: hehehe.. high fives [Cxxxxxxxxx]
[15:17] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Yes, [Lxxxxx], and there are no prerequisites for signing up, I just demand that you have a good grasp of the art of linguistics and be acquainted with the workings of the pre-frontal cortex.
Gotta have standards, I guess.
[15:17] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: *Chuckles like a chipmunk*
[15:17] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Working brains are important
[15:17] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
[15:17] Ex Exxxxxx: rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
[15:17] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ♫♫♫♫ APPLAUSE ♫♫ APPLAUSE ♫♫♫♫
Another skip of applauding.
[15:17] bxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: woot! woot! you be killin'
[15:18] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ♪♫♥ Applauds!!! ♥♫♪
[15:18] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'd Rather Have a Bottle in Front of Me (Than a Frontal Lobotomy)
[15:18] Ex Exxxxxx feeds the horse another brownie
More applause, then...
[15:18] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: what about that dragon [exxx]
[15:18] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Guys, forget music, I make use of telepathy, based on my own self-constructed Quantum Entanglement methodologies, to read the minds of the feeble-ones. You are going to be taught quite a lot of skills!
You're saying this at a live concert, you realize. Not a lot of sympathy for that opinion in the current crowd.
[15:18] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Getting the horse high? Oh, dear.
[15:18] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Okay then
[15:18] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: high as a horse
[15:18] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ya
[15:19] bxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol Emily
[15:19] Wxxxxx Cxxxx sings "I can read your mind..."
[15:19] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): I'm here to extend the wisdom of the otherworldly realms unto you. If you wish to be enlightened by the metaphysical forces, be my disciple.
No thanks. I'll skip it.
[15:19] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Eh, it's not that hard to read my mind
[15:19] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): [Sxxx]!
[15:19] Ex Exxxxxx: What a tail my thoughts could tell...
[15:19] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Hi!
[15:19] Ex Exxxxxx: er... tale.. tale.. not tail..
[15:19] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: heres my craziest friend for your "experiments" Arabian
I wouldn't even recommend his 'classes' to enemies.
[15:19] Dxxxxxv Rxxxxxxx: Welcome [Jxxxxxxx] - and everyone I might have missed - welcome to WOODSTOCK!!!
[15:20] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [jxxxxx] meet Arabian
[15:20] Wxxxxx Cxxxx looks up "Wait, how did we get from quantum physics to metaphysics???"
Who knows?
[15:20] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): I have grown up on the mountains of the land of Queen Sheba, the ancient land of Yemen, where the tigers roam. I am well-equipped to deal with the philosophies of all times, past and present. You're guaranteed to be in safe hands!
This is obviously some radically new definition of "safe" that actually means the reverse.
[15:20] Ex Exxxxxx: lol.. [Jxxx] that be one kuwazy mofo
[15:21] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Greetings menstruating-creature ([Jxxxxx]), you're in the presence of the manipulative Knight!
So, swelled ego and an obsession with menstruation, got it.

Also "menstruating-creature" is such a weird way to speak to a woman.
[15:22] Nxxxxx Wxxx wonders if Arabian Knight grew from the horse or Vica Versa
Beginning to wonder that myself. Or if the horse part is in front and Arabian's the rear section.
[15:22] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): [Dxxxx], I think you are attempting an intellectual rebellion in my presence! I will not tolerate this!
[15:23] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): I intend to destroy all forms of delusion, and obliterate all oligarchical structures!
Sure you do.

At this point, Ms. E turned on the rain system--directly over Arabian.
[15:23] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx giggles
[15:23] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: OH No Rain?
[15:23] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ohno already
[15:24] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: there it is!!!
[15:24] Ex Exxxxxx: ooooNooooooo!!!!
[15:24] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Alright, it is now time for the "admissions questions", if you all answer correctly, you shall be granted free access to my "School of Psychological Manipulation".
No thanks.
[15:24] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Be ready please, pens on paper!
[15:24] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) snerks
He's not serious...right?
[15:24] bxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: splish splash!!!!!
[15:25] Rxxxxxx Axxxxx: rain is me [exxxx]
[15:25] Ex Exxxxxx: you're all wet, Knight.. :)
Another patch of applause for the singer...
[15:25] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Question NO.1 : why is it that we never see people suffering from "severe mental retardation" claiming to be gay? Is "sexual identity" just a by-product of social conditioning? Perhaps it is nothing more than a psychological phenomenon?

Have you all been brainwashed (without soap) and socially conditioned to adopt a “sexual identity”?
Yeah. That was his first question.
[15:25] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hi [Oxxxxx] - Welcome!!!
[15:25] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: hey [O], hugss hon
[15:25] bxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx sheds a feather...
[15:25] Rxxxx Mxxxxx: brb
[15:26] Exxxxxxxxx Vxxxxxx: woot
[15:26] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): So the first question is rigged, because we do...
Because "severe mental retardation" has no effect on attraction. We're attracted to who we're attracted to, that's just simple human nature.
[15:26] Oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hello everyoneeeeeeeee
[15:26] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sea of endless avis
[15:26] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): But gender is a social construct, yes.
Because again, it is. This was supposed to be a hard question?
[15:26] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: circular arguement! spins in a circle O
[15:26] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): So you are all brainwashed (without soap)?
What does that mean, anyway? Brainwashed without soap?
[15:27] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i use PSYCHE soap. myself
[15:27] txxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hi [Txxxx] - Welcome and [Cxxxxx]!
[15:27] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, I prefer to think of it as generally washed
[15:27] Cxxxxx Axxxx: Hey Emily
[15:27] Cxxxxx Axxxx: Hi [Sxxxx].
[15:27] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Hello [Cxxxxx]!
[15:27] Cxxxxx Axxxx: Hey [Exxxx]
[15:27] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Question NO.2 : do you know that males can breastfeed using their breasts with little modification at all? All it takes is a raise in a hormone called "Prolactin" which can occur naturally without medical intervention!

So why do men find women's breasts arousing when they technically have the same feature?
[15:28] Cxxxxxxxxx Hxxxxxxx: [f**k] off
So say we all.
[15:28] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh boy
[15:28] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no rain no rain
[15:28] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): Question NO.3 did you know that we all start as females in the womb, for the first 2 weeks during development the fetus is nothing more than a female body-shell without hormones. It is only after the appearance of hormones that the fetus changes gender to male (if it has the YX Chromosome present), and that is why men have what looks like a "stitching" on their genitals, this is due to the infusion of the female parts they once had!
This is not a question, it's a statement.
[15:28] Nxxxxx Wxxx: yep... he grew from the saddle.... the horse rules
[15:28] Cxxxxx Axxxx: Hey [Dxxxx]
[15:29] Nxxxxx Wxxx: Hi [Cxxxxx]
More applause, then--
[15:29] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Question 2, the first answer is yes, obviously, and the second answer is just very obvious in cultures that oversexualize based on gender. Not so much in cultures that don't.
More applause.
[15:29] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Are you going to ask any actual questions, Knight, or is this some sort of mental masturbation exercise?
[15:29] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh crap
[15:30] jxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wheres my umbrella dang
[15:30] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx giggles
[15:31] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Question number 3 is not a question. Also duh.
[15:31] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Come on now. Step up your game.
Then he IMed me.
[15:32] Arabian Knight (arabianknight01): I have a theory in regards to the psychology of women; basically, in my view, the whole psychology of women is governed by the menstrual cycle (i.e. period). All women's feelings, thoughts, and patterns of behavior are first and foremost nothing but a byproduct of a subconscious psycho-physiological "struggle" ; for example(s), women think that blood is a substance that is unclean and unattractive, and so they try to "make-up" and beautify themselves to attract the opposite gender to mate with them. Also, women think that blood (in its essence) is a substance that embodies harsh concepts (such as death), and that is why they tend to act "soft and loving" to offset such an apparent contradiction between their "supposed beauty" and the otherwise gruesome concepts relating to blood. Moreover, women think that bleeding reflects a deficiency, and that is why they are generally insecure, and as a result, don't see themselves as capable beings worthy of engaging in societal affairs, so they tend to be submissive!
There is just so much to unpack here, all of it demonstrating a deeply flawed understanding of women, biology, culture, society, and submission.
[15:33] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) cackles
[15:33] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Cute theory. Wrong, but cute.
[15:36] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Do you always talk condescendingly to women, or is it just me?
Because, wau. Way to make me both very amused and homicidal all at once, congratulations.

Thankfully, he stopped responding, and disappeared soon after, so with any luck, one of the Chelsea staff bounced him to the curb. It is devoutly to be hoped, at any rate.

But, considering the man's looking for "slaves/students", openly admits to misogynistic ideas about women, seems to have some sort of phobic response to natural body processes, and claims to be a master of psychological manipulation? This to me says "dangerous", so...consider this blog entry my warning to the women of SL. Don't go near him.