26 March, 2019

through the airwaves--people never read the airwaves

From the Rewind event, which this time out is themed for 90's hip-hop.

In the meantime, this is one of my favorite retro dresses. I have worn it a great deal. I've never actually sat down in it, though.

Until now.

Now, that may sound strange, but when I go to work, a lot of the time I do end up standing, talking to people, dancing with people, general greeting in the sky club or in the mansion at ground level. None of this requires sitting down.

I tried all the positions on the side chairs, frowned, and moved to the sofa, and tried all of their poses. Nothing worked, nothing at all worked.

And finally, I figured, okay, let's at least try the lays. There are two. Both failed.

The inescapable truth is, I can't sit in this dress. Now I'm thinking I need to go through my entire inventory (a terrifying proposition) and test everything in a chair. Or even more specifically, the chair and sofa set at work. Because I do own mesh dresses that work when sitting.

So much extra work. This never happened with flexi.


Anonymous said...

I don't know, that last picture has some potential with that dress.

Emilly Orr said...

*grins* Well, fine, but it's still not working as intended for sitting and chatting.

but isn't it nice when we're all afraid at the same time?

Waking in the wee hours to news of another death, and not even one of mine. Following it down in a winding spiral to a song from AFP . Ten m...