30 March, 2019

now you think you’re anonymous, a masked face without a name

Of all the things...this came through a shopping group:
[21:20] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: I really need 100L for a new dildo, can anyone help please!?
You're not serious.
[21:20] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: OMG rolmao
[21:20] axxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ohhh I love humiliation play
[21:21] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: hahaha come on I need some help!
That's too close kin to begging.
[21:21] Emilly Orr: 1. No. 2. What are you willing to do for that L$100?
[21:21] Vxxxxxxx Rxxxx: laughs
[21:21] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: Shake my ass?
[21:22] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: I look pretty damn hot right now
What Mm. P sent, I can't link, because it featured their actual name. Do know it involved a rainbow hat, white suspenders, pink boxer shorts with tiny white hearts on them, and...a muchness of hip-shaking.

I can't link that, but I can link this:

[21:22] Dxxx Pxxxxxx: Please do not use group to ask for money
[21:22] Emilly Orr: Also that.
[21:23] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: feels a firey bannnn comming on
[21:23] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: screamsss in laughter
[21:24] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Did you wear out the old one?
[21:24] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: Yes damn thing exploded
*raises an eyebrow* Really?
[21:24] Emilly Orr: In the case of what [Pxxxx] linked, [Axxxxxx], I don't think humiliation will phase him.
[21:25] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: Not much phases me
That, I can believe.
[21:26] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx): Sorry guys, I'm playing truth and dare lol. This was my dare
Then you're an idiot.
[21:27] Dxxx Pxxxxxx: That's not a very good dare considering it could get you kicked out of a group
[21:27] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: Yeah I don't mind lol
[21:27] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 5
[21:27] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 4
[21:27] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 3
We need a countdown now? Seriously?
[21:27] axxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Pxxxx]
[21:27] axxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: smh
[21:27] nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[21:27] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: oh no!
[21:27] axxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: excuse my daughter
Your what?
[21:27] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx:
[21:27] axxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I just logged in and saw this
[21:27] axxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx:
[21:27] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: Welp lol
[21:28] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: It's not my fault
It's totally your fault. Own your actions.
[21:28] axxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I see what goes on while I'm not here
[21:29] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: You aren't shocked
[21:29] Hxxxxx Mxxxx: not at all
[21:36] Emilly Orr: Daughter?
[21:36] Emilly Orr checks the Gyazo again. Then pulls the profile.
Which featured an urbane, bearded man on both SL bio pic, and RL bio pic. So...what?
[21:36] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: Yes I'm really a girl
[21:36] Bxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: she really is
[21:36] Emilly Orr: Um....apologies, then? But it does look like you're awfully non-female.
[21:37] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: Girl with a beard
[21:37] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: lol
[21:37] Mxxx Rxxxxxx: Lmaaaaooo
[21:37] Emilly Orr: Hey, girls can have beards, I've met some.
[21:37] lxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Jenna Marbles!!
I was more thinking of Annalisa Hackleman, Harnaam Kaur, blessedbaubles on Instagram, fuzzslxt, also on Instagram, or, you know, any of the historic ones.
[21:39] Pxxxx Oxxxxxxx: Thought maybe my man boobs might throw some of you off
No, the fact that "she" had NO boobs, dressed entirely as a modern-era male, plus the gif that featured a bare male chest and a visible bulge under the boxers...I'm not happy with gender-shaming, per se, but...my gods, make some effort! You're in a virtual world, sure, you can completely cross genders, but if you're playing one sex, don't announce that you aren't any sort of that sex! It's confusing even to those of us who try never to assume gender with the androgynous or the gender-fluid, because you are not fluid. You seem very firmly set on "Typical Male". I just don't get it.

In the meantime, from another chat:
[21:27] txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Random question: Does anyone here know a cool urban Asian sim that would be suitable for photography?
[21:27] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxxx: perhaps kowloon?
[21:27] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxxx: kowloon (146,11,24)
[21:28] Axxxxxx Dxxxxx: Village of Ahiru maybe?
[21:28] sxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: SSOC (179,61,23)
[21:28] mxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: That's a good one [Nxxxx]
[21:28] Emilly Orr: Kowloon, just FYI, is amazingly cool, especially if you wander off the main strip? It is Chinese, I believe, not Japanese. But it's so well done. And the several-story round building after you come in is still ten Lindens.
I'm surprised it's still up, but it's still amazingly detailed, a rich and changing experience every time I go.
[21:29] txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Thank you so much for all the suggestions, guys. I will try to hit as many as possible.
[21:29] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxxx: there's another i went to recently trying to see if i can remember the name
[21:29] Emilly Orr: I still want one of those cats with the ever-turning heads. They're all over Kowloon.
[21:29] txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I have an all-black ensemble that has some Asian streetwear influence so I'm trying to find a sim to match that
[21:33] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxxx: Morning Crescent Moon (73,223,23) here it is! this is a good one too
[21:33] Mxxxxxxx Mxxxxx: [Vxxx]. Try R2 Fashion (77,134,1103) - it has just the aesthetic
[21:35] Fxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: what about harajuku event (which has a lot of street area around it, also)?
All good answers. Let's hope Ms. V finds somewhere that works.