[22:55] zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: have u guys seen the movie ready player one??Unfortunately. I hated it. Why?
[22:55] zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: can u make a skin like that??Because that film? That film is packed with looks for virtual avatars, by design, so..."a skin" won't really cover it.
[22:55] Emilly Orr: Like...which skin??
[22:56] zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: the um/// avatars the blue guy and the red chikc on the movie "ready player one"You mean Parzival and Art3mis, of course. And it's "chick".
[22:57] Emilly Orr: So...grab a Kemono avatar, the Venus M3 head, some anime eyes, a reasonably-approximate skin mod, and some Ayashi short hair, there's the girl.I'm doing my best to track down things after the fact, a skin mod that might work is this, but the facial tats are pretty much going to have to be custom.
Also, I was pretty sure at the time Ayashi would be the best bet, but that specific backswept Mohawk they seem to have not. CaTwA, however, seems to have one.
[23:00] Emilly Orr: For the boy, almost the same thing--Kemono avatar, anime eyes, the M4 Mars head, different anime hair and boy chest mod to make the chest flat.After the fact, again, I realized Krankhaus' Kuroo avatar would work better, and in that case, ditch the chest mod.
But pretty much, right? I mean, this took all of ten minutes to stare at pictures of both of them and track down approximates. They won't be perfect, but on the other hand, this particular skinmaker does not design for Kemono (or Kuroo, for that matter), so it wouldn't help if he wanted that type of very anime look anyway.
And ultimately, again, why? Because that's pretty much asking someone to infringe copyright on purpose. No thank you. No one's interested who has ethics at all, and those who would be interested, because they are immoral weasels, want a high amount of cash for their trouble. Why bother?
[23:01] zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: can I live in your belly button?No. Also gross. Also go away, kid, find something else to do. The adults are busy.
[23:01] zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im bored lol
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