20 January, 2019

I read it too, what does it mean?

Snippet from an earlier chat:
[10:45] Xxxxxx Yxxx: i read somewhere that shame is something others visit upon us and guilt is something we visit upon ourselves
[10:45] Jx Qxxxxxxx: Nobody can make you feel bad about yourself without your permission
[10:46] Bxxxxxxx Lxxx: Hmm; people make me feel bad about myself all the time, and I never gave them leave to do so....
It's kind of an inner strength thing, and it's definitely not one size fits all. Some days people get to me, some days they don't, and it depends on how secure or insecure I, personally, feel at that time. And it's not an easy balance to strike--too little self-assurance, we are easier wounded; too much, and we become arrogant braggadocios who have no self-restraint. A little humility is good for the soul, but too much can injure. Walk that line carefully.

In other news, today's Scene from a Chat is all about hair.
[21:51] Lxx Mxxxxxxx: hey, i need some suggestions! whats everybodys favorite hair creator? (besides truth! )
feeling stumped on where to look next for some reason
[21:52] Lxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no.match is good
[21:52] Rxxxx Fxxxxxxxx: Besom is good
[21:52] Pxxxxxxx Sxxx: Magicka is fun
[21:53] sxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: foxy
[21:53] sxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Doux is my fave.
[21:53] Zxxxxx Wxxxxxxx: Exile and Moon
[21:53] Emilly Orr: Besides Truth? Astrology.
[21:53] Sxxxxx Nxxxxxxxx: Olive
[21:53] Nxxxxxxxxxx Sxxx: Exile
[21:53] txxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Wasabi
[21:53] xxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hotties
I couldn't find any hair store called Hotties, I looked.
[21:53] sxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: exile
[21:53] Emilly Orr: My big three are Truth, Astrology, and Wasabi Pills, with Oblivion and Calico for medieval styles.
[21:53] Sxxxxx Nxxxxxxxx: no.match
[21:54] kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: besom is good also
[21:54] Nxxxxxx Cxxxxxxx: I like eXxEsS :)
[21:54] Sxxxxx Fxxxxxxxx: magika, Shi, Monso, Tableau, Pheonix
Closest I could find for Shi, no idea if it's the right business.
[21:54] exxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Besome, Tram, Bonbon, Monso, barberyumyum, Taketomi, too many to list.
Do we think she meant DP Yumyum? Because that's what I put in.
[21:54] Nxxxxxx Cxxxxxxx: I like eXxEsS
[21:54] Sxxxxx Hxxxxx: Doe, Limerence, Sintiklia
[21:54] sxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: DOUX
[21:54] kxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: TRUTH
[21:54] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: No Match or Argrace
[21:54] Lxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: exxess is good too
[21:54] kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: A and A or Alli and Ali....Radex
I can't get behind Alli and Alli. She still mostly makes flexi hair, it's just not holding up. And Radex...well, they seem to be using some very old textures.
[21:54] Emilly Orr: She said besides Truth. :p
[21:54] Nxxxxxxxxxx Sxxx: and don't forget Argrace
[21:54] Lxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Argrace is nice
[21:54] gxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: exile
[21:54] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Dela ... I look at others and try demos, and always go back to Dela
[21:54] kxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: TRUTH
[21:54] Oxx Zxxx: Wasabi
[21:54] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Phoenix and Sintiklia
Around here was the point I decided that I really didn't need to link every hair store location every time they were mentioned. There were starting to be quite a few repeats.
[21:55] exxxxx Mxxxxx: navy and copper
[21:55] Axx Exxxx: argrace
[21:55] Emilly Orr: That is another one, though--Argrace has the ONLY decent wet hair on the market, for post-swim, during-swim, or shower events. :D
[21:55] Qxxxxxxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: argrace
[21:55] Kxxxxx Sxxxxx:
ELIKATIRA, doe, Wasabi Pills, Exile
[21:55] cxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Little Bones or Doux
[21:55] Nxxxxxxxxxx Sxxx: Navy+Copper have been doing some nice things too
[21:55] sxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx:
Analog Dog

[21:55] Gxxxxxxx Gxxxxx: Exile are good too
[21:55] cxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Doux is good or Little Bones
[21:55] Lxx Mxxxxxxx: you guys are the best thank you sorry for making the entire chat explode lol
It was interesting to see EVERYONE light up and start firing off their faves.
[21:55] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Foxy
[21:55] Oxx Zxxx: [taketomi]_, truth, magika, olive, exile, Alice project
[21:55] Axx Exxxx: tram wet hair is better than argrace's wet hair IMO
[21:55] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: all are good ones
[21:55] gxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Burley
[21:55] Cxxxxx Bxxxxxxx: barberyumyum
[21:56] Pxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Exile, lockandtuft and Little Bones are my personal faves
[21:56] Oxx Zxxx: yeah sorry [taketomi]_ is now Burly great hair!
[21:56] Emilly Orr: Haven't seem Tram's wet hair, so I'll go look.
[21:56] Emilly Orr: Yeah, and Alice Project is now Astrology. Both stores are still open, but the new stuph is now coming out of Astrology.
[21:57] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: really, didn't know that cool
[21:57] Lxx Mxxxxxxx: i learned about some new stores today thanks to you all haha thank you again! its really appreciated
I know I, at least, found a new place to check out. Here's to hoping this gives someone else at least one new place, too.
[21:57] mxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Olive is v. cute and still has their sale going. back back wall is 185 l and near the back wall is 100 o3o love their fatpacks.
[21:58] Lxx Mxxxxxxx: oh goodness i know i raided olive completely because of their sale haha!!!
[21:58] mxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: also they have a ton of lucky boards and a MM for a fatpack no group needed
[21:58] Lxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no.match has free hair just join group...whole bunch on second floor
[21:58] Lxx Mxxxxxxx: seriously for those that dont know, olive's sale on rn is amazing ;D recommended
[21:58] mxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Sometime i am going to break down and nuke their gacha machines. they got lots of cute disney gacha hair
[21:59] Lxx Mxxxxxxx: ooh yes i have one of the ariel hairs its really cute
I don't know when Olive's hair sale ends; I only know it's been on for a while. So if you really love Olive hair, get there! Otherwise, wander some of the new makers you may not have heard of.