
01 July, 2018

until we get it, forget it, let it all disappear

More Scenes from a few chats.
[11:09] axxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Is there a manger here?
I was so tempted to say "Not until December", but...I didn't. Go me.

In the meantime, a freebie group I'm in EXPLODED:
[10:46] dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok guys that are new check this out. 5 linden and you have a good start to not look like a noob. david male full avatar 5 linden
[name of the store which I'm omitting, because I'm not playing this game today]

Sold by: ling Serenity on marketplace
Now, this wasn't exactly a Marketplace link post, but as they explain later, they don't want even a mention of designers on MP, which is a further refinement of an existing policy.

The existing policy is still spelled out in their group bio:
NOT ALLOWED in chat:
Store ads/spam/self-promotion
3 lines MAX posts
MP & most outside links
Criticizing stores/gifts
Disco/Club/DJ ads
Land rental/sale
Most Adult sims/items
Car/motor-AO/Anims-Pay MM/LBs
RP: OOC only
Pls don't link your blog in chat
And these have been the rules since I've joined, and I've been in this group for a few years now.
[10:48] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: please do not post MP here?
[10:49] nxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [dxxx] this is not the first time you have posted a store not allowed
[10:54] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im confused why is this store not allowed and i dont see a mp link
[10:55] nxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no link but still promoting it
This has to be a fairly recent change, but again, as they explain below, there's a reason for it. There's a reason for all of their rules, and none are exceptionally hard to follow.
[10:55] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: people say .. check MP in this ground alll day long lol
[10:55] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: even you mods lol
[10:55] dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wait hold on
[10:55] nxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hang on on phone
[10:55] dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: what you talk about
[10:56] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: You can say : did you check MP but not name a store or designer. Why not? Because there is a lot of stolen and copybotted stuff on MP
And there it is. There is a lot of copyright-infringing product on the Marketplace, and I'm thinking this is the group trying to police that, to a certain extent, by not allowing mentions pointing to a specific designer on MP, as well as no MP links.
[10:57] dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: seriously [[rxxxx] come on do i look like a noob and does it need to be a kids garden here. you always are picking on the same people and not cause they all make the same mistakes all over
Seriously? That is such a weak complaint. None of the mods "pick on" people; they identify mistakes, they try to explain why they're against the rules, and then everyone moves on. Like you should.
[10:58] Cxxxxx Wxxxx: I can see that, seems every designer has some version of a wet dress now
Well, it's less that, which isn't direct copyright infringement, and more the actual digital acquisition of one designer's product by another designer for the express purpose of reselling as if it were their original product.
[10:58] dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you think i dont check stuff? lol check her blog
[blog omitted, because I'm not going to play this game]
[10:59] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: sorry? I just said please do not post MP here? and I am picking on you [Dxxx]? [10:59] nxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wtf [10:59] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: NO outside links either [11:00] dxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wow. [f*ck] this group. mods are picking on people. learn to moderate you [f*cks]

Way to escalate past the initial stupid into outright rude. You're not helping.
[11:00] nxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: please leave if you wish
[11:01] dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i wish for ... ..... .... .. ....... .
You can just spell it out, and not be a passive-aggressive baby about things.
[11:01] Kxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: yes,they can learn to moderate: you know like what they're doing when they tell people over and over not to do something that's actually listed in the rules you shouldn't do.
[11:02] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: The mods aren't picking on anyone, the rules have always been no outside links, including mp links
[11:02] Kxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: what more do you want them to do? kick you out of the group when you break a rule?
[11:02] Kxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: then you'll whine about how harsh they are over innocent mistakes
[11:02] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Er... I just logged in. Good morning?
[11:02] Kxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: hello!
Yeah, what a time to log into group.
[11:03] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Its listed in the group description, easily found
REAL easy, it's RIGHT THERE.
[11:03] zxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ~sits and watches while drinking some chai~
[11:03] dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: actually no there is a line between what woman post and guys post and who posts what cause not everybody gets the same treatment and some get vip treatment and some can do about everything. thats how things go
Actually, no, there is no line, everyone does get the same treatment, and the mods do all they can to keep things fair.
[11:03] Qxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hands [Cxxxxxx] a ring-side seating ticket..Good Morning..please have a seat and enjoy the fight. Today: scammers versus Mods. Hope you brought some popcorn
[11:03] nxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok if you wish to leave just leave
[11:04] Kxxx Lxxxxxxxxxxx: passes popcorn
[11:04] nxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: we had a peaceful group and we have rules
[11:04] dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: does porncorn work too joker?
Well, now you're just being stupid.
[11:04] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hey joker thats my popcorn
[11:04] zxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: corncorn?
[11:05] Kxxx Lxxxxxxxxxxx: smirks it tastes good especially when its someone elses
[11:05] Rxxx Bxxx: I volunteer to do the distasteful things that mods cant get their hands dirty doing
Nah, the mods are capable, they'll do it themselves.
[11:05] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: mutters
[11:05] Qxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: making coffee for everyone?
[11:05] Rxxx Bxxx: oh i can do that too!
[11:05] rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: thats just complete nonsense, we have one of the best groups on the grid, and the mods are very fair
They are. There are a lot of rules in this group. In other groups, there's only one or two. And most of the time, the mods manage enforcement without controversy. That's some skill, there.
[11:05] Rxxx Bxxx: trots off to the kitchen
[11:05] Qxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: holds out her mug
[11:05] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: LucyBody as a free group MM board with a mesh body here:
[again, not giving the links, not playing today]
[11:06] Kxxxxx Cxxxxx: raises hand I would like coffee but give me a shot or two of booze
[11:06] zxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ty [Rxxx]! i'll have a shot in my coffee too
[11:06] Rxxx Bxxx: gets the hypodermic ready
Oh, dear. I don't think that's what she meant.
[11:06] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: laughs
[11:06] Rxxx Bxxx: oh in the coffee
[11:06] Rxxx Bxxx: ok i can do that too
[11:07] Sxxxxx Sxxxxxxxx: the ban against MP web links is because there's been a spate of *fake* MP links in the past - where it actually steals your login credentials and takes all your lindens - hence the wholesale ban on MP links
[11:07] nxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: also we say look on mp, but [dxxx] post was one not allowed
Because it pointed to a specific designer and named the product on MP, I think.
[11:08] nxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: we dont like to ban but we only do it as last resort
[11:08] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: many groups i am in ban mp links and outside links
[11:08] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so is not jusat this group
[11:08] Cxxxxx Wxxxx: very true
[11:08] Sxxxxx Sxxxxxxxx: ^^^ safety reasons :)
[11:08] Cxxxxx Wxxxx: one of the adult groups i am in doesn't allow outside links
[11:09] zxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: many groups im in, not just clothing, hair...etc. do not allow outside links
It's becoming pretty common, because of the spate of fake links in the past.
[11:10] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Free Dove is having a mini hunt that includes 10 hair (m/w) and nails among other things. No group: [link omitted again]
[11:11] Kxxx Lxxxxxxxxxxx: is understandable as it is easy to accidentally click on suck a link
[11:11] Kxxx Lxxxxxxxxxxx: such even
[11:11] Sxxxxx Sxxxxxxxx: I wonder if LL are filtering the fake links now - since it's been at least 2 months since i've seen one
[11:11] kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol no comment [jxxxx]
[11:11] Sxxxxx Sxxxxxxxx doesn't test it
[11:15] Kxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: there's always a low activity time
[11:15] Kxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: maybe they made enough money for a while
Maybe. Or maybe they're just thinking up new scams.

There was some chatter about computers dying, and then this:
[11:23] nxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: btw last time we had a riot in group and not the member chat was closed
[11:23] nxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so please keep that in mind as its not nice
It wasn't. I was there for the last time. And it's the absolute last resort when things get badly out of hand. Considering this group pretty much solely exists to share links to Midnight Mania boards, lucky chairs and boards, free and dollarbie gifts, and store sales...being unable to chat within the group is harsh indeed.

Let's hope the rest of us stay civil enough that it doesn't happen again.