04 July, 2018

I get off where I need to, and with who I like, I'm not scared by that

I was pretty excited, hearing the rumors on fee reductions for land in Second Life, until I read through the actual post. The discount's only on full regions? And only 15%? Shame on you, LL. That won't help retention or new sales.

In the meantime, let's talk about Thad.

Thad isn't his name, of course. But this was the originator of the joke, and the character of Lord Master Sir Dominant Thaddeus the Obliviator, owner of ALL the belt buckles, with straps over the straps over the black leather everything that comprise's Thad's attire.

I mean, we've all met this guy, haven't we? Linebacker shoulders, long black hair--always long, and always black--deeply tanned skin, black leather jacket, black leather boots, black leather pants. Belts, gloves and boots studded within an inch of their lives. And the attitude is also familiar, isn't it? The type of man, the type of wannabe dom, who expects every female to kneel before his majesty, who will, in fact, open conversations with "Kneel, slut" before even saying hello.

Yeah, there's too many of this archetype on SL. Thankfully, there are good dominants out there, male, female and other, but far too often, most of them...are Thad.