[11:51] miamilu Resident: Hello LadiesSo, that was the announcement that started everything. I'm deliberately leaving her name in, because she is the store owner, and because she messaged me after this brief interchange.New Release
Complete outfits
2 New Gifts
Summer 49l$
limited time only
Corsica Island (123,130,2501)
JOINLe'La Store
[11:55] txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: that says 99 not 49It's a good point, sometimes the payback scripts don't work, or, they were just charging one Linden for the demo and Miss S didn't read the fine print.
[12:00] Emilly Orr: Well, that's false advertising, then.
[12:00] miamilu Resident: Ladies summer sale is at Landing point is a wall where it sais summer sale and there everything is 49 :)
[12:04] Emilly Orr: So what was [Hxxx] seeing then? Maybe walked past the sale wall into the store?
[12:04] miamilu Resident: probably
[12:04] miamilu Resident: and i didnt see you on land either, why you say is false ?
[12:05] Emilly Orr: I was responding to [Hxxx]'s comment. I didn't go, I have exactly one Linden this week, unless something happens.
[12:06] Sxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 1 linden? might aswell give that away to somebody who needs it.
[12:07] Emilly Orr grins
[12:07] Emilly Orr: Noooo, because sometimes, group gifts are pay 1, get it refunded.
[12:08] Sxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh yea you are right because i got screwed over last night at the adam and eve sim, it said free but kept my linden.
But then Miss Mia IMed me:
[12:03] miamilu Resident: Hi Emilly summer sale is at Landing point is a wall where it sais summer sale and there everything is 49 :), there is no false advertiseAll right, to be fair, it was a flippant comment on my part, I hadn't checked out whether Miss H was correct or not. I was simply assuming Miss H had it in the right.
[12:06] Emilly Orr: I understand. I am answering in group chat because I'm trying to make the point. If what I said is wrong, I'm happy to admit it.And if she's right, I am misleading potential buyers. It's an important point.
[12:06] miamilu Resident: your comment is missleading other buyers also, and unjustified, all i advertised is there
[12:07] miamilu Resident: ai am a serios personSo, I went to the store and looked around. RIGHT to the left of the main entrance, I mean, so close you'd have to be blind not to see it, is this:
[12:07] Emilly Orr: Right, which is why I'm trying to figure out what went wrong.
[12:08] miamilu Resident: ok but i think , first you should check and see whats false or true before assuming and type in chat what is true or false
[12:09] miamilu Resident: have to go to RL now , have a wonderful time , bye bye
[12:09] Emilly Orr: Thanks, you too!
That's her L$49 weekend promo board. Apparently she does this once a week, and it's not at all hidden. So no, it's not false advertising. So why did Miss H say it was?
The grid may never know, as Miss H never replied back.
(Editrix insert: Miss H is her display name, txxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx is the avatar to which I'm referring. Sometimes this does get confusing.)
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